8|Stop Ignoring Me

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'La ta'akul bi shimal Fa'inna Shaidan Ya'akulu bi shimal'
Do not eat with your left hand, For the Iblis (Devil) eats with his Left Hand. HADITH OF OUR RASUUL (SAW).

Surayya's POV
Ever since the Incident happened, I made sure I avoided him.
First, he tried talking to me but I turned Deaf ears, May be he got angry and ignored me but I've noticed How he had wanted us to make eye contact.
When ever he joins our conversation with either Aunty J or Ya Hanif , I keep mute for the rest of the talk. He badly wants to apologize but I wasn't giving him the chance to do so.

Aunty J came back Four Days ago while Ya Hanif came back from NIGER Two Days ago.

Aunty J kept pestering me to talk to Ya Salim cause even she has observed the uneasiness among us, Well, he is the one feeling Uncomfortable, as for me I'm super Comfortable, Is it not My Father's House.

I took the plate and cup I ate Breakfast with and headed to the kitchen, there I saw Barirah with her phone on her ear,probably talking with her Boyfriend.

If it was someone that told me that this Dating of a thing will one day stop lingering me, I won't have believed. I have promised to stop Dating unnecessarily, If Iknow I don't have any intention of getting into a serious relationship with you, then I won't even waste my time or play arround with you like a toy, that is very bad and I've realised my mistake.

I wasn't actually doing it out of wickedness, it was just a stage in life and Alhamdulillah I've passed that point.

I kept the plate and went back to the parlour to meet Aunty J so that we'll continue out gist.

She was telling me about there wedding Day, How nervous she felt, The Happiness, The Tears She Shed and much more.

"Yusrah's Engagement is on the 25th of this month, hope you know?" Aunty J asked.

"Oh yes She told me but I'll be having my practical class on that day so I won't be arround, atleast is not the wedding" I Said.

"Ya Allah, That girl has no shame, you mean she told you her self?" Aunty J asked amused.

"Why not?, I don't see anything wrong in what she did" I defended the Soon to be Bride.

"I didn't say mine, It was my Sister's Job" She said shaking her head. "Well, you know everyone have there opinion, I'm happy very happy for the girl" I Said.

"Yeah I heard that she's in her 200 level" Aunty J Said and coughed weekly, I passed her The Water by her side so she could drink. "Yes, she's an International Relationship Student in BUK" I informed her.
"That's good, May Allah bless there union" Aunty J prayed.

"Ameen, You know we all look at things from different perspectives, Some prefer to Marry before entering Higher Institution, While Some Will wait till they start just like Yusrah, Others will prefare to wait till after they Graduate, It's a matter of time, We should just know how to use it wisely" I said and Aunty J nodded her head in agreement. "You're wright, I met your Brother during my NYSC" she said smiling.

I pray that He takes care of her, I also pray that all the Women in this World find a good Husband, a religious one to be precise.

A woman should be careful of the Man she chooses to be her life partner because it'll reflect in every single part of her, That's probably because of the authority he has on her, The moment she gets married to him then he becomes the most important part of her life.

"Surayya!" Aunty J called me.
"Na'am" I answered. "I said you should quit the malice between you and Salim, I don't know you to be rude, why the sudden change in attitude?" she queried.I also don't know, I'm just tired of everything.

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