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Good morning Second Fam 🌄🌅

Third Person's POV

   She was sitting quietly by the far end of the room looking at the space with tears rushing down from her eyes, she looked ill and you could easily say that something was wrong somewhere. While everywhere is silent, she will block her ears with her two palms, they said her situation is abnormal but her close one's believe is just a trauma.

  Someone pushed the door and came in with a plate of food, "Auta" he called, she didn't give him a glance, usually she will just look at him, "Here is your breakfast, how are you feeling now?" He tried touching her hair but she pulled back.

    "Okay, okay, just make sure you eat your food, the maid will bring your Tea now, I Love you" he pecked her forehead and went out.

    "Get Surayya her Tea" Hanif ordered the first maid he came across, "Okay Sir" she bowed a little and went to the kitchen to make it. They put her medicine into the Tea since she won't take it just by itself.

    She knocked at the door and came in, "Aunty Surayya your tea is ready" the girl said moving closer, "Please Ma, drink you tea" the girl said trying to keep it before Surayya.

       She poured it on the girl's hand making her to shout and wince in pain, The girl stood up to run but She grabbed her hair and hit her with the wall. "Help!help!" The girl shouted.

   Hanif who heard her rushed back surprised of what he saw, Surayya has never done this, to hit a Person, she's worst than before then, they need to do something about this before his Sister becomes a Mad Woman.

  All this while it was just tears rolling down from her eyes, he came close and hugged her, "Surayya calm down okay" he tapped her back.

     "Stay in the room, I'll bring Maami for you" he said and she nodded her head, She loves seeing Maami close to her.

    An Hour later, Maami was with her daughter reciting Al-Qur'an into her ear, she had noticed that this gives her poor girl rest of mind. Manal and Amal were also there beside them, they were both in tears seeing their favorite cousin in this situation.

   "Maami can we talk to her alone?" Manal asked, Maami was not sure wether to leave them with her, Hanif told her what happened earlier.

   "Maami please" Manal pleaded, "Okay, you girls take care" she said and went out of the room.

   "Surayya?" Manal called.
"My name is Manal and I'm your favorite cousin" Manal grinned, "No, she's lying I'm your favorite and best cousin, remember?, My name is Amal" Amal grinned eying Manal.

   She looked at them and then smiled, they were all amused and happy, "Let's tell you a story, a very interesting but sad one" Amal smiled.

    "There is this couple named Surayya and Salim, do you know them?" Amal asked, she kept silent just looking at them, "They love each other so much, So one day, they had a problem and Surayya left Salim, but she didn't do it intentionally" Manal said.

   "Salim has been crying since then" Manal sniffed, "But why?" She asked in a low voice. "Cause he pities his wife and he thinks is all his fault" Amal pouted.

  "We hope that very soon everything will be back to normal for them" Manal Chuckled.

   "Bye, we will come back later to check on you, we love you" They both said and pecked her cheeks. They told Maami about it and she was very happy, she said they are like Surayya's Therapists, they should keep it up.


     "His Mom is worried  wallah, she was begging me to bring you guys along so we could talk to him" Hanif sighed. "I'm disappointed in Salim, I never expected this from him, never" Sageer said.

   "We are his friends and we should advice him not find fault in him, he loves this woman so much, if you look at it from a different dimension, it's not his fault" Kamal said.

  "Let's go in guys, remember we are here to make him realise his mistake" Hanif said and they went in. They heard a voice reciting Al-Qur'an and they were all shocked.

  "Salim?" Sageer called, "What an August visit Guys" he sounds amazed. "You're reading Al-Qur'an?" Kamal grinned.

   "Yes, You think all Salim knows how to do now is to drink right?" He said looking at them.

  "No, haba that's not what we meant" Hanif hit his shoulder lightly. "Okay" He said nonchalant. "So what brings you guys here?" He asked closing the Holy Book.

     "Salim, Ummi asked us to come talk to you. What suddenly happened to you?,Those days in school you were the one who always tell us to have faith and trust Allah, even when I lost my Father, you were there for me you supported me, how do you expect us to be happy seeing you in this kind of situation, Salim please Change, stop drinking, you know better than us that Alcohol can not solve any problem in this Dunya" Kamal said.

   "If Surayya recovers and hears how you've been living for the past two months, it will hurt her and she wouldn't be happy with you and you know that right?, Please quit this new immoral behavior" Hanif said.

   "Yes Buddy, I know you're not doing it intentionally, but keep in mind that all this will be history one day, I believe in you. please forgive your  Mom, we know she has wronged you  but the Elderly Woman had realized her mistake. We are not happy seeing you this way, We are begging you as your friends to turn a new leaf" Sageer added.

    "I am not happy with my present situation too, I was doing it to make Ummi realise how Important Surayya is to me, she knows how much I hate Alcohol" he sniffed.

   "It won't happen again Insha Allah, I'm sorry guys thanks for your love and support" he hugged them crying. Hanif tapped his back lightly.

     "Who are you thanking Salim?, See this Lover Boy" Kamal teased. "Salim na Surayya" Sageer laughed. "Shut up" Salim chuckled.

  He felt pain in his Stomach making him to wince a little, "What is it?" They asked, he tried talking but he couldn't.

  He held his Stomach and crouched down, he was vomiting blood."Salim!!" they all shouted his name at the same time.


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