Fi Amanillah💘

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بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

My special Thanks and Appreciation goes to Allah SWA, without whose approval nothing can be accomplished. Ya Allah thank you for everything, if by any chance during the course of reading or writing this book something wrong has been did unknowingly Ya Allah please forgive us. Ya Allah bless my Readers and Grant them their wishes.

To my Beautiful Readers I really appreciate it, without you guys this wouldn't have been possible and it aches my heart to say goodbye to you, But I hope that when I start another book you'll read it too, I Love you guys beyond your expectations.

To those who shared this book,Thank you guys, may Allah reward you

To Those who voted on all the chapters, believe me I know you guys, and I really appreciate, May God bless you and your entire house hold

To those who never failed to comment in every chapter, I Love you guys, May God bless you.

To those who are always there to read when ever I update, you don't know how much you mean To aishatu.

May God forgive your known and unknown sins, I Love you guys.

Though my book isn't good enough, You took my book into your arms and supported me, there were moments I think of Giving up, but I always remind myself that some one out there is reading this book, even if it's just one person he/she deserves to know the ending.

This book needs major editing so my friend Hauwa Lawal who also gave this book the Title Destiny Of A Love Marriage is my editor and she'd do it very soon, she's my bestie, and a sister to me.

Thanks to those that were here since from the begging of this book, I Love you guys and I actually know you guys, May Allah bless you, they know theirselves💘.

My special Dedication goes to all my Readers❤️.

My Parents May Allah bless you and Grant you Jannatul Firdaus, You're the Most special people in my Life and I pray that Allah let me repay you even an ounce of what you've done for me and my siblings and are still doing😭❤️.

  I Decided to round up this book today been my Brother's Birthday, April 22nd, his name is Muhammad, please put him in your prayers🥰🌺. Another reason is because of Ramadan, it's Friday or Saturday I think, we are meant to put more effort in our Ibadah so I rest my case before it, رمضان يجمعنا⁦❤️⁩.

Thank you Soo much guys for giving a crazy person like me a chance😭😘and I hope you'll read my next book too, I'll let you know when I start it,

May he THE MOST GRACIOUS Grant you the happiness of this Dunya WalAkhira🍃.

I Aishatu Humairah started this book on Sep15 2019 and completed it on April22 2020.

My Rights to be identified as the Author of this work has been asserted by me in accordance with the copyright laws. Therefore no part of this publication may be reproduced without permission in written form Aishatu Humairah.

Copyright ©2020 aishatu humairah.

I will miss you all🏵️❤️May Allah bless you, Ameen🙏🌺.

Fi Amanillah🌺


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2021 ⏰

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