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This chapter is in honour of: atin38 KhalycertKharleel Leemarh_bulama
marysalysu Shatuu_u u kturaki Zarah343 AishaUmar953 momohjimohzuweilani naffy_musa tameeta juwairiyyatu safawu and all my readers💘, doesn't matter if i don't mention your name, I notice every single one of you and I really appreciate it😊💓Shukran❤.

......happy reading☺😘

Surayya's POV

Days turn into weeks, weeks into months, months into a year, We have been in a relationship with Ya Salim for almost a year now, Alhamdulillah he has been nothing but good and Wonderful to me.

I have this feeling that he'll make a Good husband and I'll get more than this when we get married, Insha Allah. So many things have happened, some of include , there Ya Salim moving back to Nigeria completely, Ya Salim finishing his service, Fast recovery of Aunty J, My honey ranked the Fifth best in Africa and so many good things.

Today is Saturday, so I'm lying on my bed doing nothing in particular, Just Scrolling through Tik tok,Idleness drifted my mind to Shopping so I thought I should contact Ya Salim and ask if he is at home.

I called him and he told me he'll be on his way, "Thank you!, You're the best" I said and cut the call.

I took a quick bath and wore my Abaya, I rubbed my powder and lined my eyes with my khol, I put my Fav and also Ya Salim's favorite Lipstick, he says pink colour fits me and I think he is right.

I sprayed my perfume and put in my shoes, I headed downstairs and met Abba and Ya Hanif discussing about work as usual, "Ina Kwana Abba(Good morning Dad)" I greeted.
"Lafia Auta" he answered.

"Good morning Mr.Lover Boy" I greeted Ya Hanif, "Morning Gurl, how was your night?" He answered not minding what I called him In front of Abba.

"Abba, I'm going...we are going out with Ya Salim" I said and cast my head down, "Where are you going to?" He asked as if trying to study my face, "He said I should escort him for shopping" Don't blame me, I can't tell Abba I asked him to escort me, No.

"Best friend Snatcher" Ya Hanif said and eyed me, I smiled and winked at him, "Okay, just make sure you get back soon, Take care" He said and I hugged him, "Thanks Abba" I said and headed out smiling mischievously at Ya Hanif.

I waited for some minutes and he later arrived, "How long have you been standing outside" he asked opening the Door for me, "Just a while" I said.

"Good Morning" I greeted, "Morning Habibti, how are you doing?"he asked fixing his Saet belt, Ya Salim is a very Conscience person when it comes to Driving, "I'm doing good and yourself?"
"Alhamdulillah, so where are we heading to?" He asked.

"Sahad Store" I said and he nodded his head, "Seems you now know Abuja more than me now" I said, "Of course" he said and we both laughed.

I played the Qira'ah of Abdu-Rahman As-Sudays and we both listened to it, I normally listen to Music while driving but Ya Salim came and changed everything for me, I hardly listen to music this days, Is not easy but I'm trying my best.

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