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This chapie is dedicated to; _hafsaty darkskin_soul__ marysalysu and all those who don't forget to vote💮I Love you all, like I Said earlier, your support is highly appreciated🌸.

....happy reading 🍵😊

Salim's POV

Suraaya called and asked me to take her shopping and without giving it a second thought I agreed, Forgetting that I was suppose to go on an errand for Mom.

We were shopping and having a nice time when Mom's call came in and at that moment I kppnew I was in for it. "Where are you?" She asked disappointment noted in her voice, "Sorry Ummi, I'm on my way home now" I said and cut the call. I wanted to drop her off but she insisted I go home since Mom was waiting for me.

I arrived home and Met Mom and Khaulat Gisting, I can call them best of friends now, Her Family live in England but she insisted on living here with us and that's because she has the support of her Family and Mom. "Sorry Ummi, I went to..."

"You went to Meet her, is that not your Excuse?" she cut me, I looked at her with a confused face, "Ummi I'm sorry, Wallahi Na manta ne" I defended my self, "Salim you forgot?, Because of a Woman today you forgot about me, ko?, Since when have you been hanging out with her?" She asked.

"Almost a year now" I said, "Kingani ko Ummi, wallahi He doesn't Love me" Khaulat sobbed, "Salim Ka fita a Ido na, Suraaya is not a good girl, She's just like her Mom, Baza ta iya zaman aure ba, I don't even like the Girl, and you know that but since you don't listen to me now, you went ahead dating that prostitute!" she yelled, "Haba Ummi, she's not a prostitute" I said almost pissed off, why will Mom calk her that, She is mistaking, the one who should be called a prostitute is right beside her.

"I don't like that girl and that is final, I will never accept her as my Daughter In-law, Yarinyar da Bata da Tarbiya, Inaa bazai yuwu ba!" she shouted on top of her voice, "Ummi please try to understand, I Love her, She's a good girl, you just need to like her a little to see the good in her" I pleaded.

"You've changed, you've really changed, Sanin kanka ne cewa bana son ta da iyayen ta but you still went ahead and Startes Dating her, I don't like them, That prostitute will never be my Daughter In-law" She said.

"Ummi please" I said almost in the verge of Tears.
"Wuce ka bani Guri" she said in a Low but dangerous voice.

I went up to my room and threw my self on the Couch. Ummi is trying to complicate things for me, I Love her with all my heart, My Love for her is for the sake of Allah and I wish to make it a Halal one, By the Grace of Allah.

Ummi is wright, I have changed but from Good to better, Ummi has a special place that no one can compete with in my heart yet she still doesn't understand. Suraaya is a Very nice woman and I'm sure she will Love and Respect my Family.

She is the Chosen one in my Heart, I can't leave without her, She is my Noorul-Qalb, the one who lighten my Heart and give me joy. I closed my eyes and remembered what transpired between us earlier, The way she smiles and giggles, how excited she looked when I showed her a Nice bracelet.

"Leem" I heard her voice, she disgust me and she knows that but she just wont let me be, "Khaulat Go out before I loose my Temper" I said.

"Lemme mom just want the best for you" she said sitting beside me, "And you think you are the best, Suraaya is much more better than you in all aspects, So don't even try to compare yourself with her, Now get out!" I yelled. "Mcheaew" she hissed.

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