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Third person's POV

   "We are done, but please don't ruin the make up with tears again" The make up artist teased Surayya after re-touching the make up. She has been sobbing  "Amarya kin sha qamshi!" Zee said to her making her smile a little.

     The knot will be tied immediatetlly after Salatul-Juma'a in the Mosque where Her Uncle is an Imam, as a result, most of the family's wedding happen there. She stood up and prayed Salatul-Zuhr and in her mind, she prayed for there union, she asked Allah to put Barakah in their Life and bless them with Kids that will follow the path of righteousness.

     She felt a tear slip from her eye and she immediately wiped it away with her thumbs and smiled. She watched her friends put their make up and gist. "Ina Amaryar?(Where is the Bride?)" A Woman in her late forties asked when she came into the rooom.

    "You can't see her now" The Girls said and circled Surayya. "Yan Mata you should let me see her, I won't be around after the Nikah because I have something important to attend to and less you don't know, I am the Groom's Aunt" She explained to them and the let her see the Bride.

   Though they wondered why she couldn't wait for the Bride to be officially taken to them as a Daughter In-law, they let that to slide and Manal played a Music for them. "Amarya come and Dance ooo, Your last chance as a Maiden" Manal said swaying her butt and enjoying the sound the song was producing.

    "No,you Girls should Go ahead, I don't feel like Dancing" Surayya huffed.
    "Wait, Is this an  Arranged marriage or is someone forcing you, abeg come and Dance jhoor" Bilkisu dragged Surayya to her feet. "I can relate Dear, You feel your heart rate running in marathon" Bilkisu whispered to her ears and they both laughed. Exactly how I am feeling, She thought.

      She moved in slow steps but later got into the mood and started Dancing and Shaking all her Assets. She recalled all her Dancing skills and made sure she displaced them prefectly, She was enjoying it when she heard The Women's yodelling outside the room and that moment she knew what was next to meet her ear. "Someone sent you a message" Amal said with a Soft voice.

   Everyone in the room is now excited and they are all waiting to hear the good news. She saw Ya Salim's message and when she opened it, she saw a video and a short note.

   'Alhamdulillah, You are now officially mine, Salim's alone. words can't describe how happy and overwhelmed I am feeling.Hayatie the knot has been tied, May Allah bless our union'

   She played the video and saw that he actually cut the part where the Iman officially identified them as Husband and Wife, The feeling was mutual, she felt very happy. She could hear her heart beat as if it was going to burst.

  That moment,She knew that everything has changed, That she is now a Married woman and she has a Husaband to take care of, That she won't sleep in her Father's house today, That she will now be identified as someone's. "Today is the Happiest Day of your life Darling,I am Happy for you" Aunty J said and hugged her.

      The knot has been tied and every body is enjoying his/her self. Today is not just the Day she got wedded, It is also the Day he became her Garment and she became his. The Long awaited Day, Her Dream had come true,Alhamdulillah.

        The Groom and his friend came a few hours later to take pictures. Her make up was done again and she changed into another Dress she took the set of Gold Jewelry she promised him to put and gave it to Halimah to help her fix the Necklace.

    The Bride and The Bridesmaids joined the Grooms in the Hall and the photographer began his work. Salim wanted to have a full view of her face but the veil covered half of her face. The photographer demanded to take a picture of the couple alone.

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