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    Salim's POV

    I paced back and forth in front of the Labour Room, cleaning the sweat that forms on my forehead from time to time. I'm scared for my Wife and my Babies, they have been inside the Labour room for Four hours now, Ya Allah.

      Ummi,Hanif and Jamila are also here. Maami calls from time to time to ask if she has conceived. "Salim calm down, Have a Sit please" Ummi said, "Ummi I'm scared" I sniffed.

   "It's normal for a First Timer, Just pray for them, Okay" She added and I nodded my head. I can remember how she cried and yelled of pain on our way to the Hospital.

    "Where is the Husband?" A Nurse asked, "He's here" Hanif gestured at me. "Your wife wants to speak with you" she said. I followed her into the Labour room and Hayatee's situation crashed my heart.

  "Ya Salim" she cried, "Yes Hayatee, you can do it" I held her left hand, "I'm going to die, I can feel it" she cried, "Don't talk like that Hayatee" I encouraged her. "I can't do it Habiby I can't, please even if I don't make it, take care of my children and don't let them suffer in life, please" she cried.

  What she said made me scared and I looked at the Doctor with fear, "She can't give birth to them her self, The Babies are upside down, She's loosing blood, and the Babies are becoming weak too" She said. "Just do anything possible to save my Wife, please" I pleaded.

    "We'll have to undergo an operation" The Second Doctor said, "Okay" I replied. They gave me a paper to sign and they moved her to the theater room.

    "She has to undergo a CS" I informed Ummi and Hanif, "It will go well Insha Allah" they smiled, "Okay let me go in, I have to be there for my wife" I smiled back.

     "Nothing will happen to our Babies right?" She asked. "Yes Hayatee nothing will happen to the Three of you, I'm here" I whispered.

   She was injected an anesthesia and the scalpel was placed on the bump for cut. Baby one was out in the next five minutes, it's a boy, Masha Allah. I looked at My Angel and smiled, though she can't move or feel anything.

   The next Baby was also removed, it's a Baby girl, Ya Allah what a blessing, Both a Boy and a Girl, them followed by the placenta. Can't wait for Hayatee to wake up and see the Apple of her eye.

   The Baby boy didn't cry loud but My Cute little angel cried so much making her Momma to open her eyes. I nodded my head and smiled at her.

    I smiled and placed a kiss on her forehead, she looks pale but still beautiful, Thanks Dear Wifey Allahu Yubarik. The Nurse came in with the Babies, I quickly stood up and tried taking them from her. "Wait, you have to be careful" Ummi chuckled.

      She gave me the Baby girl and took the Baby Boy, "Barin dauki Mai gida na tukunna(let me carry my Husband first" She smiled.

    I can remember my Grandma, A very beautiful Woman, she use to call me her Husband too, May her Soul rest in peace. My Baby Girl looks pretty just like her Mom, Allahu Yubarik Fadimatu-Zahra, My Little Nana Fadima May Allah bless your Life. I said the Adhzan in her ear and placed her on my shoulders.

    "Here is the Baby Boy, give Jamila the Little princess" Ummi said, "No I want to hold them both" I pouted, "Give her the Baby my friend" Ummi scolded. "Ummi don't mind him, he's doing Shakara with them" Jamila teased.

   I ignored their teasing and handed her over to her, "Daddy's Boy" I whispered and he smiled at me, he smiled!, So cute. I recited the Adhzan In his ear and kissed his forehead.

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