12|Journey to Success

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Surayya's POV

I watched Darkness disappear from the Sky revealing a beautiful morning, a beautiful feeling, and a Confused me getting dressed up. I won't say I don't like the feeling my heart is beginning to have for Ya Salim, I won't call it Infatuation because I can differentiate between the two; Love or Infatuation.

I'm afraid to fall in love with the wrong person, What if he doesn't have feelings for me, I would try to get rid of the thought just like Zainab said.

He is different from other Men, I guess that's why I like him, We became very close even now that he is doing his National Youth Service in Kaduna, we call each other almost every day but I don't know why he stopped calling or answering my calls just recently.
I had to send him a message reminding him that he promised to attend my Company's opening ceremony and it took him almost forever to reply with a 'yes'.

"Tell me, have you arrived at a decision?" Halimah asked raising her brows, "What?" I asked back feigning ignorance. "Stop pretending Surayya, you know what I'm talking about" she said tying her Turban. "I'm not sure if this is love but I'll..."

"You'll try to forget about him?, Is that what you want to say, Just stay calm okay, I'll make sure I Observe him when he comes today, There must be a reason behind his silence or maybe who knows, he is also Confused" She said with a smirk.

"Bad girl!" I said and threw a pillow at her but she shifted and it landed on Zee, "Oouch...you girls should respect yourselves" she said and we both laughed.

"So how do I look?" I asked the girls.
"You look Stunning and Beautiful" Halimah said while Zee just winked at me, Silly girl. I was wearing a beautiful free and Flawless Gown with a Black Turban and a High heel.
"Ok Girls, let's get going" Zee said.

We Ambled downstairs and went straight to the parking lot, I called the Driver and off we go!.

I wish to become a Successful Business woman and Alhmadulillah my Dreams are coming true. I'm going to Open my Bee Company which I named with Real Mel.

We arrived there on time and the program begined, Zainab was the M.C, she started with Greetings and after that I Introduced my Product Real Mel Honey, using a projector I explained to them How I Developed interest in Apiculture and Where I learnt it from.

After that I briefly told them how we make our 100% honey, The Facilities we use, our method of Packaging, What makes our products different from others, The Health Benefits, and the Price of each bottle.

"..Real Mel Honey can be used in Baking, and the good part of it is that it's sweetness is 100% genuine, Instead of using Sugar for your Tea use Real Mel Honey, Where are the Ladies here, Do you also know you can use Real Mel Honey for your skin care, to exfoliate your skin, for your face mask, and so much more. Try our products and we promise you'll like it, you can buy it from the nearest Store to you or just simply order for it online in our website, Real Mel Honey, 100% Guaranteed product with affordable price, Do hope you like our product, Thank you". I completed my speech and everyone gave a round of applause.

The Doctor we invited came over and started with his speech on Diseases honey can cure and it's health benefits, After that an Islamic Female Teacher also gave her speech which included the Good History Honey has in Islam, etc.

Many entertaining Lectures we're given and after that we officially opened the Company but not without praying and asking almighty Allah to guide us and put Barakah in the Business, I want to be the best producer of Honey in Nigeria.

Refreshments together with a bottle of Real Mel Honey were given to the Guest, I started going round to ask the visitors how they are doing, I talk with them and those who I know we gist a little.

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