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  Third Person's POV

Four Days Later

   Surayya woke up from sleep feeling a slight headache, "I'm in my Room" she chuckled standing up from the bed. She went into the bathroom, freshened up and sashayed downstairs a bit confused of why she was here.

    A memory hit her brain making her to gasp, the last thing she remember was when Salim told her about the baby, that they lost the Baby. She touched her stomach and felt a drop of tear from her eyes, but why was she here, is there any occasion.

     "Surayya?" Jamila called amused, She was happy hoping that finally Her Sister in-law has recovered. "Yes, Aunty J, good morning" She smiled widely, it's been long since she saw this beautiful face smiling.

   "Where is Abba and Ya Hanif, I'm hungry" She chuckled taking a sit in the dining, "They are...Hanif is not here and Abba is still sleeping" Jamila smiled.

   "Why are you looking at me like this?" Surayya chuckled, "Surayya kin warke!" Aunty J yelled and hugged her tightly.

   "Was I sick?" She asked, "You mean you can't remember anything, Girl you've been here for two months now" Aunty J said but immediately regretted it.

  "Two months?, What of Ya Salim?, Where is he?" She asked shocked, "I asked you a question, tell me, I can't remember anything or why I'm here, all I know is that we lost our Baby, did Ya Salim bring me back home?" She cried.

   "No Surie calm down, I'll tell you everything, but for now let me call Hanif and tell him" Jamila squealed, she was very happy to say this news.

       "My Love guess what?" Jamila Chuckled, "What?" He asked wondering why she sounds so happy.

    "Surayya Has recovered my Love!" She squealed, "Wallahi I'm serious, here she is talk with her" She handed the phone to a confused Surayya.

"Was I in a comma all this while?" She asked, "No you were not" Hanif heard her so he answered, "Then why are you guys so happy?" She asked still confused.

    "We'll talk about that later, give the phone to Sweetheart" Hanif said.

  "Sweetheart, are you there?" He asked, "Yes, I'm listening" she said, "Since she can't recall anything, let it be for now" he said, "but she's asking?" She protested.

   "She may still be unstable, just do as I said, I'll come home and check on her" he said and they ended the call.

  She tried persuading Aunty J to tell her what really happened to her but she ended up with a severe headache.
"I told you to let it be, but you won't listen, let me take you to your room" she helped her go up to her room and Immediately she fell asleep.

    That's how it has been since the last four days, she will sleep for hours without waking up, Aunty J called Maami and told her, she was beyond happy. She wanted to talk with her Daughter, and hear her voice but she was asleep.

     On the other Side, Salim is almost running crazy, as Hanif said. He insisted on going home cause he knows his wife must have asked of him but Hanif won't listen to him.

   "You've not yet fully recovered and you're talking about  going home" Hanif eyed him. "Guy wether you like it or not, I must go home and see my wife today, do you know for how long I've been waiting for this day to come" he chuckled. He can't wait to have her in his arms, so he can sincerely apologise.

    "Surayya has recovered, we won't hear a word again, for the past one hour you've been talking about Surayya, Abeg let me hear word" Hanif rolled his eyes though deep inside he was very happy that his Sister has recovered.

    "You wouldn't understand" Salim smiled, Hanif just stare at him, is this not the Sick Salim they brought to the hospital, Alhamddulillah, he muttered under his breath. Salim went into the bathroom and performed ablution, he prayed two Raka'ahs and thanked Allah for making his Dearest wife recover, for granting her Shif'a, he alone deserves to be praised, the King of all Kings, Lord of the Jinn and Mankind, The healer of all kinds of Afflictions.

   "Assalamu Alaikum"
"Wa'alaikumu Salam" They answered, it was Dad. Salim ran to him and hugged him. "Dad Surayya has recovered" he chuckled, "I know Son, All praises be to Allah, lets thank him"

  Dad said and they both raised their hands while Dad uttered a Du'a and they all said Ameen.

   "Son ka warke kenan" Dad teased his Son, "Yes Dad, I want to be discharged today" he chuckled. "The Doctor said you should be a bit more patient, maybe next tomorrow" Dad said, "Okay" he simply said.

    "What of Ummi?" He asked, "She's at home" Dad said, he had been asking him but he keeps telling him she's at home."I know everything Dad" he said, "Ummi hate me she's not my Mother" Salim said nonchalantly.

   "I wish I could change her" he cried, it hurt him so badly that his Mother committed Shirk, she associated Allah with something else, and for the purpose of ruining his Wife's life, this alone is enough to make him hate her, but he just can't.

   "Sabr Son, patience, please don't stress yourself" Dad consoled.

  "Why hasn't she visited me?" He asked, "Caused I aksed her not to, I don't want her close to you for now, let's make her realize her mistake, right?" Dad said and Salim smiled.

   Salim texted his PA and asked him to do some offerings in the Masjids and Orphanage.

Alhaji Ahmad's House🌌🌌

   She woke up feeling a bit tired and scared, she now remember how weird she behaved, the Animals that scare her off, how she couldn't express her self, and how bad she behaved with her husband, but why? She kept asking her self.

   Did he eventually get tired of her and brought her back home, she wiped away the tears brimming in her eyes and went downstairs to the Maid's side, Since Aunty J wouldn't tell her the truth she would ask the maids, she's sure they know everything that has been happening.

   "Barirah?" Surayya called, "Ma?" She stuttered

    "I want to talk with you" she simply said, "Ma..I....I..e..wasn..Aunty Jamila sent for me" She stammered, she was shaking, "Okay, Go" she said.

   'Why is she behaving weird' Surayya wondered. She went into their block and met Hanifa sewing something. "Hanifa" Surayya called, "Aunty Surayya" Hanifa chuckled.

  "Please have a sit" she cleared the clothes on the bed and Dusted it, "Or should we go out?" she asked, "No, it's okay, let's talk here" She smiled and sat down.

  "Hanifa what happened to me?, Aunty J said I've been here for more than two months, why?, Did I have a fight with my Husband, please tell me, Why?" Surayya held her hand.


   25 minutes later Surayya came back to the Main house crying so hard, Hanifah told her everything, Including Ummi's charm on her. "Surayya what is it?" Aunty J asked scared, "Why did you hide it from me?" She cried, "Surie calm down please" Aunty J hugged her and moved them to a nearby sofa, she was still crying. "I want see my Husband" She sniffed.

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