27|My Wife is The Best

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Salim's POV

   My wife is the Best,She is a blessing indeed and the best thing that has ever happened to me. If I knew this is what Marriage entails or how Good of a Wife Suraaya is,then I will have married her since.

    She is a Gift every man will wish for to be offered as a present. I Love her so much and I can't even imagine life without her. I appreciate all the nights we've had and the ones coming soon,She is sweeter than a Honey it self,and she offered me the feeling no woman can ever give to me.

    I Love and respect her,and not to mention how Hot she is and How she makes me forget who I am. Words can't explain how Happy I am,The spiritual peace of mind that increased,The New found love I have for her and how crazy she Drives me. I don't mind sitting all Day watching her,That is what I've been doing for the Past One week anyways.

With all the Kisses,laughs,hugs,gists,and Blissful moments we've shared,I must say I am impressed. Though she had been very shy we still derived joy spending time with each other.

     "Hayatie,you are the Hottest" I complemented as we exited the bathroom. She had a short towel on her and the water dripping from her wet hair and the one already on her Body is driving me Nut. "Won't you say anything?" I asked holding her tight. "Thanks" she said shyly.

     "Okay,keep shying away" I teased and she chuckled moving to the Dresser. "I am not shy" she rolled her eyes,This is the Suraaya I want and she is gradually coming back. Who would have thought that Surayya can spend hours without Gisting non-stop and disturbing your ear drums.

    "Okay,I believe you,now let me just do this" I grabbed the Hair Dryer and began drying her Black long hair making it to fly around lovingly. "I Love your Hair" I scent it. "It's yours" she said applying cream to her body. "I know. It's mine,mine alone"
"Yours alone" she reassured and I smiled kissing her neck.
  After Dressing up we went to the Garden at the Backyard and Suraaya began exploring all the flowers telling me their names. I watched as she touched every one and say their names,This Woman is the most adorable Woman my eyes have ever seen,I can't leave without her,Jokes apart.
    "How do you manage to know their names?" I asked, "One of my Uncles is a Horticulturist,so I learnt must of their names from him?, Uncle Bashir,you remember him?" She asked. "Of course I do. Now let's go inside,our Ice cream is here" I said and held her hand.
     "What of the flowers?" She pouted, "The flowers can wait Hayatie. You don't like melted ice cream,so let's go before it melts"I kissed her lips lightly. "No,I mean who will keep them company,look they look lonely" she pouted. She looked serious. "Touching and adoring them means keeping them company" I laughed. "Yes Habiby. Let's take the ice cream here" She looked too cute to be denied.

   "Okay,let me go get it" I rushed into the house and came back with the big cup of Vanila Flavour Ice cream. "Awwnn. My Handsome Man" she whined making me to laugh. "I Love you for who you are Hayatie.Now my Crazy and talkative Cutie is back" I said and she chuckled happily.

     She licked the Ice cream like a Hungry kid while I just looked at her admiring Her Cute face,Her pointed Nose,her cute lips,her innocent Big eyes,and to top it all her Clean heart.

    "Why are you staring, don't you like the Ice cream?" she asked. "I just want to stare at you licking like a Kid" I smiled. "I'm also full" she dropped it and laid her head on my laps.

       "I miss Aunty J so much" she said. "Don't worry,I'll ask Hanif to bring her over" I played with her Hair. "She wants to come but Ya Hanif wouldn't let her come,he said It's too early for her to start visiting"

     "I'll talk to him,Okay" I Said. "Really?" Her face lit up. "Yes" I said and she sat up on my laps laughing happily. "Thanks Habiby,I Love you" she kissed and I kissed back.

     It was getting dip and more passionate when my phone rang and interrupted us. "Shit!" I muttered under my breath and she laughed.

       "It's Ummi,let me pick it up" I said and she nodded holding my right arm. "Assalamu Alaikum Ummi" I salam-ed and she answered. "Good Morning Ummi,How is everyone?"

    "No Ummi,Is not like that" I laughed,she said I have forgotten them since I have a Bride at home. Ummi is so funny.

   "Give her the phone" Ummi said and  I handed over the phone to her. "Lafia qalau Ummi,Ina Kwana" she greeted. "No Ummi. Everything is fine...okay Ma...Thank you Ma" and with that she gave me back the phone. "Don't worry Ummi, I'll come see you Tomorrow Insha Allah...Okay Bye" I hung up the call.
         "Ummi Loves you so much" She chuckled. "Why did you say that?" I asked though I know it's obvious. "On our wedding Day,she told me to take care of Her Son very well and Today she is still repeating the same thing" she chuckled.

      "Don't mind Ummi" I laughed and lift her up. Let's get inside,is getting sunny here"

After having a shower,we went downstairs and on the TV. "Habiby let's watch this series" she said putting a TV channel that was displaying a love Drama series. "A football match sounds better" I said and she frowned laying her head on my chest. "But this is what I want" she protested. "Your wish is my command Darling" I huffed, she laughed and kissed me passionately.

     "Habiby you're the best Wollah" she snuggle into my chest. "One more Hayatie" I demanded and she kissed again. "Again!" I moan.

    "Naughty Boy" she hit my chest playfully.

"And that makes me your Prince Charming" I bragged. "Fortunately Yes!"

      "They are going on a production Break!,I hope it won't last for months" she yawned. "Hayatie let's go to Bed,you are tired" I nudged her. "Sorry Habiby,My favorite one is going to be shown now,please let's watch it,I promise you will like it" she said sleepy.

       Few minutes later she was already sleeping,I told her but she insisted. I carried her up on my shoulder and headed upstairs to the Room.

     I layed her on the Bed and moved closed to her. I kissed her lips to her eyes,then to her lips again. "Good night Hayatie" I whispered into her ears. I prayed for us and cuddled with her, enjoying the warmth of my wife,I fell into a Deep Slumber

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