9|Apology Accepted

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'Believe In Your Self and Prove to Others You are not a Failure'
(-Source not specified)

Surayya's POV
It Took almost forever before I concluded on what to wear, Just a simple Red and White Ankara Gown with a Matching Veil.
I applied my simple make-up, took my Black Side Bag and phone and headed downstairs.

Ya Salim has been waiting for me downstairs for almost 30 minutes now, it's not my fault, I didn't wake up early today. Aunty J and Ya Hanif are still asleep.

I went to the parking lot and met him there, Masha Allah he's so cute, he looked Gorgeous, He was wearing a Blue Colour Kaftan with a Matching Zanna Bukhar Cap, I love his sense of Dressing.

The smell of His Cologne alone can make a girl fall for him, only Allah knows how many Girlfriends he has but he doesn't look like a person who finds joy in that of kind of stuff, Does he even know the meaning of the word, LOVE?

He turned and gave me a Dashing smile and I couldn't help but Smile back, I hope he didn't catch me staring at him.

"Uhhmm, Good Morning"
"Morning, how was your night?" He asked.

What should I say, should I apologize now, I've already rehearsed what I was going to say but I can't find them any where near my Brain.

"It was....fine...fine" I answered and handed over the key to him.
"Today is Monday, The Road Safety Officers Will be everywhere, So you should drive" he suggested.

"No I don't think so, My leg aches" I said.
"Oh, Sorry. Lets go then" he said and collected the car key. "Hurrayy!, I won" I yelled.

"Yes, you did" he laughed and opened the Door for me, Wait, Am I dreaming or what, I'm feeling like a princess already.

I murmured a thank you and entered, he closed the Door and went to the Drivers Sit.

I'm sure going to freak out and embarrass my self any day he asks me out. Oh my God.
What are you saying Surayya, he is like a brother to you, or are you crushing on him?

"No!" I answered my Conscience and Bravo to me I said it out.

"Are you okay?" He asked
"Yes, I'm okay....I'm fine" I said and brought out my phone and started doing nothing in particular, Just viewing people's Story update and Status.

My Best friend, Khaulat, once told me that when we find it hard to conclude on what to say then we should just start talking and let nature filter the words, Does that Make any sense to you?, to me it does.

"Ya Saleem?" I called. "Yes" he answered still looking at the Road, this is the perfect time to apologize, at least we won't make eye contact.

"Uhmmm....I....am....no...I mean...Sorry for what happened on that Day" I said. "Oh That?, Never mind" he said.
"Are you sure you're no more angry with me?" I asked. "C'mon Suraaya, I was never angry with you, okay?" He said and looked at me a little.

I smiled and nodded my head. I looked up and saw The VIO from afar, We are Dead.

"Innalillahi Ya Salim, VIO!" I shouted. "I've seen them, we'll explain to them" he said.

"Explain what?, they won't listen, let's just turn back" I advised but he didn't answer me so I didn't say a word again.

I'll just let him see for his self. We reached there and they stoped us. "Oga Well done" The officer greeted. "Good morning" Ya Salim also greeted him, The man stared at him a little and I know that's becauseof his accent.

"Morning, Can I see your Drivers License" the Man asked and Ya Salim looked at me, why is he looking at me?, I continued using my phone as I listened to there conversation.

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