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Surayya's POV

       In Life patience is the key, When my Mother Inlaw was maltreating me, I was patient with her though many people have told me not to take her nonentity. When Khaulat made me have a miscarriage, I still let it go, when she used a charm on me, after my recovery I let it be too, My Marriage was almost ruined, yes, it really pained me.

   Behind every serious and Beautiful relationship, comes obstacles, True love is not easy so if you are facing any problem in your relationship, have patience, one day, it'll be a history and you'll find an everlasting Happiness, Beautiful kids, and a honest and outgoing Spouse.

   I'm in the company and I'll be closing in the next Twenty minutes, First I'll go to Ummi's place and take the twins, School is resuming tomorrow, they had a mid-term break so she said they should come over to her place.

     "Ma, someone is here to see you" The Secretary said through the landline. "Name?" I aksed, "She said she's a friend of yours"
"Let her in" I said wondering who it was. I don't want to take long before going home, I need to cook for my Husband before you gets back home.

    "Assalamu Alaikum" I heard a familiar voice say, I looked up to see who it was and the image before me perplexed me, I'm not mistaking, this is Khaulat!. Can't she walk herself?, why is the secretary holding her hand?, Why is she with a walking  stick and why is she here??. I don't need her here neither do I need to hear any apology from her.

     "Surayya, are you there?" She asked, "Yes, I'm here" I said, "Sorry, I can't see" she sobbed, "You can't see?!" I was shocked, how?.

    "Yes, Surayya I can't see, I've been like this for one year now" she weeps, "I am not here to cause trouble I am here to ask for your forgiveness, ever since that issue happened, I've not shad peace in my life, it's as if Allah has turned his back on me, I lost my Mom, I became mentally ill, I later recovered but this Thing happened to me, I became blind" She cried, I really pitied her,my eyes were brimming with tears.

    She looks pathetic, dark, and Tattered, Khaulat is a pretty lady to be sincere but now she looks old and ugly, she has some dots all over her face, Such is Life.

     "I wanted to Ruin your marriage, I didn't love Salim I just wanted his money and it was my Mother that put me in this dirty part, I wanted to Ruin your marriage, what Allah made Halal. I even went further to Associate Him with something else, I did what Allah said is unforgivable, he warned us not to perform Shirk or associate him with someone or something, the priest that did the work for us died" She burst into a loud cry.

    "Please forgive me So I can have some peace of mind and maybe Allah will also forgive me" she went on her knees crying, I pity Khaulat wallahi, since she has realized her mistake and is ready to turn back to her Lord, who am I not to forgive her.

    "Stand up Khaulat, I have forgiven you, may Allah have mercy on us All" I said helping her get back to her sit. I still can't believe this is the Khaulat I know.

      If you do things against Allah's will, He will show you you are nothing but a number of days, when each day passes, a part of you is gone, and if you humble yourself Allah will help you through.

  "You have forgiven me?" She smiled, "Yes Khaulat I have forgiven you Dunya WalAkhira"I was in tears too. "I'll get going now, I heard you now have kids, please forgive me for what I did to your fetus, My regards to them, Tell them An Aunt said Hello" she stood up weeping, "Insha Allah" I sobbed.

    Even if she doesn't say it I know she's struggling financially too, So I unlocked my safe and gave her N200,000 which she collected without any hesitation, She thanked me as if I gave her 10million Naira, I pity her wallahi.

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