7|It was all my fault

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Salim's POV
Most Nigerians find it hard to pronounce some sounds correctly, a typical Hausa Man will mix the letter P and F,Instead of poor, they say something like fuwa or fuwo.

Yoruba's are direly in there manner of speaking to be sincere, just like the talkative woman Suraaya took me to, she just kept on blabbering until she saw me and then referred to me as Suraaya's Fiancee, that's not too bad, Wright?
I love her personality, the way she talk, behave, in fact everything about her is almost close to perfect but she has this habit of delaying people and I hate that.

I hate wasting time, it's one of the most precious thing we have for free, after wasting my time sha had the got to look at me with those her Innocuous eyes in an unfavourable manner, I won't take any form of disrespect from her and that's final. Women are Unbelievable!.

I went out of the car furiously and entered the House hoping I don't see Abba but No, I saw him.

"Assalamu alaikum Abba, Ina wuni" I said salam together with greetings. "Wa'alaikumu salam, Saleem Ina ka baro Surayyan, I thought She said she's coming back today" He said looking kind of worried.

"Yes..Abba...She's outside she'll soon come in" I said and he shook his head positively.

I was about to go sit with him when The Security Man came inside almost missing steps, "Alhaji, Is Surayya, she just fall oo" he said pointing toward the Door, Abba stood up and went out while I followed suit wondering why she fell and at the same time recalling how the Igbo Man was talking.
'How is that your concern?'
My mind asked me, yes, how is that my concern, Shit!.

We went out but was taken aback by Suraaya lying helplessly on the ground, What is wrong with her?.

Abba turned and gave me a questioning look and all I did was glare at him, "Did you have a fight with her?" The question came like a Bombshell, yes we had a little misunderstanding but that's not a reason why she will faint, is it?.

"Ehmm.....Abba...Yes..but it wasn't a fight, it was just a misunderstanding" I stammered.

I hope he doesn't get angry with me, What kind of guest am I?.

"Ok, get me some water" he said to the Security Man and looked at me.
"Its nothing serious, She's just stressed out" I nodded my head but I was still feeling guilty.

Abba uttered a Du'a and blowed it into the water then sprinkled it on her face and then she gradually opened her eyes then closed it back. "Tamam" Abba said and Helped her stand up, Her eyes were close but she was walking, She must be Sleep-Walking then.

We entered inside and then we all sat down, including Surayya, who's eyes are now open.

"Yarlele go to your Room and have some rest" Abba said and suprisenly she stood up and slugishly went up, this is someone who wasn't in her Wright senses just some while ago.

"Abba I'm Sorry, I didn't....." I tried to apologise but he cut in saying..
"There is no problem Salim, I know Surayya can be difficult to cope with sometimes but mind you she faints any time she get depressed, very angry, I just hope she gets a Good Husband that Can cope with her situation" He sighed.

This is a very Dangerous Sickness to be sincere, A Human can't live without been offended or angered.

"Salim" He called
"Na'am Abba" I answered.

"Tell the Maid to take food To Surayya's room, so also her medicine" I nodded my head and stood up.

I went to the kitchen and saw the Maid there doing only God knows what. "Sannu fah, (Well done)" she said showing all her 36.

"Take Suraaya's Food to her room and also take her medicine with you" I said not minding the greetings, she should say that to her self.

"Okay" She nodded her head.
"Does she normally do this? " I asked the Maid, who they call Bahrira. She turned to see if may be I was talking to her, "Yes oo, She has been like this Ever since they had an Accident 5 years ago when they were coming back from Kano, She almost lost her leg self, even to eat becam..."

"Okay, I've heard" she offered more than she was asked for, Talkative. "Im not lying oo" she protested, Oh my God, Who is talking to this girl, I glared at her and went out of the kitchen wondering why I never heard about the accident not even from Hanif.
Well, same went with his Wife's issue, I didn't know till some months ago.

If only I spend some time with My Dad, May be I would have known about it, I am always with my Mom.
Talking about Mom, She hasn't been picking my Calls since last week, she's angry with me because I'm living In Abba's house.

She said her private Investigator told her I am living there he also told her that he contacted the Sheraton Hotel Receptionist and she told him there was no one with such a name in any of there Hotel room.

I know who my Mom is, she can't stay angry with me for long.

I and Abba went to the nearby Masjid and prayed Salatul-Ishaa, The Imam started a speech which looks more like a lesson because some had Books with them, "Would you like to join them?" Abba asked and I nodded my head smiling.

I still wonder how this Man is able to read one's mind. "Just make sure you come back home immediately." He said.

Almost all the Men there are grown ups probably with a Family, it wasn't something strange or New to me, they were Studying the Prophet's Sayings and action which is called Hadith, I new most of the Hadith is just that I need something to keep me company, I just kept thinking of her.

Soo what do you think?
I didn't like the way Salim Insulted our tribes oo😡...From Hausa to Yoruba, then Finally to Igbo, Wallahi I will kill him😈 if he doesn't stop,nonsense kawai😞.
Those That want him to be to killed in the next Chapter should say Yayyy😈
Those against it say nayyyyy😂
Or should he just contract Malaria and Typhoid Disease all together😎😎😃😂....

Vote and comment pls❤️

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