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'So do not let this worldly life delude you' -31:33-

Surayya's POV

Ya Hanif is coming back home today so I took a day off so that I can prepare some food for him and Ya Salim offered to help.
We 're going to make my Brothers favourite Dish, Amala with Okra Soup and Nut milk drink. When it comes to Swallow my Bro is a No1 fan.

I checked if all the ingredients needed is available, everything was there apart from Palm oil,we are going no where with the soup since there is no oil and all the Drivers are not around.

"Ya Salim" I called
"Yes Chef" he answered
"Could you please get us Red oil in the Market"

"No, I can't go to that place you call market" he said in a form of finality. "Haba Ya Salim,please?"

"I can't Suraaya, wait a minute When did I turn into your Driver in this House" he complained.

"The Drivers are not around. Kalamu is Sick while Sagir had travelled, and Yaseer has gone to pick up your Best friend, that same best friend I'm trying to make food for, can't you at least do this for him" I said as I turned to his back to loose his apron but he stoped me.

"U-I'm, I can do it myself, you don't have to trick me" he winked. "Ya Salim!" I yelled as I tried hitting him with the turning stick I picked up from the table but he ran out laughing.
"Get me the car keys!" He yelled.

I went up to my room and grabbed my car keys for him, I gave it to him without even looking at him. How dare he??
He indirectly said I'm trying to
Seduce him, why does he always do this to me!.

I went back to the kitchen and started preparing the nut milk Drink when suddenly my phone started ringing, it's charging in the parlour and I don't want to step out of this kitchen but the caller won't stop bothering me so I gave up and went to check.

I was about picking the call when someone knocked at the door. "Sorry Ma I couldn't find him and when I called him he said I should not bother"
"Why?" I asked.

"I don't know Ma"
"Okay, you can leave" why Would Ya Hanif do that.
I decided to call him but Kabir's missed calls stoped me, 7 missed calls!, that's so unlike Kabir.

I called him back and he picked up immediately. "Wa'alaikumu salam Kabir, hope all is well" I asked concerned.
"All is well Sister, I have a surprise for you" he said excited.

"What is it again?" I asked. "How much will you pay?" That's Kabir for you.

"Let's leave that for letter, now tell me is it another girl?" I teased.
"Nooo....can you believe Ya Hanif came to our house and guess what, he's here with Aunty Jamila" he said.

"I swear Kabir, if this happens to be one of your tricks on me I will make su..."
"come and see for your self" he said and cut the call.

If this surprise happens to be true,then I'll give Kabir a very good gift. I'm so excited, Alhamdulillah Aunty Jamila is finally back.

"Here is the oil" I heard Ya Salim's voice, Ha-Ha-Ha in Vain.

"Okay, Ya Hanif has gone to Mami's House and he is there with his wife, he came back with her"
"MashaAllah, let's go there then"
"Yes" I said and went up to my room.

I went and explained everything to Dad then headed to the parking lot and met ya Salim already waiting for me so I handed over the key to him but he refused to take it. "Why?" I asked.

"Suraaya I am not your Driver" he said more like a reminder.

"You're not but you are my Brother, aren't you?" I asked.
"I don't feel like driving again dear Younger Sister" he said sarcastically.

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