6|Happy IndependenceNigeria💚

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'Nigeria; Good People :')
Great Nation!
Happy Indepence Nigeria
1st October 1960, Nigeria got her Independence🎤💚

Surayya's POV

    Sometimes we just have to flow with the moment, No matter how hard the situation might be, Never wish for Death!.

Aunty Jamila's life Portrays that of a loyal Woman, She's suffering from leukaemia and ever since she had been undergoing treatment in one of the Best Hospitals in India.

It broke my heart when I learnt that the Doctors over there said they are sorry to say but her Cancer has reached the last stage and that she has just some months to live, who are they to conclude that?, My lord in Heaven will put them to shame by his Special grace.

Aunty Jamila will get well soon and our house will return to it lively state,Insha Allah.

Ever since Aunty J was diagnosed with Leukaemia, She tried to smile even though she was scared but My Brothers own vanished, The Playful and troublesome Hanif Disappeared.

She's Dearest to my Brothers heart so also to mine, his happiness our happiness, his sorrow our sorrow.

I'm helping Aunty J to pack some stuffs because she is going to her Parent's house today to spend some days with them, I have been in Mami's house since the Day Aunty J and Ya Hanif came back.

She suggested to go to Mami's house first, then her parent house, and then she can come back to her house to commence with treatment.

When I asked her why she was visiting she said it's been long since she last saw her siblings but I know that's not the purpose, she's going there to say a Goodbye.

I finished Packing her clothes and called Ya Salim, he has practically became my Driver..Lol Not really just that he is helping us with somethings because Ya Hanif went to Niger Day before yesterday.

He heard that the Camel milk mixed with the Camel urine in a particular quantity can cure cancer, So he went there with his friend who is into The Buisness of cheese so that he could buy it.

I scanned the room to check if may be she is forgetting something and luckily I found a Tote bag, it has some Ankara wrappers in it, "Is this yours" I asked her

"Ehen Surayya, please help me and pass it to Iya Zulai tell her to call me because I don't have her number again" she said fixing her Scarf....Ya Ilahii...that Woman that use to have long hair...Such is life.

"Are you sewing for yourself?" I asked Surprise.
"Noo, what will I do with them" she said.

"Aunty J please stop talking like that" I whined. "Ohk tohm, I've heard, hold this your Shakara till you get married" she teased.
I just shook my head laughing, My Marriage councillor is back, I'll not hear word again.

We went downstairs and met Ya Salim there....punctual!. They were talking with Mami, he's already used to Mami since she usually goes to England to visit her In-laws.

My Step-Father's Maternal Family are living there, His first wife and her children are also living there, you dont need to tell me that My Mom is a Second Wife I know, I use to hate Second wives when I was small because my Primary school friends always told me how Wicked Step mothers are, I also saw it in Cinderella, little did I know that My Mom was going to separate from My Dad.

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