11|Strange feelings

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Salim's POV
I reclined on the beautiful comfortable Chair in the balcony and let the cold night breeze of Kaduna hit me, I got posted here to work as a Corper in NNPC, Less you don't know, I'm an Industrial Engineer.

I've been here since an hour ago thinking of nothing but Surayya, She is Exceptional, a nice and responsible woman, an Ambitious lady, and a Gorgeous Muslimah.

I heaved a sigh of relief and retired back to bed yet I couldn't sleep so I started browsing and in the process I came across an article titled-Are You In Love?

I don't engage in this kind of things but today I want to, I read it and after that a test followed suit, Take this test to know if you are truly in love. I found myself clicking on the start button and made sure I answered it sincerely.

Not that I believe in the test, just to wild away time and do you know who she is?, she is Surayya, it's bothering me to be sincere, everything I do I think of her, when sleeping I dream of her, she is all over my mind.

I'm sure this test will make me get rid of this Strange feeling since it'll be negative. It wasn't something serious or hard, just ten simple questions, I finished and pressed the Finish button.

It finished loading and the result I saw freezed every single part of my body, It says I'm In Love!, could this result be correct, no it can never be, She's my Bestfriend's Sister so she's also my sister.

I want to talk to someone about this, perhaps tell them how I feel May be there is a remedy for this Strange feeling, I'm sick and tired of all this, What have I turned to, I can't spend a day without calling or texting a Woman simply because I care.

Salim Bukar is more than this, yes. I'm going to make sure I get rid of this feeling for the betterment of Our Relationship with the Family.

What if I'm truly in Love with her?, What if she doesn't love me back?, what if she Dumps me like every other Man?, and above all, What will be everybody's opinion about it?, how will Kim react to this?.

Calm down Salim, calm down, you're just misunderstanding everything, A heart cares for what is precious to him, just because I care soo much doesn't mean I love her.

Let me not think much about the issue, yes. I thought and closed my eyes and made sure I prayed.

"Guy how you dey now?" Ahmad my new friend who is also a Corper asked. "Wa'alaikumu salam" I said and he rolled his eyes, "Ok ooo Ustaz, I've heard" he said taking a sit adjacent to me.

"Have you read through those files?" I asked him. "Here you go again, work work work, Guy chill Haba" he complained Frowning his face. "That's what brought me here anyways" I said.

"Whatever" he said and was about to continue but my phone ringing tone stoped him. I checked the caller ID and saw an unknown number. Who could it be?.

I picked up and her loud voice hit my left ear. "Leeeeemmmm!!" She shouted. "Yes" I answered.

"Guess what?" She asked, "just go straight to the point Khaulat" I blurted. "I'm in KD!" She giggled.

"Oh Really?, So how was your flight?" I asked adjusting my sitting position and at the same time ignoring Ahmad's winks.

"It was marvellous, are you at home?, I want to come and see you, it's been almost half a year, oh my God" She said all in one breath. "No!, I mean don't worry I'll come and see you later, You're in Aunty Ruqayya's place, wright?" I asked.

"Yes, bye see you soon, I miss you" she said and I cut the call without saying anything.

Khaulat, My long time Friend, Our Mothers are best of friends so I can say that's the reason for our friendship. She's a very nice girl, though only to people of her class, She doesn't relate with low life, that's a character I do much despise, she's a bit too lousy and her Dressing, it's so Unislamic, that's if the word 'unislamic' exist.

She has told me times without number how much she loves me but we all know I'm not interested, Mom once tried talking to me about her but I told her instantly that I'm not interested but she insisted she want me to Marry Khaulat. I don't like her and that is period.

"Lover Boy!" Ahmad said clapping his hands, "Tell me, who is she?" He asked teasingly. "She's just a friend" I said and he smiled mischeviously, he didn't believe me, he thinks everyone is like him. "I'm serious she's just a friend" I assured him.

"Do you even have a Girlfriend? " he asked, "uhmm not yet, Ahmad how do one know he is in love?" I asked him and he laughed.

"The person should ask his heart and any answer he gets is the wright answer, feel free to ask me any question, I see you're a jjc " he said laughing.

He kept teasing me but I didn't mind, I kept on Contemplating about the issue, it therefore became a compromise between being in love, as my heart would insist, and being a nice friend as I would insist.

We closed by 5:00 and I went straight to Aunty Khadija's House cause Khaulat kept pestering me with text messages threatening to come over if I don't come to see her. "Assalamu alaikum" I Said a Salam and pressed the Door bell.

Hanan came and opened the Door for me, "Wa'alaikumu Salam, Uncle, Good evening" the 8 year old girl greeted. "Evening Hanan, How was school today?" I asked as we entered inside and there I found Khaulat talking on phone and immediately she saw me she hung up. "Leeem" she shouted.

"Yes Khaule, how are you?" I asked, "I'm fine" she answered pouting, yeah she doesn't like the nickname I have her, she calls me Leem and I call her Khaule, that's fair enough.

We made ourselves comfortable on the Nice orange Sofas and talked about nothing in particular.

"I think I should get going" I said standing up. "Oh No!, I'm going to miss you, I'll come over tomorrow, ok" she said. "No, I promise to always come see you whenever I'm led busy" I said. I live alone so it's not wright for her to come visit me.

"Okay then, bye, don't forget about...."
"Sure, I won't" I cut in and she smiled mischievously. "Allah ya shiryaki" I said and she yelled an Ameen.

Barakallahu lakum💖
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