22|Khaulat is Like a Sister

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'A Bird Sitting on a wing 🦜is not afraid of the branch breaking, Because it's trust is not on the Tree but it's own self. Always Believe in Yourself 🍃'

Surayya's POV

26th of April, Yes, The Date has been fixed, Should I scream, laugh or cry,I don't know what I am supposed to do, Please tell me.

When I saw Baffa, My Dad's Elder Brother in this house yesterday,I knew something was definitely Up,Never knew it was about my Wedding!. And Now they have fixed the Date, Can you Imagine even Sadaki has been settled. Ya Salim was very Happy and excited, I was also happy but the thought of me been a wife is giving me flames inside my head.

The Date was fixed in Baffa's House, So yesterday,The both of them called me and asked me if I wanted this marriage, I nodded my head but Abba made me to say yes,He said he needed an answer,Cause There will be no going back.It's a No going back for sure. Baffa handed over a bundle of one Thousand paper note to me but I clearly refused to take it.

How can I collect my Mahr from my Parents, I can't. Abba insisted I Take it but I apologized and told them I wouldn't.

I don't want to leave This house, Oh my poor Room, who will be leaving in it now, I thought as I laid flat on my bed. And Aunty J, who will be keeping her company, and me!,What about me?, I'm going to miss this house a lot, I felt something warm on my cheeks and when I torched it, Oh My God, I was crying.

There is nothing to worry about, Ummi has accepted me. She was my only fear and now we are good. Ya Salim said he needed to officially introduce me to Her, I was scared but I couldn't refuse. I know I also needed this.

Alhamdulillah,She turned out to be nice, More than I expected. Aunty Badiyya, His paternal Aunty was also there,The Woman has a pure Heart I must say.

This Drama has to stop!, Why?, I asked my Subconscious, Because you want this marriage,so don't feel bad, Yes,I should stop!.

"Can I?" That was Ya Hanif, "Yes, Yaya Good Morning" I greeted as I sit up on my bed. "Morning Auta" He sat by the edge of the bed and coughed a little. "So I will soon Marry you off" He teased nodding his head like a Lizard.

"Ya Hanif please don't start" I covered my face and that made him to chuckle a little. "He is a Good Man and I'm sure he will take care of you. I also want you to perform your duties well as a Wife, okay?. Both of you are very important to me and I'm Happy and contented that you two are getting married. I'm Happy for you Auta and at the same time sad that you are leaving this house, we are going to miss you" I enveloped him in a hug.

"Hey calm down, This is not a farewell message, stop it" He chuckled. I pouted a little and cleaned the little tears on my face. "I'm going to miss you so much" I sobbed. "I see, then you know what, I'll go meet Abba and tell him to postpone the wedding till next year since you are not yet ready" He said. "What!?" I widened my eyes

He started laughing till I frowned then he stoped, "I thought you are not ready, I was trying to help out" He chuckled a little. "We will talk later in the office" he stood up. "I'm not going to the office today, I'm going to the construction area to check there progress" I said and he nodded his head.

"Okay, No problem, we will talk later in the night" and with that he exited the room. I took my phone to call Halimah and I saw Ya Salim's Missed call. I checked WhatsApp to see if he was online and luckily he was.

Salam Love, I saw your missed call, Was talking with Yaya.
I sent it and he replied immediately.

No problem, I just wanted to know if you're free today, want to take you out for shopping.

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