23|Wedding Bells

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Surayya's POV

"Girls Wake up!, Mama is waiting for us Downstairs, She said you two have Just Thirty Minutes to get ready" Manal Yelled.

"OH please Manal, Shut your Mouth, and let us enjoy our sleep" Amal Yelled back dragging her Duvet above her face. "Amarya wake up" She spank me on my back. "Okay, I'm up" I said In Defeaf, I will anyways, her noise alone can bring down the Roof of This House.

I have been living in my Uncle's how Since last Two weaks, My Cousins here are just like cat and Rat, They will never Grow up. Aunty Kareemah, There Mother is a Beautician, well, I'm here forthe Dilka, Halawa, and Curcum/Kurkur treatment, and it is Giving me Glowy and Shiny skin.

I am feeling loved, Everyone is just pampering me, Bride to be, Ha-Ha-Ha. I am so Happy. "Amal return the Bracelet I gave you Day before yesterday" Manal demanded.

"And why if I may ask?, I thought you said I can take it?" She asked.

"I have changed my mind obviously" She rolled her eyes. "Mcheaw, Suit your self" She threw it to her and went out of the Room. "She said I should Borrow her oo" Manal shrugged.
I glared at her and sauntered to the Bathroom to have a quick showe, Today is going to be a Long Day, At last I'm going out, We are going to The Market to get some things. Even Ya Salim was stops from seeing me, And he sounds preety worried, I also want to see my Cute Husband to be. I'll beg Mama to let me see him even if it is Just once before the wedding weak.

I put on my Milk colour Hijab and Tied the Niqab Aunty gave me to put, She said she wont want the Sun to Burn my Skin.

I went downstairs and met Aunty in the Parlour watching a Cooking Tutorial, Fortunately, She is also a Good cook!. "Aunty Ina kwana" I greeted her, "Lafia qalau Amarya, Hope you are ready?" She asked, "Yes" I shyed away.

"Aunty Dama...ehm...it is...I mean Ya Salim said he want to come and greet you..ehm..." I said scraching the back of my head, "He want to come greet me or he want to see his wife?" She asked laughing. I smiled nervously and waited for her reply.

"He can come, but he won't exceed Thirty minutes, If he does, He will pay for the time he added" She teased and I smiled sheepishly nodding my head. I sent him a text message and told him he can come over but later in the Evening since we are going out.

After the Tom and Jerry finished waisting our time, we drove out to the market. We kept moving From one shop to the other, Buying things that we don't have at Home or has finished, The things we bought were For Skin care though.

"Mama please buy this Cream for me" Amal pleaded, "No Amal, your skin is soft so that is not a good choice, perhaps why do you want to change your cream, the one you're using is Good" Aunty said.

"Mama please can we go to car and wait for you?" Manal asks and she said yes. We went leaving Aunty and Manal in the shop, Shopping freaks, they are not even tired, I can not come and kill my self oo.

"Oh My God, I am tired!" Manal exclaimed pushing back the car seat so she can lay back and relax, "Same here" I shook my head side ways.

"Your phone is ringing" Manal said gesturing at my back I threw on the back seat. "Assalamu alaikum" I said when I picked up, "Wa'alaiki Salam, Gimbiya ta" Here he is again bursting my head, wai Gimbiya, Queen!.

"Oh please Ya Salim" I laughed, "I have Cancelled that name from today, No more Ya Salim, Okay?"
"Yes Sir!" I said and we both laugh.

"Are you still in the Market?" He asked, "Yes, but we will soon be back" I said, "Hope you wore Hijab?" He asked, "I did, Even Niqab too" I giggled. "Really?, I'll like to see you in it, wear it please?" he chuckled, "Anything for you my Love"

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