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Surayya's POV
It has been two days of staying in the hospital waiting for his recovery, sometimes he coughs or move his index finger but never open his eyes.
I wonder if his situation is getting better or worst but I immediately shun the thought off and say Astagfirullah.

I heard that among the six people inside the vehicle, only two of them survived it, The Driver also lost his life, some died before they arrived the hospital, while some died few hours later.

I've heard Abba talk to his parent, that is Mom and Dad on when they will come, he kept making call with Them, The Nigerian Embassy, and the Nnamdi Azikiwe Airport manager, They have issues with there Visa and Passport, His Mom is already running mad, She calls Aunty Ruqayya more than 30times in a day but I think they will come over today.

Aunty Ruqayya, the woman who bombarded me with questions is also staying here. The office where he serves over there in Kaduna also came to visit, so many of his relatives also visited, I never new he had Uncles here in Nigeria.

"Good morning" The nurse who takes care of him greeted, "Morning" I greeted back. She normally comes by this time to inject a substance who I think suppose to be a regimen into his drip

I opened the window curtains and let the cold morning breeze hit my skin, I watched different vehicles pass by, some are for personal use while some are for business purposes all struggling for a living. Life in Abuja is not easy as people think is, If you have a suitable occupation then you will be able to cope.

"Thank God ooo, Doctor, Doctor!" The nurse shouted. I turned and saw Ya Salim's eyes open.

I rushed to the bed and hugged him as if my life depended on it, Now I know why I cried on the day I escorted him to the airport.

"Oouch" he whispered, "Sorry, Sorry" I said tapping him like a baby. The Doctor came in immediately and examined him a little.

He asked him where it hurts and he complained of his head and leg, a nurse came in with a tray of food and a medicine.

She sat to give him the food but I told her not to mind, I'll do that my self. I helped him adjust a bit and started feeding him, he ate a little portion very slowly and after that took his medicine, if it was me I'll spend hours contemplating on wether to take the drug or not, I prefer Injection to Drug.

A different Doctor came in to examine him and from his questions you will know that he is a psychologist, he answered some while he remained silent to others.

"Take a nap, we will take a look at the head this evening" he confirmed him and left. "Assalamu alaikum" Came the Chorus Salam of many people.

"Wa'alaikumu Salam" I said with a smile on my face, Aunty Ruqayya was among them so I guess is his people.

"Ya Mai jiki?(how is his health)" one of them asked, "Alhamdulillah" I answered. "Sannu da qoqari yarinya, Allah yayi albarka(Well done my Daughter, May Allah bless you)" An old Woman prayed. "Ameen Inna" I said with a smile.
They left when another set of visitors came, That's how it went the whole day, visitors upon visitors.

The Doctor complained but people won't stop coming, I think he gave him sleeping pills because he has been sleeping since in the morning and this is 8:30pm.

"Aunty Ruqayya, I'll go home now, but I'll probably come back later" I told her, she nodded her head almost in amusement, well, I don't care why she did that.

I went out to the parking lot and Just in suite,Ya Hanif's car came into view, he was with two of his friends and someone.
"Thank God, I was going to take a cab" I said, "Good evening" he said sarcastically, "Oh please Ya Hanif, Good evening" I greeted them, he doesn't care if I greet him or not but when he is with his friends, you must greet them.

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