42|Great Bonding

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Few weeks Later

Surayya's POV

  I felt something ticklish touching my neck, I swatted it away and changed my position but it won't stop disturbing my sleep. "Wake up sleeping Beauty" I heard his cool voice, "No" I said and turned the other side.

    "Why?" He asked leaving feather light kisses on my neck, "10minites more please" I pouted, "You've been saying this for the past 30minutes, the food will get cold" he said, "Okay I'm Up" I said in defeat.

   "Looking so Beautiful Angel" he placed a kiss on my forehead, "Thanks" I said with sleepy eyes. "I can't stand up I'm still weak" I pouted. "Your King is here" He carried me in a bridal style and headed to the bathroom. "Be fast okay" he said and I nodded my head.

   I freshened up and sashayed downstairs, Masha Allah the House was scenting nice, what a Gentle Man he is. I walked to the Dining and met him sitted already doing something on his phone, "Good morning Habiby" I said sitting on his laps.

   "Morning Angel" he placed a sloppy kiss on my cheeks, "So what do we have for breakfast?" I grinned. "Nothing special just Chips and Coffee" he said, "You know I love chips"I dig into it. "That was why I made it" he smiled.

    We finished eating and went up to take a shower, after that we dressed up in a Maroon Polo shirt and blue trousers, "You look Nice Habiby" I said using a Comb to groom his full dark hair.

    "Thanks, you look better" I rolled my eyes at his reply, "Just better" I frowned, "Nope, you look Beautiful, Amazing, Stunning, Sweet, and Lovely" he grinned. "Ohh" I chuckled.

    He held my hand and we sashayed downstairs to the living room, we sat on one of the Sofas and I rested my head on his chest, I was almost on him.

    "We can have another Baby anytime soon right?" I asked, "Yes, even now" he flirt, "I don't mean that" I rolled my eyes, "What do you mean then?" He asked playing with my hair.

   "You know what I'm saying" I said softly, "I don't, please tell me" he feigned innocence. "I'm not joking" I said, "I'm also serious" he laughed.

   "It's not funny I want to have a Baby" I pouted not giving my eyes the chance to let tears flow. "We can start working on that now" he said placing a kiss on my ears and trailing down to my neck.

   I tried standing up but he held me back, "Stop" I laughed, "No" he laughed too."We will have a Baby very Soon, don't worry" he smiled. "I pray so" I pouted, "If you keep pushing me away, the Baby might not come soon" he teased.

   "You're not serious" I laughed, he took me unawares and crushed our lips together. Few seconds later, we parted away for breath, "I can't get enough of this Sweet strawberry lips of yours" he flirt, I looked away shyly.

   "My phone is ringing let me grab it" he said, "Let me get it for you" I said and went to get it. "Who us calling?" He asked, "Sahil" I handed it to him.

   They finished talking and cut the call, "It's Khaulat" he said, With the mention of her name, I felt like my heart was going to pump out.

    "What about her?" I asked, "She's in the Police custody, they said she has been behaving strange since last week" he shrugged, "Strange?" I asked.

    "Yes, but that's none of our concern" he didn't want to talk about it so I let it be, we kept chatting non stop till it was time for Zuhr, we prayed together and after that we went to the kitchen to make lunch.

  "What is it" I laughed, he was squinting his eyes, the onion he's cutting is making his eyes hurt and itchy.

     "Be a Man" I teased and he just chuckled. "After this I won't help with anything again" he said, "Really?" I laughed. "Yes, I'll just sit and watch you" he chuckled.

   "That's not possible, if you wouldn't help I would push you out of my kitchen" I frowned, "I wouldn't go even when you push me out" he said holding my waste, "Are you done cutting the onions?" I asked, "Yes" he grinned.

   "Help wash the meat then" I chuckled, "No way" he said and we both laughed.

    "Have you suddenly lost interest in cooking?" I asked, "Yeah, cause my Hayatee's own taste better" he pecked my cheeks. "Okay then" I chuckled.


Eight Months Later.      

    On a Thursday Night🌃 🌃

Surayya's POV

   I drove into the compound and went out of the car.

    I knelt down and burst into a loud cry, crying all my sorrow out, I'm tired of holding it, I let my tears flow freely with the rain washing it away for me.

   The World is a wicked place, she caused everything, she has left me barren, I want to have a child of my own.

     "Hayatee!" Ya Salim rushed to me, I cried more looking at his face, though it isn't clear since is in the night. He carried me up and went inside, it's really cold, I'm shivering.

     "And what was that for?" He yelled, "I've been calling you since in the afternoon but you keep rejecting my calls,I was worried, And now you stood outside there under that Rain crying, what is wrong with you?, are you a kid?!" He was shaking in anger.

    "Ya Salim I'm tired, I want to have a child of my own, I want to have a Baby!" I shouted back, this is too much for me to endure, "How many times do you want us to talk about this, why can't you be patient Surayya" he seemed tired.

   "You don't know hard it is for me to always explain I don't have a child yet, people who attended our wedding keep asking if we have a child now. If I go out people greet me and ask me how are my children doing, I have to go to naming ceremonies all the time, I see other Women having Babies why can't I have my own" I fell to the floor and continued crying.

   "Sorry My Love, I know how you feel, you just need to be a little bit more patient, I'm Sorry for yelling I was just worried about your well-being, We'll visit the Gynecologist again, but you need to give it more time, please" he hugged me. "Okay" I sobbed.

     I had a relaxing Hot shower and dressed up in a white Nightie. All I want now is to sleep and forget about all my worries.

   "Tell me, who asked you if you have a Baby already?" He asked bringing me closer to him.

     "A Friend came to buy Honey and she was asking of my Baby, she got married three months after our wedding and now she has a Baby" I sobbed.

   "Our Baby will soon come too, okay" he placed a soft kiss on my forehead. "Insha Allah" we said together.


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