32|The Incident

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Hello guys, Good evening, so here is an update, enjoy.

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Surayya's POV

When he broke the news of the pregnancy to me, I felt very Happy, I felt warm within, My Mood was enlightened, enlightened Forever. I'm already feeling the Joy Of Motherhood, Can't wait to have my Baby out, I'll make sure I become the Best Mom ever, Ya Allah please help me.

I got a Break or should I say a Holiday from work and I've been doing nothing at home, apart from eating, like I eat a lot now, and I know I'm increasing in size day by day.

I was sitting in the parlour with my leg laid straight on the centre table and a Bowl of Popcorn in my hand, I'm really enjoying this movie, I miss my Hubby, it's almost 5pm already and he is still not yet back.

"Assalamu Alaikum" he said and came in, ohh he is here. "Welcome Babe, I miss you" I stood up and went to hug him, "Miss you more, Chop chop, what are you eating?" He teased and pecked my forehead, "It's just popcorn" I rolled my eyes and collected his Briefcase.

"Hey you can eat but please don't over do it, Hope you're ready?" He asked as we headed upstairs. "Ready for?" I asked, "Dinner Date?" He winked, "Okay then let's go up and have a shower" I laughed.


Few Months later

"Someone sent you a message" I asked as I adjust his Tie.
"Who is that?" He asked, "Your Secretary" I said examining him and immediatetlly his eyes widened in surprise and then he relaxed. "Oh Don't worry I'll check it later" he shrugged.

"You never mentioned that Khaulat is the So Called new Secretary" I rolled my eyes and sat by the edge of the bed obviously demanding for a conversation. "Well actually, She is the New appointed Secretary" he smiled. "Okay" I replied not feeling convinced. How can I be comfortable with them working together as a Boss and Secretary, I thought to myself.

"Hayatee" he tapped my back, "What are you thinking of?" He asked, "No nothing, Don't worry" I was already feeling feverish. "Are you sure?" he touched my head and neck, "Your body is hot" he said worriedly.

"No Habiby, I just need to rest and that's all" I faked a smile, "Is it about Khaulat?" He asked but I kept mute.

"Don't stress yourself unnecessarily, I can never do anything that would hurt you, have no fear cause I'm all yours, okay?" He pecked my cheeks.

"I Love you" I pouted and hugged him, "I Love you More Hayatee" he pecked my lips and stood up to go. "I'll ask Zainab to come over cause I'm not comfortable living my Heavy Wife all alone" he smiled and I rolled my eyes.

"How many times do you want me to tell you stop rolling those cute eyes, My Baby should not be doing it when she's out, Okay?" He pinched my Nose.

"Ouchh" I laughed as we headed out.The pregnancy is just 4 months old and he is saying I'm heavy. "Anything for me before I go?" He winked resting on the car, "May be" I smiled mischievously and merged our lips together.

"I Love you Hayatee" he whispered, "It's a blessing to have you as my Wife" he said low enough for me to hear. "Love you too Habiby, Take care of yourself for me, Okay?" I smiled, "Your wish is my command" he bowed a little.

"Go" I teasingly pushed him into the car. All this while the Driver was inside waiting for him, hope he didn't see anything.

I rubbed my belly and went into the house heading to the kitchen to grab my Favorite Farm Pride Fresh Yogurt, This Baby is a Glutton, yes, I was never like this before, he/she is making me eat too much.


"Wow, who could that be?" I murmured as I moved to open the Door.


"Hey calm down" I said as I opened the Door and to my surprise it is was Khaulat, Wow. "Long time" she waved at me with her long nails, she's becoming weirder day by day.

"Really long" I chuckled, "Come in" I said, "I was going to" She spat and barged into the house. How brave, coming into my House to make trouble, you'll get what you want, infact, more than you asked for.

"How may I help you?" I sat on the couch opposite her's and continued sipping my Milk. "I came to take some files, he forgot them" she rolled her eyes, "Okay, I'll get it for you, what is it for?" I asked though I'm surprised why he sent her when he knows that I may not like it, more so, he just left.

"No, I'll get it" she stood up, "You will what?!" I asked, This woman is a Disaster. "Khaulat just try it, sai na lahira ya fiki jin dadi" I warned her.

"What nonsense" I laughed.

"I don't blame you, all this will soon become a History. Time will come when I'll hit my chest and call him mine too" she fumed, "Really?" I laughed more.

"Look Khaulat, I won't stoop low to your class, just look at you, you look like a witch, How do you expect any Man to like you. So because you can't find a Suitor, you want my Man to take you in, For your information the Door is locked, locked forever.So get out of my house before I loose control" I said and she just stood frowning.

"That reminds me, So you're the so-called new secretary, just make sure you don't cross your limits, else I'll get you fired. Stay here I'll get the file for you" I Stated and went upstairs.

"Hello Dear, did you send anyone?" I asked immediately he picked the call. "No, I didn't, who came?" He asked, "Your Secretary said you sent her" I laughed. "Ya Allah. Don't mind her Hayatee, I didn't send her, Tell her to come to the office, Now!" He was really angry.

"Hey Calm down, I will" I said and cut the call. Why is he shouting, or am I the one who employed her, he just indirectly brought her back to our lives.

I sighed and exited the room heading to the Stair case, I felt some movements at my back. "What brought you here?" This woman can look for trouble.

"He is Mine!, you can't take him away from me Surayya, you can't" She yelled and before I could reply her she pushed me down with her both hands and I rolled down the stairs.

I fell to the floor in grief and pain, I couldn't move a bit, every part of my Body hurt,My Head is aching badly, most especially my abdomen, I don't think I can survive this, I was already bleeding, I'm dying, indeed the World is a Wicked place.


Do share this Book with your love ones💏,There is Love in sharing ❣️💕.

Until next time, Ba-bye💋💕

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