(Chapter One-The ship)

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'It has been two weeks since steven first summoned his shield and The Crystal Gems have never been so energetic about somthing, Pearl has been constantly stating how proud she is of Steven While Amethyst simply thinks it's "Cool" Garnet has been as calm as usual however she does take pride in knowing that steven is growing up rather quickly, she dosent say it but she is proud of the young human/gem hybrid, that's why after a brief reprieve due to the whole red eye attack Steven has been allowed to accompany the Gems on a mission, They are on a journey through a mountainous looking area after using the warp pad, the journey itself has been rather calm much to Pearl's enjoyment'

Amethyst: "ugh why did I have to come again? This is so boring"

Pearl: "I think this is rather nice, it is a welcome change of pace from the usual chaos that ensues on our missions"

Steven: "Pearl's right! It's so cool out here! It's like a different planet!"

'As the Three continue their conversation Garnet looks around admiring the peaceful location while also looking for any form of irregularity. Eventually the group ends up walking through a small wooded area along a trail, the tree's seem to stretch to the sky'

Amethyst: "Somthing's off with this Place, its kinda freaky"

Pearl: "Oh what nonsense! Its absolutley stunning out! We never get a mission where we can enjoy our surroundings!"
'Pearl says as she looks around happily'

Garnet: "No, she's right somthings wrong here, the trees look damaged" 'Garnet says as she walks over to one of the large tree's all of the branches on one side of it have been either torn off or bent as if somthing crashed into them'

Steven: "Yeah they sort of look like somthing crashed through here"

Garnet: "Let's continue, I'm sure there is somthing out here so be on gaurd"

'The group continue walking with steven now behind everyone else, as they get deeper into the forest more and more damage becomes apparent, although it looks over grown at the same time, the Group eventually stumble upon what looks like a large cave covered in moss and vines'

Steven: "woah cool cave!" 'Steven says with stars appearing in his eyes'

Garnet: "Wrong, this isnt a cave"

Pearl: "What do you mean?"

'Garnet walks upto the opening and brushes part of the moss and dirt away revealing some sort of metallic wall, it looks extreamly advanced yet it looks like it has been sitting for years'

Amethyst: "What is this then? I mean we've been to this place before right?"

Pearl: "Yes we have, so that means we've just been walking past this place everytime.." 'Pearl says clearly uneasy as she examines the metal wall'

Garnet: "I cant say for certain what it is, but it looks to be some sort of ship, its hard to tell since this isnt gem tech" 'Garnet says before walking into the opening of the vessel, the sound of her footsteps changing from soft steps on dirt to loud metal clangs with each step'

Steven: "Hey wait up!" 'Steven yells before running to catch up with Garnet'

Pearl: "Steven!"

Amethyst: "Oh here we go"

'The two remaining Gems then run to catch up with Steven and Garnet, when they catch up with then Garnet is walking at a faster pace that seems to have purpose behind it'

Pearl: "Garnet! What's going on? Did you see somthing?"

Garnet: "No I didnt, something about this Place is just...telling me we need to be here" 'Garnet says in a confident voice'

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