(Chapter Two- A Answer from a unexpected Source Part two)

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Chip: "No!"

Jasper: "Yes! You are a Diamond, I am the only gen outside of the other Diamonds themselves that knows about you actually being a Diamond, everyone else just thinks it's a rumor"

Chip: "No I'm not! The Diamonds did horrible things! They corrupted the Gems on earth, they treat people like tools and property they're horrible!"

Jasper: "Why cant you except the truth? You belong on homeworld, help free me and I can take you back to where you truly belong!" 'Jasper says with a determined tone in her voice as she struggles in her chains'

Chip: "Dont want too! I-Im not like them. I'm a crystal gem!" 'Chip says his voice beginning to glitch weakly'

Jasper: "I dont understand...why stay here on this dirt ball as a nobody, when you could have everything you ever wanted on homeworld!" 'Jasper yells in confusion as she looks at Chip, her eyes showing a mix of anger, confusion, and distress'

Chip: "Why do you care?! You attacked my family, locked me in a cell and hurt my friend!" 'Chip yells as his eyes slowly begin to turn from blue to red'

'Jasper tries to come up with a way to convince him to agree to going to homeworld however due to the constant strain of her fighting against Lapis she eventually gives up and begins to improvise'

Jasper: "T-Then get Lapis to give me controll of Malachite, I'll take her and the Peridot off world untill you change your mind!" 'Jasper says in a hopeful voice before Chip falls to the water like ground holding his head in his hands'

Chip: "Why dont you understand! I am not a Diamond. Steven isnt Rose Quartz!" 'Chip says with desperation laced in his voice'

Jasper: "Is that the lie she has been telling you? She's nothing but a traitor, but you...you are the fallen Diamond! Thought to have been lost thousands of years ago only for me to find out you're memory had been reset. You could be the most powerful ruler next to White Diamond!"

'Jasper continues to argue with the Young cyborg causing him to attempt to block her out, as he shakes is head weakly'

Jasper: "JUST LET ME TAKE YOU HOME!" 'Jasper yells finally snapping as she strains herself against her restraints'

'Chip's head twitches for a moment before he places his hands on the ground, weal arcs of red energy can be seen sparking around his arms'

Chip: "No..."

Jasper: "What?" 'Jasper asks her voice filled with anger'

Chip: "I SAID"

'Chip looks up showing his entire eyesockets glowing a vibrant red, the center of his chest glowing a bright red aswell'

Chip: "NO!!" 'Chip yells with his voice doubling'

'The entire mindscape begins to shake violently as Jasper is lifted in the air as if being lifted by some unseen force, her eyes fill with fear as she watches Chip glare at her, his hair flowing upward softly'

'Moment's later Chip's eyes flicker before falling black, the moment Chip falls to the Floor he wakes up on the couch being held tightly by a very worried looking Garnet, around the couch are black scorch Mark's along the walls and floor'

Garnet: "There you are..." 'Garnet says with her voice shaking as she holds Chip closely'

'Chips eyes are still a glowing red however his eyes have returned to a red circle instead of the entirety of his eyes glowing'

'Garnet pulls back noticing the still very angry look on Chip's face almost as if her was in a daze, she gently places her hand under Chip's chin making him look up at her'

Garnet: "Chip, it's me. You're safe" 'Garnet says softly managing to snap Chip.out of his daze, his eyes flicker from red to a blueish purple color'

'Chip's eyes widen before he stands up and rushes outside, swiftly being followed by Garnet, when Garnet gets outside she can see Chip holding onto the porch's railing as he coughs up some form of glowing purple liquid that seems to eat through the wood'

'Garnet crouches down next to Chip not sure what to do, Chip eventually falls into a sitting position hugging his knee's to his chest'

Garnet: "What happened?" 'Garnet asks in a serious but very clearly worried tone'

'Chip sits silently trying to process everything that had happened, for him it felt like days or maybe even weeks had passed while in reality it seemed only a few hours'

Chip: "I-I dont know......"

Garnet: "What do you mean?"

Chip: "I..was in a strange place....Jasper was there.....she told me......things" 'Chip says Causing Garnet to subconsiously tense up'

Garnet: "What did she tell you exactly?" 'Garnet asks with a hint of anger in her voice, while not directed towards Chip it still causes him to shrink slightly'

Chip: "She..told me, who I used to be......the things that I was supposed to do.....," 'Chip says with his eyes going black as he places his hands on his head'

'For the first time, Garnet has absolutley no idea what to do or say, usually she can think of somthing on the fly but right now she is just...worried more or less, clearly pained to see Chip in his current state'

Chip: "I'm.....I'm not like them....I cant be" 'Chip says in a whisper, his voice cracking as he shakes in fear'

Chip: "The Diamonds.....they did so many horrible things how can I be like them......how do I know they did those things...."

'Garnet simply sits next to Chip holding him protectively'

Garnet: "You arent like them, weve been over this, you arent like anyone else that has every existed, yet in that same way, you are a lot like Steven. You are both the first of your kind" 'Garnet says while trying to calm Chip down to not much success due to her own agitated state'

Garnet: "But more importantly, you are here, you are with us and you are with me, as long as you are here I will do my best to care for you and protect you"

Chip: "Can we....not tell the others about this...." 'Chip asks softly earning a reluctant sigh from Garnet'

Garnet: "Allright, if itll make you feel better" 'Garnet says causing Chip to look up at her, his eyes a dull blue color, light blue stains can be visible leading down from his eyes'

Chip: "Promise?"

Garnet: "Promise"

'The two fall silent as Garnet does her best to calm Chip down enough for him to stop shaking, as time passes Chip seems to show very little improvement in his mental state'

Garnet: "I swear to god the next time I see Jasper I'm going to throw her into orbit..." 'Garnet says coldly earning a snort from Chip followed by a muffled laugh which in turn causes Garnet to smile tiredly'

*To be continued*

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