(Chapter Six- Birthday Plans)

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'Night had fallen quite some time ago meaning the Crystal gems had returned home, Garnet being the last to return home is just walking into the Beach house'

'As Garnet walks into the house she stops after hearing a quiet rumbling sound, she curiously turns around facing the living room to which a small smile grows on her face'

'As she had expected, Both Chip and Aurora are found sitting asleep on the couch, a engine like rumbling sound coming from both of them, each in a different tune, Aurora can be seen protectively holding Chip'

Pearl: "They were asleep by the time we got back" 'Pearl can be heard saying causing Garnet to turn to her, finding her sitting at the Kitchen counter'

Garnet: "So they've been sleeping this whole time?" 

Pearl: "Well Amethyst tried to wake them up, she was promptly blasted back by Aurora" 'Pearl says with a light Chuckle'

Garnet: "I Cant believe it has almost been a year already since we found Chip" 'Garnet says earning a hum from Pearl'

Pearl: "That's right, I suppose his birthday is coming up" 'Pearl says causing Garnet to stop in her tracks'

'After some thought a smile forms on Garnets face before she clasps her hands together'

Garnet: "I believe I have an idea for his party then" 'Garnet says motioning for Pearl to follow her outside, to which she does'

'Eventually night begins to turn to day, neither Garnet or Pearl had returned home yet, Aurora was the first to wake up, managing to slowly boot up'

'As Aurora fully boots up she shakes her head before stretching, her usual purple glow seeming much brighter than usual'

'Aurora then looks down to chip, a drowsy but content smile forming on her face. Aurora sits for a few moments debating on what to do'

'After a few moments of mental debate Aurora gently moves Chip into a comfortable position on the couch before standing up, as Aurora stands up her hair falls infront of her face causing her to sigh to herself before moving it out of the way'

'Aurora looks around the house before she looks back to Chip then over to the kitchen'

Aurora: "That's an idea" 'Aurora says to herself quietly before floating over to the kitchen'

'As Aurora opens the fridge she starts looking for recipes through her Hud before settling on a group of three recipes'

Aurora: "Metamorin programming don't fail me now" 'Aurora says reaching into the fridge'

'For nearly the next two hours the Beach house was left in relative Peace as Aurora went about trying her hand at cooking, while that happened Garnet and Pearl found themselves walking back to the Beach house, multiple bags in hand'

'As they near the house the two of them stop in confusion Before Pearl turns to Garnet'

Pearl: "Is Someone cooking?" 'Pearl says her eyes going wide'

Garnet: "It's probably Amethyst again..." 

Pearl: "Oh....no last time she nearly burned the house down!" 'Pearl says earning a Chuckle from Pearl as they walk up the steps to the porch'

'As both Pearl and Garnet walk into the house, Pearl stops dead in her tracks when she looks a the kitchen counter'

'Placed on top of the counter is a set of three plates stacked with food, each one looks as if it was made by a professional Chef'

'Aurora then leans around the corner with a confused look on her face before she notices Garnet and Pearl'

Aurora: "Oh! I was wondering where you two were" 'Aurora says dusting herself off'

Pearl: "You made all this?" 'Pearl says in surprise, gesturing to the food'

Aurora: "Yep! I got bored and figured I may aswell try cooking, it was actually pretty fun" 'Aurora says in a thoughtful tone'

Garnet: "So what's your plan for all the food? I Doubt Chip will be waking up anytime soon" 'Garnet says looking over to the couch with a chuckle'

Aurora: "Well I figured his Birthday was coming up so I should try and help with that. plus the Eclipse has a ration stasis compartment so I figured it could keep it fresh" 'Aurora says with a shrug'

Pearl: "Ah yes Metamorin's and their fancy fridges" Pearl says earning a Chuckle from Garnet as Aurora picks up the three dishes of food balancing them on her arms'

Aurora: "Excuse me, I'd rather not make these again" 'Aurora says scooting past both Garnet and Pearl before flying out to the Eclipse'

Pearl: "I Guess Chip got lucky with her" 'Pearl says with a chuckle'

Garnet: "I knew it would happen eventually, Metamorin's are a very family oriented species" 'Garnet says shrugging her shoulders'

*To Be Continued

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