(Chapter Two- The mini moms Fight Part One)

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'After the Gem's had returned from the communication hub Garnet had forced Chip to rest due to his leg and ankle healing much slower than usual, while the young cyborg slept the Gems had to return to the hub two more times due to Presumably Peridot repairing it'

'It had turned out It wasnt Peridot repairing the communication hub again it was infact Pearl repairing it, using it as a excuse to fuse with Garnet into Sardonyx again, Garnet at the moment has not been talking to Pearl for nearly three days'

'Chip has been trying to cheer Garnet up best he can leading to rather lack luster results. not to say she hasnt been effected by his attempts Chip alwayw finds a way to make the gem fusion smile in some way however due to the revelation Pearl was using her she is in a rather solitary and quiet mood'

'While Garnet has been dealing with what happened with Pearl she also has been starting to worry about Chip all be it her worry is very internalized, His leg should have been repaired by now and her "Motherly instinct" as she called it in the past was starting to kick in despite it being overshadowed by her other feelings at the moment'

'What she hadnt expected was for Greg to burst into the beach house and offer to take Steven to a motel in a nearby state'

Garnet: "I'll go too so will Chip" 'Garnet states rather blandly while Steven excitedly cheers'

Chip: "Dont I get a say in this?" 'Chip asks quietly a small amount of defiance in his voice as he looks down at the almost solved Rubik's cube in his hands'

Garnet: "Nope, itll be good for you to see new things" 'Garnet says attempting to coerce Chip into going willingly'

Greg: "Allright, I'll get the van ready and we can head out!" 'Greg says walking out of the beach house being followed by Steven and Chip'

Pearl: "Oh I'll uh, I'll let Amethyst know about your where abouts..." 'Pearl calls out to the group as Garnet walks past her out of the beach house'

'After everyone was situated in the van with Greg and Steven sitting in the front while Garnet and Chip sat in the back Greg started the drive to Keystone'

Greg: "So Chip, I heard your pretty good with fixing stuff up, I was wondering if I could get you to take a look under the hood of the van, it's been making this weird noise whenever I shift the gears, I've just been turning up the music to not hear it" 'Greg asks curiously as he looks forward"

'Chip gives Greg a thumbs up in the rear view mirror before he turns to Garnet curiously'

Garnet: "What is it?" 'Garnet asks curiously before Chip's face softens slightly'

Chip: "Are you okay?" 'Chip asks quietly causing a small tired smile to form on Garnet's face'

Garnet: "Dont worry about me allright? I'll be just fine" 'Garnet says in a reassuring tone before ruffling Chip's hair'

Garnet: "Its gonna be a long drive, you should rest"

'Chip sighs to himself before he closes his eyes attempting to fall asleep'

'After a short time Garnet gently pokes Chip's cheek testing if he is actually asleep or not, after getting no reaction from him she gently leans him over so his head is resting on her shoulder trying to make him more comfortable'

'Garnet shudders momentarily as her hands twitch separately before she takes a deep breath'

Garnet: "Keep it together" 'Garnet whispers to herself before closing her eyes trying to keep herself calm'

'After hours of a rather quiet and uneventful trip the group eventually arrives at a motel where they bring everything inside, Garnet having woke up Chip when they first arrived'

Greg: "Allright were bugless" 'Greg says while looking up from the mattress that Steven is laying on'

'Shortly after Greg stands up his phone rings causing him to look at it and head to the door'

Greg: "That's my que, think you could hold down the fort till I get back?" 'Greg asks Garnet who gives him a thumbs up after her hands briefly twitching'

Greg: "Great, I'm off to see a man about a tunnel brush....an internet man....if I'm not back in an hour, call the police" 'Greg says jokingly as he leaves the the room shutting the door'

'Mere moments after Greg leaves Garnet shakes violently before unfusing causing Ruby and Sapphire to fall to the ground in varying states of distress however both of them look very tired'

Sapphire: "We must move past this Ruby"

Ruby: "She lied to us so we would form Sardonyx, she tricked us dont you feel used?" 'Ruby asks Sapphire angrilly while Chip watches with a worried expression on his face'

Steven: "Ruby! Sapphire! I-"

Sapphire: "You're choosing to take it personally" 'Sapphire says bluntly cutting off Steven'

Ruby: "Its fusion Sapphire! What's more personal to us than fusion?!"

Sapphire: "I know you're still upset" 'Sapphire says in a almost empty tone'

Ruby: "OH so it's just me?"

Sapphire: "Of course not, cant you see I'm completley engulfed with rage" 'Sapphire says calmly'

Ruby: "Well it dosent feel like it..." 'Ruby says tapping her foot'

Sapphire: "The sooner we forgive Pearl the better it will be for everyone"

Ruby: "You are not as above this as you think you are" 'Ruby says as her eyes steam and Sapphire floats onto the bed behind her'

Sapphire: "Yes I am"

'Ruby growls angrilly and looks as if she is about to stomp around before she turns noticing Chip who has a slightly nervous but obviously worried look on his face'

'Ruby growls for a moment before stomping out of the room leaving black footprints behind herself'

Sapphire: "Well that was certainly faster than I had seen" 'Sapphire says bluntly'

*To be Continued*

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