(Chapter One-Mirror Gem)

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'Steven has been given a old gem artifact, a mirror that is said to show the user whatever it is asked, however the mirror seemed to be broken, leading Steven to take it out around the town while he tries to fix it'

'While Steven is off galavanting around Beach City Garnet is carefully watching Chip, the young Metamorin seems to have progressed mentally at a alarming rate over the night'

'While he is still extreamly innocent and rather childish he has learned how to speak in partial sentences, his understanding of the world around him has grown aswell, due to this Garnet has been somewhat worried about him, so she has decided to keep a close eye on him for the time being'

Amethyst: "Hey Chip! You gotta check out this video, this guy strapped fireworks to his boots" 'Amethyst says excitedly earning a uninterested hum from Chip'

'Amethyst sighs to herself clearly worried about her friend, Chip can be seen looking at his holographic screens with a unhappy look on his face, His eyes glowing a very dim blue color'

'Garnet stands up as she was leaning against the wall, she walks over to Chip and sits next to him on the couch, Garney carefully watches what Chip is reading'

'Her face slowly drops from her casual straight face to a clearly worried look despite her eyes being covered by her visor'

'Garnet Places a hand on Chip's shoulder softly'

Garnet: "Chip...whatever you are thinking, it isnt true" 'Garnet says softly causing Chip to start shaking lightly as he looks at his hands'

'Chip closes his hands into fists, Small sparks of blue energy begin flowing off of his arms'

Chip: "Am...I...Just..Weapon?" 'Chip asks quietly causing Garnet to Tense up'

'Amethyst has put down her phone and is currently sitting across the room at the kitchen counter, clearly worried'

'Garnet turns Chip to look at her, Garnet's expression softens when she notices the scared look on Chip's face, his eyes have turned a dark purple color'

'Garnet takes Chips hands in her own in a attempt to calm him down, She looks at Chip as he stares at his arms still clearly scared'

Garnet: " look at me" 'Garnet says sternly causing Chip to look up at her slowly, his eyes seeming to flicker on and off'

Garnet: "You are NOT a weapon, just because you were made for that roll does not mean it defines you" 'Garnet says with a soft tone of voice which seems to calm Chip down enough to stop shaking'

'Chip looks up at Garnet after taking a few deep breaths, his eye color returning to a dim blue color'

Garnet: "Feeling better?" 'Garnet asks softly as she hugs Chip'

'Garnet's smile falters as she feels Chip start shaking much more than before'

'The beach house's door can be heard opening as Pearl walks inside the house carrying a few bags of groceries'

Pearl: "You would not believe how chaotic that store was, who would have thought humans could get so hostile over produce" 'Pearl says as she places the bags on the floor of the beach house, Once she turns around her smile falters noticing the rather somber situation'

'Pearl walks over to Amethyst as Garnet continues to attempt to comfort Chip'

Pearl: "What's wrong with Chip?" 'Pearl whispers to Amethyst quietly'

Amethyst: "He went reading through his files, apparently most of his systems involve...weapons?" 'Amethyst whispers in slight confusion causing Pearl to sigh clearly on edge'

Pearl: "I take it he isnt fairing too well with that revelation?" 'Pearl asks still whispering which in turn earns a nod from Amethyst'

'Garnet pulls away from Chip noticing he has seemed to calm down, his eyes having turned back to its full glowing blue color'

'A relieved smile grows on Garnet's face which is quickly Interrupted as Steven barges into the beach house causing Chip to jump slightly making Garnet chuckle lightly'

Steven: "Guys I got the mirror working!" 'Steven proclaims loudly'

Pearl: "That's wonderful steven!" 'Pearl says as Chip sits down properly next to Garnet'

Steven: "You didnt tell me it was like a person!"

Pearl: "What.." 'Pearl says clearly confused and slightly alarmed'

Steven: "Yeah it can talk and stuff! C'mon say hi" 'Steven says holding out the mirror, silence fills the room causing Steven to turn around'

'Steven can be heard whispering to the mirror before he starts laughing the next thing that is heard is the Mirror stringing together a sentence through clips of other people talking'

Mirror: "Just.For.You.Ssssteven" 'The mirror says causing Pearl and Garnet to stand up'

Chip: "Deja Vu" 'Chip says quietly as he looks down causing Amethyst to snort loudly as she tries to contain her laughter'

Pearl: "Garnet it shouldnt be able to do that... it should just be following orders" 'Pearl says wide eye'd'

'Garnet walks forward to Steven and the mirror'

Garnet: "Give me the mirror Steven, it will be safer where we can watch it"

Amethyst: "Yeah let's bubble it!"

Mirror: "Nooooooo!!!" 'The mirror let's out a clip of Steven yelling in despair'

Steven: "I-I dont think it wants to go with you.."

Garnet: "Steven it is a MIRROR it cant WANT anything" 'Garney says sternly which causes Steven to begin to panic'

'Steven panics and accidentally slaps Garnet causing her Visor to fall off, Steven then realizes the mistake he made and runs outside with the mirror in hand'

Steven: "Ahh I'm sorry!!!" 'Steven yells as he runs outside'

'Chip had walked upto the stunned Garnet to make sure she was okay only for her to faze her visor back on'

Chip: "Garnet?" 'Chip says softly as Garnet grits her teeth'

Garnet: "That boy is in SO much trouble" 'Garnet says angrilly as she storms out of the beach house'

Pearl: "Wait Garnet I'm sure he didnt know what he was doing!" 'Pearl yells clearly alarmed as she Chases Garnet, Amethyst soon follows leaving Chip alone in the house'

'By the time the Gems had found Steven he was standing with a New gem, the gem that was attached to the back of the mirror'

???: "You three... you knew I was trapped in there the whole time! DID YOU EVEN QUESTION WHO I USED TO BE?!" 'The gem yells loudly as she forms a massive hand out of water from the ocean'

Lapis: "I AM LAPIS LAZULI AND YOU CANT KEEP ME TRAPED HERE ANYMORE!!" 'Lapis yells as she throws the hand of water at Garnet'

'Garnet Braces herself for the impact only to hear somthing simmilar to a explosion, she looks up noticing the hand being blasted apart by a blue beam of energy'

'When Garnet turns her head to look at who fired it she can see Chip his eyes having turned yellow as he aims his right hand at Lapis'

'Chip's right hand is open slightly around the palm showing what looks like a cannon of some sort'

'Lapis begins to form another hand out of the ocean only for her to be blasted into the ocean by a thin blue beam of energy surprising both her and the Crystal Gems'

'As Garnet scolds Steven And Amethyst says somthing about "Grounding" him as she lifts a shovel in the air, Pearl walks over to Chip as his right hand closes up, his eyes are still a bright glowing yellow'

'Chip looks at Pearl, he quickly turns around and sprints off leaving her standing alone clearly worried for Multiple reasons'

*To be continued*

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