(Chapter Five- Battle Field Exploration)

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'Chip can be seen walking throughout the homeworld Diamond base with Aurora sitting on his shoulder using one of her screens'

Chip: "So you found the location of an old Metamorin base?" 'Chip asks curiously'

Aurora: "That is correct My Diamond, it was hidden deep in the Diamond files with a high caliber level of encryption" 'Aurora says looking at her screen'

Chip: "Is it accessible by warp pad?"

Aurora: "The file says it used to have a functioning warp pad however I can not confirm  if it is still operational"

Chip: "Well, only one way to find out" 'Chip says taking a turn into the large warp room'

'Chip steps onto the warp and begins warping away, in mid warp the stream begins to shake and shudder as if it were unstable'

'The warp cuts out briefly before reactivating, a red tint appearing around the warp stream'

Chip: "Brace for impact!" 'Chip says picking up Aurora using himself as a shield'

'The warp stream ends abruptly in mid air, Chip collides with the ground cracking it on impact'

'After skidding shortly Chip comes to a stop, he slowly stands up in a slight daze'

Chip: "You okay? No missing parts?" 'Chip asks Aurora and he stands up letting her fly into the open'

Aurora: "As far as I can tell I have sustained no damage" 'Aurora says shaking her head being dazed from the impact aswell'

'Once Chip looks around his eyes widen, he scans the area as Aurora looks around in a simmilar state of shock'

'The entire planet seems broken, peices of it are floating in the sky or even in low orbit of the planet. A large portion of the ground even seems to be scorched'

Chip: "What the heck happened here? The gravitational field is completley screwed!" 'Chip says in confusion looking around'

Aurora: "I'm not quite sure, but I believe it would have somthing to do with the high levels of energon readings I am getting" 'Aurora says with her eyes flashing'

'Chip and Aurora continue walking around the desolate wasteland a growing feeling of confusion growing in between them, what happened here? Where was the warp pad they came in on?'

'As the two continue to walk they eventually climb up a large hill over looking presumably what used to be a valley'

Chip: "I think I know what happened here...." 'Chip says with a nervous chuckle as he looks out over the valley'

'Large bunker like structures can be seen littering the valley, smaller ships can be seen crashed into the ground or even the fragments of them can be seen'

'Large six legged vehicle like devices can be seen fallen onto their sides or some how still standing, most of them showing a great deal of damage'

Aurora: "A war...." 'Aurora says with surpise in her voice, she quickly turns her head before flying off into the distance'

'She lands infront of a larger ship a dull green metal can be seen under the redish orange sand'

'Moments later Chip jumps out of a portal beside her with a curious look on his face and his walking stick in hand'

Aurora: "This is gem technology...." 'Aurora says after scanning the ship'

Chip: "I knew Homeworld and the Metamorin's had some sort of conflict but I had no clue it was on this level!" 'Chip says looking at the destroyed remains of the homeworld ship'

Aurora: "And from the wreckage around the battle field, it would seem the Metamorin's had won this battle"

'Chip looks around before settling on one of the massive six legged machines, he turns to it gently tapping Aurora as he does so'

Chip: "Let's go check that out, maybe we can find somthing there" 'Chip says walking off with Aurora close behind him'

'Once they get to the large tank like structure Aurora walks in through the opened door, Chip does the same having to crouch down to get inside'

Chip: "Thank god this thing is laying down..." 'Chip says with a chuckle as the two explore'

'Chip and Aurora explore the entirety of the large vehicle save for a locked door at the end of the cabin'

Aurora: "I would hack it but I cant hack open a door without power" 'Aurora says looking up at Chip'

'Chip looks to Aurora and back to the door for a moment'

'Moments later the door can be seen flying into the room it was closing off letting Chip and Aurora explore the inside'

'The inside shows one large seat in the center of the room with a pair of consoles lower down infront of two smaller seats'

Chip: "Do you think this thing could still run if we got its power online?" 'Chip asks curiously looking at Aurora'

Aurora: "I'm....not sure, but I would love to find out!" 'Aurora says excitedly'

Aurora: "I found a large sphere in the back, that may be the reactor"

Chip: "Allright you see what you can do with that and I'll see what I can do from here" 'Chip says walking further into the room'

'As Aurora leaves to see if the object she had found was actually a reactor Chip looks around the room best he can, due to his size it is a rather tight fit inside the room'

'Chip looks at the front wall noticing metal paneling, they metal panel looks oddly simmilar to blinds infront of a window'

'Chip then makes his way to the main seat in the center scanning it curiously, as he expected it was a metamorin controll seat, like on the Eclipse'

'A moment later the entire vehicle rumbles as lights flash on and light floods the room a excited laugh can be heard down in the back if the cabin from Aurora'

*To be continued*

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