(Chapter One-Family)

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'After the Previous nights events Garnet, Pearl, Amethyst and steven went on a mission to find two specific items, they didn't specify what they were looking for due to Chip being in the room, however Garnet did end up giving Chip a Rubik's cube that Amethyst found in her room, she thought Chip would enjoy it'

'Garnet has not yet told Anyone about Chip being able to talk, even though very poorly, while the Gems are out on their mission Chip is at home sitting on the couch with his rubik's cube'

'Chip is visibly confused with the rubik's cube but seems to be enjoying it at the same time, he hasnt managed to solve much of it besides a single line of solid red on one side'

'Chip soon grows bored due to his lack of progress with the Rubik's cube, he places the cube on the table infront of him, he curls his legs upto his chest as he looks around the house clearly bored'

'He closes his eyes for a moment and reopens them, his eyes suddenly project a holographic screen startling him which in turn causes him to fall backwards hitting his head against the wall behind the couch'

'Chip growls as he rubs his head, he opens his eyes and notices the holographic screen is gone'

'Chip tilts his head before he closes his eyes and opens them wide causing the screens to project once more, Chip tilts his head in confusion before reaching out to the screen and touching it, he drags his left index finger across the screen causing it to show a different screen entirely'

'The screen shows different diagnostics on different parts of his body including parts that seem to be in his back, they look like large pronged tubes attached to a joint, Chip looks at the screen confused as a light flashes through the room from the warp pad activating'

'Chip shakes his head before blinking twice causing the screens to disappear'

'Chip stands up as The Gems can be heard talking amongst eachother on the warp pad, Chip stretches his arms causing multiple different parts to open and close'

'Chip picks up his rubik's cube putting it in his hoodie's pocket as the Gems walk down the steps from the warp pad'

Steven: "You should have seen it Garnet! It was so cool, she shot the bird gem thing with her bow and it just exploded into smaller bird Gems!" 'Steven says loudly with stars in his eyes causing Garnet to chuckle lightly'

Amethyst: "Yeah it was pretty cool if I say so" 'Amethyst says proudly while Pearl rolls her eyes desmissivley'

'The Gems notice Chip leaning against the wall attempting to fix the colors of the rubik's cube once again, Pearl's eyes widen noticing the damage he previously had has been repaired, Garnet had made sure to hide that from Pearl aswell for it to be a surprise for her after the mission'

Pearl: "Oh my star's your fully healed!" 'Pearl says excitedly as Garnet steps forward'

Garnet: "He has been since last night, I caught him sneaking out" 'Garnet says with a teasing Grin causing Chip to tilt his head slightly confused'

Pearl: "What?!"

Garnet: "Its allright Pearl when I found him he was just sight seeing" 'Garnet says placing a hand on Pearl's shoulder calming her down'

Amethyst: "Someone's becoming a little trouble maker" 'Amethyst says chuckling'

Garnet: "He was just curious is all, besides he promised me he would be careful" 'Garnet says with a soft smile as she remembers the events of the night prior'

Amethyst: "What did he say he promised?" 'Amethyst asks mockingly'

Chip: "Y..es" 'Chip says slowly clearly struggling with pronouncing it properly'

'Garnet stands smiling proudly while Pearl and Amethyst look shocked, Steven has a look of pure excitement on his face'

Steven: "You can talk! Say my name! Say Steven!"

Chip: "St...ev..en?"

'Steven's eyes light up into stars as he giggles to himself excitedly, Amethyst walks upto Chip smugly'

Amethyst: "And what's my name? C'mon I'm sure you remember'

'Chip stops to think for a moment before opening his mouth showing his long fangs'

Chip: "Ame...Ame..thy..st" 'Chip says with his voice losing the static effect it had previously

'Pearl is the next to walk upto Chip a excited smile plastered on her face'

Pearl: "Okay it's my turn now, say my name!"

Chip: "P-Pe..arl" 'Chip says his eyes turning a glowing Green clearly happy with his small achievement'

'Pearl squeals to herself happily causing Amethyst to laugh at the unusual amount of excitement Pearl is experiencing'

'Garnet is smiling softly at the scene infront of her, her smile Fades as she goes into thought'

'Garnet is quickly brought out of her thoughts when she notices Chip standing infront of her'

Garnet: "Yes?" 'Garnet says leaning down to chip's height'

'Chip smiles softly as his eyes turn a softer color of green with blue on the bottom parts of them'

Chip: "Garnet!" 'Chip says happily, his voice sounding slightly robotic other than that his voice sounds almost identical to a human'

'Garnet's face shows surprise at how easily he said her name, a smile spreads across her face as she looks at Chip'

Amethyst: "I think we know who his favorite is" 'Amethyst says as she chuckles'

Pearl: "Yes so it would seem" 'Pearl says with a amused smile'

Steven: "He did spend the most time with her"

'Garnet looks from the others and back to Chip only to be met with Chip giving her a hug which sets her off balance slightly due to the force'

'Garnet hugs him back softly, when she pulls back she looks at the Metamorin infront of her'

Garnet: "Welcome to the family" 'Garnet says poking Chips nose causing him to shake his head with his eyes turning turquoise'

'Steven joins in on the hug effectively knocking the group of three over causing them to crash to the ground loudly'

'Pearl rests her hand on her face with a small smile while Amethyst laughs at the comical scene before her'

*To be continued*

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