(Chapter Four- Time With Yellow Part Two)

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'Chip can be seen flying around Yellow's throne room absently, a bored expression on his face as he does so'

Chip: "So....any idea what Blue is upto? You said it was a surprise for me?" 'Chip asks curiously stopping infront of Yellow'

Yellow: "Of course know what she is doing, I just wont tell you" 'Yellow says smirking as she turns to Chip'

Chip: "Your no fun..." 'Chip says sighing'

Yellow: "Well then what would you like to do for "fun" exactly?" 'Yellow asks looking at Chip'

Chip: "I dunno, everything on homeworld is different, I dont know what I would even be allowed to do for fun..." 'Chip says quietly looking down'

'Yellow stops for a moment in deep thought, tapping her right index finger against her chin'

Yellow: "I believe I know somewhere we can go" 'Yellow says standing up'

Yellow: "It will have to be very quick though" 'Yellow says walking to her door causing Chip to fly quickly catching upto her'

Chip: "And what exactly is this place we are going too?" 'Chip asks curiously causing Yellow to smirk confidently'

Yellow: "I am going to take you to the one place on homeworld where we still have Metamorin history, a old storage facility. It may even teach you some things about yourself you dont know" 'Yellow says walking once more onto a large warp pad'

'While the two of them warped to their destination Chip's excitement had begun to grow, he would get to learn about Metamorin stuff, and of course he was curious about that!'

'Once the warp ended Yellow walked towards a large hand shaped panel, after placing her hand onto it a large black painted door opened up infront to the two'

'Chip followed Yellow into the dark room, he was about to activate his flashlight eyes when the room's lights began to turn on one by one'

'Yellow smiles softly watching Chip's look of excitement grow as he let's out a series or excited beeps'

'Throughout the room are separate Metamorin items, ranging from smaller rifle like weapons all the way to a intact howitzer bot, however what has Chip's attention at the moment is a MASSIVE half constructed robot, the upper torso and head of a humanoid robot so big that it even dwarfs Yellow and even White now that Chip has seen her'

Chip: "What is THAT!" 'Chip says Flying over to the massive construct, Yellow having to speed walk to catch upto him'

Yellow: "That is what your kind called a "Titan" quite the fitting name I'd say, they were used as machines of war. They were also the biggest threat the Metamorin's could use against their enemies" 'Yellow explains while Chip's Diamond shaped eyes sparkle with a light green hue'

Yellow: "A single one of these war machines could conqour an entire planet single handedly, this was our attempt at salvaging one...as you can see the project is now dead in the water" 'Yellow says with a slight sigh as she watches Chip fly upto it's head'

Chip: "Woah..."

Yellow: "You may look around for a bit, I shall do the same, see if any of this technology is still in working condition.."

'Yellow walks over to a large console while Chip flies around excitedly scanning each individual peice of technology'

'Chip stops at a large rifle, picking it up the rifle barrel opens up and begins spinning causing Chip's eyes to light up'

'He carefully places it back down scanning it as he does so, a look of pure excitement on his face'

Yellow: "What are you doing over there?" 'Yellow asks with mock suspicion in her voice as she watches Chip scan the rifle'

'Chip ignores Yellow as he raises right his arm, a moment later his right hand turns into a smaller version of the Rifle barrel causing Chip to giggle to himself excitedly'

Chip: "I can make my hand into a photon cannon..." 'Chip says quietly nerding out as he turns his hand back to normal'

'Chip stops infront of a small terminal, a look of confusion on his face noticing the usb port on it'

'He turns his left index finger into a usb before inserting it into the port, his eyes lighting up into green code once more as he scrolls through the system files'

Yellow: "Well? Find anything of interest?" 'Yellow asks walking over to Chip curiously'

Chip: "Kind of? I mean it's hard to tell.....all the information in this terminal is either corrupted or in gem and I cant read that" 'Chip says causing Yellow to hum to herself'

Yellow: "That's to be expected, this facility has not been powered on in over four thousand years...."

Chip: "I have learned that Humans and Metamorins are surprisingly simmilar in biology though, like scarily simmilar....in almost every way save for the fact they are made of flesh and bone and well...we arent" 'Chip says taking his finger out of the usb port'

Yellow: "Yes indeed it would seem that is the case" 'Yellow says rolling her eyes as Chip taps his head lightly producing a metallic *ting* noise as he does so'

'Yellow stops for a moment activating one of her screens reading a message she got, she then closes the screen and begins walking back to the door'

Yellow: "It would seem Blue has finished what she needed to do for now, she is requesting me to bring you back to her" 'Yellow says waiting for Chip'

Chip: "What did she have to do? It almost took her a full day!" 'Chip says in confusion causing Yellow to chuckle'

Yellow: "Many things a Diamond has to do can take time and lots of it" 'Yellow says closing the door behind them'

'Yellow waits for Chip on the warp pad as he flies over to her, a much happier look on his face than earlier'

Chip: "Hey Yellow?"

Yellow: "Yes?"

Chip: "Do you think I could come back here some time?" 'Chip asks curiously causing a small smile to form on Yellow's face'

Yellow: "Perhaps, once you get your own quarters you may go wherever you wish on homeworld" 'Yellow says as the warp pad activates'

*To be continued*

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