(Chapter Three- Servo Sickness)

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'Carbonite can be seen walking through Chip's room, a calm look on her face as she walks to Chip's bed where he can be seen laying asleep'

Carbonite: "My Diamond it is time to wake up" 'Carbonite says softly pushing Chip'

'Chip beeps for a moment before his eyes open, his eyes instead of being the usual vibrant neon blue color have turned a sickly grey color, his eyes themselves seem to be melting even though they're technically holographic'

Carbonite: "Are you feeling well?" 'Carbonite asks curiously as Chip sits up'

Chip: "I-Im fine, just a little dizzy is all" Chip says standing up'

'As Chip stands up his legs let out a weak mechanical groan before sparking, as Chip loses balance Carbonite steadies him with a worried look on her face'

Carbonite: "I am taking you your mother, she may know what is wrong" 'Carbonite says as she begins to limp Chip out of the room'

'In the beach house Garnet can be seen sitting in the living room reading a book with her legs crossed'

'The sound of The temple door opening draws her attention causing her to close her book'

'Garnet's expression instantly drops noticing Carbonite Practically carrying Chip, his chest still flashing a dull blue'

Carbonite: "Lady Garnet, somthing is wrong with him" 'Carbonite says her voice laced with worry'

'Garnet stands up walking over to Chip, she places the back of her right hand on Chip's forehead before quickly taking it away'

Garnet: "You're burning up" 'Garnet says before looking Chip in the eyes noticing their bizzar state'

Garnet: "Lay him down I will be right back" 'Garnet says walking into the washroom'

'Carbonite does as she was told and Gently lays Chip down onto the couch, moments later Garnet walks out of the washroom with a wet cloth, once she sits next to Chip she places the cloth on his forehead causing it to hiss loudly for a moment'

Carbonite: "What is wrong with him?"

Garnet: "I'm not quite sure.....however I think it may be a case of Servo sickness" 'Garnet says sighing'

Carbonite: "What is....that?"

Garnet: "If my memory serves to be correct....Servo Sickness is obtained when a Metamorin's energy signature is effected in a unplanned way, it cant power the buddy enough or is providing too much power" 'Garnet explains gently placing her hand on Chip's head, his eyes seeming glazed over'

Carbonite: "How do we help him?" 'Carbonite asks slightly worried'

Garnet: "I will look after him while he is sick, you should go find Pearl and Amethyst and tell them about this, Pearl knows what she will need to grab"

'Without hesitation Carbonite flies out of the house leaving a gust of wind while Garnet moves Chip so his head is laying on her lap'

Chip: "Why does my head feel like it's on fire?" 'Chip asks in a whisper'

Garnet: "You are very sick, it's not going to be a easy process for you to go through to get better...." 'Garnet says sighing, her eyes full of worry behind her visor'

Chip: "Well that's.......inconvenient" 'Chip says bluntly earning a slight chuckle from Garnet'

Garnet: "Just do your best to rest allright?"

Chip: "d̵-̶d̷o̴n̸t̷ ̸y̶o̶u̴ ̶h̴a̶-̵h̶a̵v̸e̶ ̴b̵e̴t̷t̴e̵r̴ ̶t̶h̴i̴-̸i̶-̴i̷n̸g̶s̸ ̵t̵o̵ ̵d̵o̴?̵" 'Chip asks, his voice glitching weakly yet still sounding timid'

'Garnet smiles softly while doing her best to Comfort Chip'

Garnet: "Right now there would be nothing more important for me to do than being here to help you" 'Garnet says causing Chip to beep weakly his eyes flickering'

'Garnet's smile drops noticing Chip's chest still flickering a dark blue every so often. "At this rate his condition is just going to get worse" Garnet finds herself thinking. Her physical form shudders for a moment before she takes a deep breath'

Chip: "H-How bad is this going to get?" 'Chip asks curiously'

Garnet: "Well, it's not going to be a easy fix. If left untreated Servo Sickness can be.... lethal for your kind..." 'Garnet says hesitantly, Chip whimpers slightly, his eyes turning a pale purple'

Garnet: "But I am here. You arent alone. You'll be fine" 'Garnet says gently taking Chip's hands in her own'

Chip: "You wont leave?" 'Chip asks his voice fading in and out'

Garnet: "I promise. It's my job to take care of you afterall" 'Garnet says forcing a smile'

'Garnet waits for a moment hoping for a response. Moments turn into minutes'

'Garnet hesitantly places a hand on Chip's chest, she breaths a sigh of relief feeling a weak energy current'

'Moments later Pearl and Amethyst come barging into the house multiple bags in their hands'

Pearl: "What stage is he in?" 'Pearl asks walking over to Garnet. In Pearl's hands she can be seen carrying a large syringe filled with a glowing yellow liquid'

Garnet: "He just entered stage two"

Pearl: "Nullification....we got here just in time then" 'Pearl says flicking the syringe a few times before gently sliding it into the side of Chip's neck'

'After a moment Pearl removes the empty syringe as a few weak bolts of energy spark from Chip's chest a whirring sound coming from him'

Amethyst: "Uhh...what did that do?"

Pearl: "It regulated his reactor's Rpm, it shall now produce the energy required to fight off the damage done but...."

Amethyst: "But what?" 'Amethyst asks cluelessly'

Garnet: "It will likley take a few days for him to even wake up, then the damage done to his servos will begin their repairs....it...will be painful for him" 'Garnet says sighing which in turn causes Amethyst to cringe'

Amethyst: "How'd he get sick anyway?"

'Garnet hums for a moment before looking at his chest, the light blue flicker having stopped a fee moments ago'

Pearl: "I would assume it was due to the irregularity his reactor was experiencing with the.....flashing" 'Pearl says in thought her voice filled with uncertainty'

Amethyst: "Well imma go see how Carbonite is doin' you commin G'?" 'Amethyst asks Garnet'

'Garnet sighs before pulling Chip closer to her, Garnet then places a blanket over Chip trying to make him comfortable'

Garnet: "No. I shall stay here with him, it's the closest thing to family time he's had for a while" 'Garnet says tiredly'

Pearl: "Wholesome" 'Pearl says smiling which in turn causes Garnet to smile lightly as she leans her had back into her pillow'

'Garnet then waves at pearl in a "Shoo" motion causing her to chuckle to herself before leaving the two'

'Before Garnet does her best to sleep she quickly decides to check her future vision'

'As usual she cant see anything involving Chip, however she CAN see Steven asking about a picture inside of a book, although she cant see exactly what the picture is'

*To be continued*

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