(Chapter Four-Time with Yellow Part One)

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Blue: "There you are! I was beginning to worry" 'Blue says in relief as Chip walks into her room'

'He can be seen wearing a black uniform with glowing blue lines around his Diamond, the material of said uniform happens to look rather metallic in nature aswell'

Chip: "I don't see what there was to be worried about, White seemed....rather nice despite how you and Yellow talk about her" 'Chip says in confusion'

'Blue blinks in confusion before leaning down to Chip's level picking him up softly'

Blue: "What do you mean?"

Chip: "Well you and Yellow always talk about how mean she is, but she was nice to me, kinda creepy but nice" 'Chip says nodding his head slightly'

Blue: "Well yes, White can be a little.....intense for a lack of a better word, we haven't spoken to her properly for....thousands of years" 'Blue says sighing slightly'

Chip: "So then....what makes me so special for her to want to talk to me? I mean I'm just....me" 'Chip says in confusion as he looks up at Blue'

Blue: "That is likley the EXACT reason she wished to see you in person" 'Blue says with a soft smile'

Chip: "Would you...care to elaborate or...."

Blue: "You seem to have an effect on those around you, a very positive one at that" 'Blue says setting Chip down as she opens the door to her room showing Yellow standing on the other side of it'

Chip: "Where are you going?" 'Chip asks curiously while Yellow walks into the room'

'Blue opens her mouth to say somthing only for Yellow to place her hand over Blue's mouth'

Yellow: "That is a secret at the moment, it involves a surprise for you later on" 'Yellow says smirking as she walks upto Chip'

'Chip cocks his head to the side curiously before Yellow Picks him up placing him on her left shoulder next to her Pearl'

Yellow: "And that means you get to spend time with me" 'Yellow says smirking'

Blue: "I will be back later on, behave yourself like the gentlebot you are" 'Blue says warningly as she and her Pearl walk out of the Room'

Chip: "Soooo....what're we doing? " 'Chip asks curiously as he sits down on Yellow's shoulder'

Yellow: "We are going to visit one of my colonies in progress, there have been some issues with the systems there I was thinking perhaps you could look them over?"

Chip: "I cant make any promises but I can definently try!" 'Chip says excitedly'

Y.P: "You certainly seem more Excitable than usual My Diamond" 'Yellow Pearl says politely to Chip'

Chip: "Well I got to talk to White so that's a pretty big mood boost, the new outfit works too!" 'Chip says smiling brightly surprising Yellow Pearl slightly'

'Yellow Pearl laughs lightly before quickly covering her mouth and looking to Yellow'

Yellow: "Its allright Pearl, you may....enjoy yourself" 'Yellow says sighing lightly'

Chip: "So what systems will I be working on?" 'Chip asks curiously'

Yellow: "Some of the injectors refuse to turn on, others refuse to do their job in general, it's like the systems are going haywire" 'Yellow says entering a large room, in the center a massive warp pad can be seen'

'Yellow steps on the large warped before warping away, once the warp ends Chip opens his eyes, his eyes widen as he looks at the planet around him'

'The planet is a dull green color with a purple sky, large dead tree's can be seen sorrounding the kindergarten, large Yellow Gems can be seen bursting from the rock around the Kindergarten'

Yellow: "This is my Topaz Kindergarten, Topaz, are a gaurd type gem, you yourself will have to create a gaurd type of gem" 'Yellow says as she starts walking to a large observatory like building'

Chip: "When exactly WILL I make my own court?" 'Chip asks cautiously'

Yellow: "I'm not quite sure, that is for White to decide, however given her sudden......affection towards you I would assume it to be sooner rather than later" 'Yellow says sighing '

'Yellow walks into a massive room full of injectors, all of them seem to be hooked up to some sort of server system'

Yellow: "Well here we are" 'Yellow says placing Chip down'

'Chip walks over to the server carefully looking at it for some sort of port to interface with'

Chip: "How do I...interface with it?" 'Chip asks slightly confused'

Yellow: "Actually....im not quite sure" 'Yellow says causing Chip to sigh before he smirks confidently'

'Yellow crouches down as she watches Chip place his hand onto the server before his entire hand turns into wires that seem to run into the server, his eyes lighting up a neon green with bars of code going across them'

Chip: "Huh, I can actually interface with stuff without loosing controll of my body now!" 'Chip says smiling slightly as he looks through the code'

Yellow: "So what do you believe the problem to be?"

'Chip stops for a moment his eyes growing more and more wide, almost as if disgusted by somthing'

Yellow: "Is somthing wrong?"

Chip: "This....is the most DISGUSTING excuse for a coding system I have ever seen" 'Chip says with a shudder before he squints his eyes'

'Suddenly the servers around the room begin to light up followed by the injectors themselves activating with flashing lights on their keypads'

Yellow: "What are you doing exactly?"

Chip: "I'm rewriting the code, there are many errors, faults and loopholes that could cause problems so I it's best to rebuild from the ground up" 'Chip says before the lights on the injectors begin to turn green one by one'

'Yellow watches in surprise as the injectors deploy and walk their way out of the building and out to the planet surface'

Yellow: "You must be rewriting thousands of lines of code per second, how did you learn to do this?"

Chip: "I didnt really, I just sorta....know I guess" 'Chip says chuckling as he continues to work'

Yellow: "Perhaps I should reevaluate my Peridot's and their competency..." 'Yellow says growling slightly'

Chip: "Allright aaaand....do-"

'Chip cuts himself off as he tenses up slightly causing Yellow to turn her head to him'

'Chip's eyes start flashing I between red and green momentarily before he manages to return his arm to normal, his eyes doing the same while he takes deep breaths'

Yellow: "Are you allright?" 'Yellow asks as her Pearl jumps down to Check on Chip'

Chip: "Y-Yeah! Totally fine....I think I had a  overcharge from the servers..." 'Chip says punching his chest lightly as if coughing'

Yellow: "Well....perhaps we should let you rest for a bit, we shall continue our plans later" 'Yellow says picking Chip up softly'

'Chip turns his head to Yellow, his vision glitching slightly from colored to Black and White, his eyes widen slightly at the sight of two white glowing eyes in the corner of the room before his vision returns to normal'

Chip: "Y-Yeah....sure"

*To be continued*

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