(Chapter Three- Bismuth.....)

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Bismuth: "Homeworld treats us like dirt because we dont shine like the elite! But the Crystal gems are back! And we'll give those diamonds another taste of what's comin!" 'Bismuth yells as she stands on the beach outside the temple. Pearl, Amethyst and Garnet all standing across from her ready with their weapons'

Bismuth: "Now sho me what you got soldiers!" 'Bismuth asks as she forms her hands into hammer's and slams them together'

'As the Crystal gems can be seen sparring Chip and Steven are sitting on the beach watching, Steven is sitting in a chair with a pop while Chip sits cross legged on the sand'

'Chip had convinced Carbonite earlier any dust inside the house was a danger to him so she is currently rather busy dusting the house. The last time Chip checked up on her she was very aggressively dusting her eyes being a bright orange color'

Steven: "This seems a little....dangerous"

Chip: "Agreed" 'Chip says watching Garnet go tumbling across the sand'

'Chip and Steven's attention are caught by Bismuth smashing a boulder I to pieces'

Bismuth: "Steven! Come down here and show me what your made of!" 'Bismuth yells to Steven inbetween her deep breaths'

Steven: "I would but this is a little intense for me!"

Bismuth: "But it's a ritual for us Crystal Gems to sparr before battle! What about you Chip? You seem to be someone who enjoys a good fight!" 'Bismuth says catching Chip's attention'

Chip: "I think ill' Pass, While I am rather proud of myself with my combat abilities I've never enjoyed hurting others" 'Chip says sweating slightly'

Bismuth: "Ah Come on! No ones gonna get hurt! It's just a sparring match!" 'Bismuth says causing Chip to sigh before flying over'

Chip: "Allright..." 'Chip says hesitantly landing across from Bismuth'

Bismuth: "Ha Ha! That's what I like to hear" 'Bismuth says raising her fists'

Garnet: "Remember what you've been learning. You've got this" 'Garnet says softly as she walks past Chip, as Chip turns back to Bismuth with his hands raised his eyes can be seen having turned a dull Golden Color'

'Chip plants his feet on the ground with his feet sparking with blue energy turning the sand into glass'

'Chip kicks off of the sand with enough force to explode sand onto the three unsuspecting gems behind him as he charges toward Bismuth'

'Bismuth smirks before turning her hand into a large blade stretching her arm forward after him'

'Chip instantly speeds up flying around Bismuth's arm, when he gets Close enough Chip brings up his legs essentially landing jump kicking Bismuth causing her to stumble backwards before regaining herself'

'Bismuth is quickly met with a energy blast to the face knocking her off her feet and onto the ground'

Bismuth: "Didnt see that coming.." 'Bismuth says slightly dazed as she sits up'

Steven: "Maybe we could try some of the New Crystal gem rituals?" 'Steven asks hopefully'

Bismuth: "Yeah sure! I wanna have a rematch later though!" 'Bismuth says smirking as she points at Chip'

'Chip nods softly in agreement, his eyes returning to a calm blue color, After Bismuth and the others cleaned the sand off of them they began the rituals'

'They did everything from playing badminton, to playing cards, even making pizza! By the time night had came Bismuth took Steven back to the forge, Chip is currently sitting up on his bed his glowing blue eyes piercing through the darkness only to be met with Carbonite's Calm red eyes'

Carbonite: "What is troubling you?" 'Carbonite asks curiously tilting her head'

'Chip beeps quietly shrinking slightly which in turns causes Carbonite's eyes to turn a purplish blue color clearly worried'

Carbonite: "You are worried about Steven and Bismuth" 'Carbonite says in realization causing Chip to nod his head'

Carbonite: "I am sure they will be fine, you needn't worry about Steven nor Bismuth, they are both capable of defending themselves"

'Chip stands up before carefully floating above the ground, his thrusters producing a low hum'

'Chip opens the door leading to the warp pad curiously looking around, when he notices the Door to the house open he silently steps on the warp pad followed by Carbonite who curiously hovers behind him'

'Chip activates the warp pad just as Carbonite lands behind him, the two find themselves near the path to the forge, Carbonite's eyes instantly turning red as she pulls Chip's Warhammer out of her Gem handing it to him'

Carbonite: "You shall only use that weapon if you must. I shall protect you if anything goes wrong" 'Carbonite says summoning her Polearm holding it in her hands'

'Once Chip and Carbonite arrive at the Forge they see a large hole in the center of it. Chip slowly floats down with Carbonite landing silently'

'As the two arrive they see Steven holding his mother's sword through Bismuth's chest a look of regret on Steven's face'

Bismuth: "Then you really are better than her..." 'Bismuth says chuckling before her form poofs, Steven leans down sadly picking up her gem and bubbling it'

'Steven then turns to Carbonite and Chip, the look on his face turning from a somber expression to a mini Heart attack'

Chip: "What.....happened?" 'Chip asks somberly, his eyes turning a dark blue'

Steven: "S-She.....thought I was my mom....apparently she poofed Bismuth and never told the other Crystal gems..." 'Steven says rubbing the tears from his eyes'

'Steven wobbles for a moment before Chip steadies him, Chip takes the Bubble handing It to Carbonite, Chip then turns around leaning down'

Chip: "Let's get you home..." 'Chip says letting Steven climb onto his back'

Steven: "Thanks, I'm kinda feelin tired" 'Steven says in a drowsy voice'

Carbonite: "Just rest. We shall get you home safely" 'Carbonite says picking up Chip's Warhammer'

'Steven nods his head sadly before Chip begins floating back up through the forge, His eyes still a dark blue, Chip notices the dark blue glow his eyes are emitting before tilting his head'

'Why does it seem so familiar?'

*To be continued*

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