(Chapter Five- Aurora)

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Blue: "Well? What do you think?" 'Blue asks with a curious smile, Chip stutters for a moment a look of surpise on his face'

'Infront of Chip is a Female Metamorin around seven feet tall, she has shoulder length black hair, her eyes are open showing a glowing white spinning circle as she boots up'

'She is wearing a black and Blue glowing tuxedo like suit, on her lower abdomen a blueish black pearl can be seen glowing softly'

Chip: "I-I thought I was the only one left..." 'Chip says in confusion as he sits down to get a better look at the Metamorin/Gem hybrid'

Yellow: "You were the only one, we had originally planned to give you a ordinary Pearl, but her gem didnt produce energy"

Blue: "So like yours it needs to be powered, then we figured it would be fitting for you to have a Pearl that is like you" 'Blue says while Chip scans his "Pearl" '

'A moment later the Pearl's eyes spark to life as the sound of her reactor spinning up echoes through the room'

'When she is online the tips of her hairs glow a light purple color as do her eyes, her eyes however seem to have a galaxy like swirl effect to them as she finishes her system start'

Chip: "I'm not calling her Pearl"

Blue: "Then what will you call her?" 'Blue asks slightly confused'

'Chip stops in thought before a calm smile crosses his face'

Chip: "Aurora seems rather fitting" 'Chip says as Aurora finishes booting up'

Aurora: "Its a pleasure to meet you My Diamond" 'Aurora says with a smile as she performs the Diamond salute'

Chip: "Its nice to meet you too Aurora" 'Chip says standing up, a slightly confused look on his face'

Chip: "It says here you are a "Space Age Gladiator" 'Chip says looking down at Aurora'

Aurora: "That is correct, my Chassis is based off of the Gladiator model of the  Metamorin species, it has been upgraded to the space age category" Aurora explains as she flies into the air using a pair of thrusters that come out of her back'

'Aurora then lands on Chip's shoulder placing her arms behind her back'

Yellow: "Well we must go, she has been programmed with all the knowledge required to function properly" 'Yellow says as she and Blue stand up to leave'

Blue: "I shall come to check on your progress again soon" 'Blue says with a wave'

'Chip walks over to his window looking out over his colony, Aurora waits and watches quietly a small smile placed on her face'

Chip: "Aurora, what is it you can do? As a hybrid I mean" 'Chip asks curiously looking over to her'

Aurora: "Well I can store items within my gem aswell as summoning my gen weapon, however i also come equipped with a self armor system for combat" 'Aurora says catching Chip's attention'

Chip: "Why would you need to fight?"

Aurora: "Lady Blue made it so I was programmed with your safety as one of my prime directives"

Chip: "Of course she did...." 'Chip says with a sigh'

Aurora: "Does that bother you?"

Chip: "A small bit yes, I already have a Hematite gaurd and I am a Diamond, not only that but I can form my arms into SUV sized blasters" 'Chip says with a annoyed sigh'

'Aurora stops in thought her glow changing to a turquoise color'

Aurora: "Well I believe you can take care of yourself, however I will still do my best to aid you in that process" 'Aurora says with a determined voice, her glow turning a golden color'

'Chip turns to Aurora with a slightly surpised look on his face as Aurora sits on his shoulder'

Chip: "Well that's good to know I suppose, so what shall we do today?" 'Chip asks as he begins walking to the door'

Aurora: "From what I'm aware the northwest side of this kindergarten has begun production" 'Aurora says in a curious tone'

Chip: "Then let's go see how it is going. Hematite you're in charge of monitoring the construction process" 'Chip says as he walks past his Hematite guard'

Hematite: "Of course My Diamond"

*To be continued*

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