(Chapter Six- Reunited Pt.Two)

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'The party had been evacuated rather quickly all things considered, through the sky came not only Yellow but Blue's ship aswell. At first the group thought they were there to finish off the Crystal gems, only to quickly realize they were there. For the cluster'

'After Yellow managed to pop the Cluster's bubble it took form, tearing open a section of the earth for a gargantuan sized hand to take shape out of the trillions of gem shards that had been fused together'

'At first the Gems thought the cluster was going to attack the planet. Only for the forced fusion to give the Crystal gems a friendly thumbs up'

Steven: "Alright! It looks like it's in controll of itself. And it's on our side!" 'Steven says giving the cluster a thumbs up'

'After a short clash both the Cluster and Yellow's ship fall into the one thing two giant arm shaped beings can perform. A arm wrestle'

'Shortly after that. Blue Diamond's ship slams its hand down onto the beach, slowly lifting it up to reveal Blue Diamond standing with a cloak over her head'

'While the Crystal gems quickly spring into action, Steven ofcourse trying the diplomatic route first to no avail'

'Aurora can be found sitting Chip down in the seat to the Blaster tank's main turret, a worried look on her face'

'Chip's condition only seemed to grow worse as time passes, his eyes are glowing a very dull Blue color, his skin is a sickly grey color'

Aurora: "Are you sure you can handle it up here?" 'Aurora asks hesitantly'

Chip: "I'm Fine Aurora, just get inside and pilot this thing over to the battle" 'Chip says with a sigh as he grabs the handles to the turret'

'Aurora nods before swinging herself down into the tank, the moment she sits in the controll seat the tank lurches forward as it begins to March towards the ongoing battle. A blue aura slowly spreading towards them'

'A loud crash shakes the ground off setting the tank for a moment before it regains its balance, the Blue aura quickly vanishing'

'On the battle field Blue Diamond can be seen bursting out of the rubble of what previously was the barn, after Lapis had shown up throwing it down at her'

Blue: "Lapis Lazuli....does every gem that comes to this planet turn trator?!" 'Blue yells in anger, her Aura flaring up around herself'

'Blue's Aura booms outward causing the remaining Crystal gems to fall to their knee's the only one who is currently able to stand being Lapis'

Blue: "What...." 'Blue says in confusion as Lapis wipes her eyes a look of annoyance on her face'

Lapis: "I've felt wor-"

'Lapis is swiftly cut off by a large green explosion erupting behind Blue Diamond, knocking both her and the Crystal gems to the ground'

Steven: "What the-" 'Steven says standing up quickly being cut off by the ground shaking'

'Blue Diamond once on her feet turns her head to the direction the blast came from, her look of fury quickly changing to a mixture of confusion and relief'

'However that releif is quickly thrown out the window as a blast connects with her lower abdomen knocking her backwards into the air'

'Once she impacts the ground she skids across the ground before standing up again, a black and green glowing scorch mark visible on her abdomen'

Blue: "Neon what is the meaning of this!" 'Blue yells angrilly, a motherly tone audible in her voice'

Chip: "My name IS NOT NEON!" 'Chip yells back angrilly before firing another blast at her connecting with her forehead'

'Blue stumbles backwards as her form glitches for a moment clearly surpised from the aggression Chip is displaying towards her'

Garnet: "Nows our chance! While Chip and Aurora distract her we-"

Chip: "ALL OF YOU STAY OUT OF THIS" 'Chip yells angrilly bringing up his left hand towards the group, slowly balling it into a fist as it glows neon blue'

'The sand on the ground suddenly solidifies into a large rock wall around the group cutting them off from the fight'

'Chip jumps out of the turret onto the ground infront of the tank, stumbling slightly as he lands on the ground'

Aurora: "Woah! Chip what're you doing?!" 'Aurora asks in surpise as she brings the tank to a stop'

'Chip dosent listen as he activates his energy blade on his left arms and begins walking towards Blue'

Blue: "Chip I've had enough of this!" 'Blue says forming a ball of energy and firing it at Chip'

'Chip quickly brings his arm up and slices the ball of energy in half, his eyes flickering to a dull grey as he does so'

'Chip's gemstone can be seen flickering inbetween his usual neon blue color and Blood red'

'As Chip approaches Blue, he brings up his right hand as it glows blue aswell, Chip forces Blue onto her hands and knee's with his Diamond powers her eyes going wide when she finds herself being forced to look into Chip's eyes'

Chip: "I am NOT Neon Diamond. I am not BLOOD DIAMOND. I am Chip, and just when I thought I was getting better YOU AND YELLOW had to show up and ruin it." 'Chip says glaring at Blue, his left eye can be seen glowing blood red while his right glows neon blue'

???: "I am not LIKE YOU, you ruined me once. I wont let you do it again!" 'A mixture of voices can be heard coming from Chip. One sounding exactly like Chip while the other sounds darker and angrier'

'Chip brings his left arm up preparing to slash down at Blue who has a look of regret in her eyes as she looks at Chip. Almost as if a flood of horrible memories had begun to creep into her mind'

'Chip swings the Blade down only to stop right above Blue's head, his left arm can be seen shaking as if somthing were holding it in place'

'A stream of tears can be seen flowing from his right eye while his left eye looks as if it was full of hate and rage'

Chip: "This is not....how you deal with things like this" 'Chip says quietly as he uses his right arm to hold back his left'

???: "I Can end it right here. Right now. Just. Let. Me. Do it" 'The mixed voice speaks again as Chip squints his right eye as if straining himself'

Chip: "It's not what a Crystal...gem would do..." 'Chip says whimpering as the sand wall crashes to the ground, Garnet having punched through it'

'Chip's left eye flickers before the inside of it turns blue, the outer rim still glowing red'

'Chip quickly bursts into the flying away just in time for Yellow's ship to be thrown into Blue's crashing it down ontop of her'

*To be continued*

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