(Chapter Four- A Signal Recieved)

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'A few more days have passed since White took Chip to start his kindergarten on his asteroid colony, the progress was going along swiftly, so swiftly infact that White had just delivered Chip back to Blue's throne room White said "he should rest while he can" '

Blue: "So how did it go?" 'Blue asks with a curious tone as sits on her shoulder still in his half Diamond form'

Chip: "It went well! The base should finish construction within the next two weeks, from there I can initiate the injector systems to get my first batch of Gems started" 'Chip says with a tired but happy smile'

Blue: "Are you feeling allright? You arent glowing as bright as usual" 'Blue asks with a worried tone'

Chip: "I'm just low on battery is all, it's been like a week since I've slept" 'Chip says chuckling tiredly causing Blue to deactivate her screens'

Blue: "Oh! That reminds me, while you were out with White, I had the Peridots install a side room" 'Blue says walking over to the side of her room'

'Indeed there is a new door, much smaller than the ones Blue and Yellow have but it is big enough for Chip to walk through without hitting his head'

Chip: "What exactly is in the room?" 'Chip asks hesitant to go inside'

Blue: "It is what the organics call "A bed room" it should have everything you need to rest comfortably" 'Blue says as Chip jumps down infront of the door'

'Chip looks from Blue back to the door before curiously placing his hand on the scanner infront of it'

'The door opens letting Chip step inside, the room isnt nearly as big as the one he had on earth, but it is certainly cozy, it has a calm orange light with a bed in the left side of the room'

'Chip sits down on the bed only to feel a actual mattress, a soft one at that too, did Blue send gems out to get stuff like this just for him?'

'The door closes behind Chip, as he looks around the small room he notices a small pile of what looks like random pieces of scrap metal'

'Upon scanning it Chip learns that the scrap is actually a bunch of mechanical components from some sort of old gem satelite, why was it here though?'

'Chip yawns tiredly, a few blue sparks coming from his obscenely long fangs as he does so, once he stops Yawning he looks back at the scrap metal'

'A small smile forms on his face before his right arm turns into some sort of welder'

'As time passes the sounds of varying tools can be heard coming from Chip's new room, while Blue does hear it she decides to leave Chip to himself'

'After nearly a hour of work Chip sits back onto his bed staring in slight disappointment at his creation'

'Beside his bed is what looks like a radar dish of some sort, it looks like it was found at the bottom of a lake or in a trash heap due to the scrap metal he had used to make it, in Chip's hands is a cable with a usb like port'

Chip: "There is no way this is going to work..." 'Chip says with a sigh before plugging the cable into his head and laying down on his bed'

'As Chip falls asleep the busy world that is Homeworld begins to fade'

'Back on earth the Barn has become quite the source of activity for the Crystal gems, Peridot is currently working on a large satellite dish like machine while Garnet sits with Pearl on a bench'

Garnet: "I should have stayed....maybe we could have gotten him out of there" 'Garnet says with a sigh her Ruby side taking over'

Pearl: "Chip was right, the guards would have done somthing, even if they were friends with Amethyst they wouldn't dare to defy a Diamond" 'Pearl says softly as Carbonite can be seen helping Lapis carry over a large metal beam'

Lapis: "Are you sure this is going to work?" 'Lapis asks with a slightly doubting voice'

Carbonite: "He surely would have attempted communication with Earth by now, if he hasnt come back that means he cannot come back" 'Carbonite says in an almost robotic voice'

'Peridot growls slightly at being distracted from her work, she flips up her welding helmet as she looks up at Lapis and Carbonite'

Peridot: "Allright! Bring it down SLOWLY if you put it in the wrong spot the signal wont reach!" 'Peridot says backing up'

'Lapis and Carbonite flip the beam into a vertical position, they slide it into place behind the large satellite dish'

'Moments later the Satellite dish roars to life before it points into the sky past the sun producing a low hum'

Lapis: "What do we do now?"

Peridot: "We wait...." 'Peridot says with a somber sigh'

'Pearl turns to Garnet noticing the slight twitch in her hands, with a somber sigh she places a hand on her shoulder trying to comfort the currently unstable fusion'

Garnet: "D-Do you think....he is allright?" 'Garnet asks hesitantly, her voice having a certain shakiness to it'

'Pearl sighs to herself for a moment before putting on her best look of confidence she has at the moment'

Pearl: "I'm sure he is just fine, even if he is on homeworld I'm sure the Diamond's want him intact and safe for...whatever it is they are doing" 'Pearl says almost as if trying to convince herself as well as Garnet'

Garnet: "It has nearly been a month....and we havent heard anything from him, what if...he dosent want to come back...." 'Garnet says with her voice drifting to a tone simmilar to Sapphire's voice'

Pearl: "Oh what nonsense! Why wouldnt he want to come back. This is his home, I'm sure he just cant come back yet" 'Pearl says sternly'

'Pearl and Garnet are cut off by the sound of beeping and Whirring, the large satellite dish has activated and started turning again'

'The satellite turns to the south before the antenna extends producing a low beeping noise, almost as if it was a notification'

Pearl: "Peridot? What is going on?" 'Pearl asks Peridot who is staring wide eyed at the device'

Peridot: "It found a signal..."

*To be continued*

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