(Chapter Six- A Reason To Keep Going)

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'Aurora had sat with Chip for hours, doing her best to keep him in a stable frame of mind'

'She is doing her best to not let it show. But she is very worried at the moment. It was almost as if she could feel the mental stress the whole ordeal had placed on Chip'

'She had thought Chip would've tried to get her to let go of him at some point but he hasnt. So they've just been sitting under the tree in partial silence, save for the small bits of conversation she can get out of him'

'Despite the circumstances, Aurora is somehow managing to enjoy herself, a calming feeling coming over her'

'After some silence Chip gently tugs on Aurora's arm, catching her attention'

Aurora: "Whatsup?" 'Aurora asks curiously, tilting her head noticing the light blue flush on Chip's face'

Chip: "I-Ive...got a question for you" 'Chip says softly'

Aurora: "Then Shoot" 'Aurora says with a chuckle, raising an eyebrow'

Chip: "So...I was wondering. Maybe when this is all blown over....W-Would you like to go out or Somthing?" 'Chip asks softly, a nervous tone in his voice'

'Aurora blinks a few times before a anxious feeling begins to creep up her robotic spine'

Aurora: "Like...out o-on a date?" 'Aurora asks, a surpised tone in her voice'

Chip: "Y-Yeah.." 'Chip says quietly causing  a silence to fall over the both of them'

'Aurora subconsiously tightens her grip on Chip hugging him closer'

Aurora: "T-This isnt a joke. Right? You're serious?" 'Aurora asks softly'

Chip: "O-Of course I am!" 'Chip says slightly offended, his eyes turning a dull purple color'

'Aurora pauses for a moment with wide eyes, her eyes slowly begin turning a vibrant neon green color as she starts to kick her feet lightly a series of light and excited beeps escaping from her'

Chip: "I-Is that a yes?" 'Chip asks slightly surpised, Earning a tight hug from Aurora as she rests her chin ontop of his head'

Aurora: "Of course it is dummy!" 'Aurora says with her hair glowing a bright  neon green'

Aurora: "But...why did you ask now?" 'Aurora asks with a confused chuckle'

Chip: "Oh Y'know. It's been a long day, nearly killed my biological mother, my mind is being torn in half. I figured it would be better to ask now incase I dont...." 'Chip says with his voice slowly trailing off'

Aurora: "Incase you don't what?" 'Aurora asks softly'

Chip: "Incase I dont make it this time" 'Chip says with a sigh, his eyes turning to a dull grey color'

Aurora: "Why...in the hell would you say that!" 'Aurora says with wide eyes, now feeling more conflicted than ever'

Chip: "Because....I dont know what's going to happen. For all i know my personality could be lost after this. So I figured I should probably ask you out before that" 'Chip says with a tired sigh'

Aurora: "Then.....what does that mean about...how you feel about me?" 'Aurora asks sufficiently confused'

Chip: "Oh for the love of- I asked you out because you drive me crazy god damnit!" 'Chip says turning his head to look at Aurora'

Aurora: "In what way?" 'Aurora asks cautiously turning Chip to face her'

Chip: "What do you want a list?" 'Chip asks, with his cheeks gaining a blue glowing blush, his eyes turning black'

'Aurora stops for a moment, a sly grin crossing her face'

Aurora: "Yes"

'Chip stops and growls for a moment, his gem flickering a dull red color before he looks down in a huff'

Chip: "You're lucky I love you or I'd-"

Aurora: "Or you'd blast me into bits. I know" 'Aurora says with a light chuckle as she presses her forehead against Chip's cutting him off mid sentence'

'After a moment passes Aurora looks up at the night sky, the sky turning a light Pink shade from the sunrise'

Aurora: "Allright...I think we should go home" 'Aurora says softly earning a groan from Chip'

Chip: "But I just used so much energy....." 'Chip says in protest earning a sigh from Aurora'

Aurora: "Doing what? Expressing your feeling?" 'Aurora asks teasingly'

Chip: "Yes Actually!" 'Chip says raising his head to look at Aurora, a annoyed look on his face'

Aurora: "You can have a nap at home, C'mon, I'm sure Your mom is worried about you" 'Aurora says boosting into the air, holding Chip's hand as he activates his own thrusters'

Chip: "Which one...."

Aurora: "You only have one" 'Aurora says with a chuckle'

'Aurora looks back at Chip, her smile fading after noticing his slightly scared expression'

Chip: "What if I....lose controll again?"

Aurora: "You wont"

Chip: "How do you know that" 'Chip asks with a tired sigh'

Aurora: "Because I wont let that happen. If you cant keep it together yourself. I'll just have to help you keep it together" 'Aurora says softly, her eyes glowing pink'

'After a moment Chip sighs before a tired but genuine smile forms on his face, his eyes glowing a dull Pink, the red color of his left eye seeming to nearly vanish'

Chip: "I suppose that's a good enough reason to try"

*To be continued*

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