(Chapter Two-Operation Black Steel Part Two)

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'Garnet attempts to sit herself up her right eye clenched shut a fresh cut under her right eye making her physical form glitch around it'

'Garnet is quickly pushed down by the robot above her stepping on her chest and aiming its blade at her chest'

'The robot quickly looks up only to be met by a Warhammer to the face shattering its head into metal splinters'

'Canary quickly pulls Garnet to her feet as the remaining robots begin to close in on them'

Canary: "We need to fall back!" 'Canary calls out before her and Garnet begin to rush towards the large castle'

'Once inside they close the door barricading it letting them catch their breath'

Canary: "That door wont hold...." 'Canary says coughing'

Canary: "Get to the fall back point, I shall hold them off"

Garnet: "No, we will make it back together" 'Garnet says in her usual stoic tone despite the pain from the small glitching cut on her face'

Canary: "No, you will fall back, the team needs you" 'Canary says taking off her helmet'

'Canary hands her Warhammer to Garnet before placing her helmet on a nearby statue'

Garnet: "What are you doing..." 'Garnet asks her voice beginning to waver'

Canary: "I was going to tell you after the battle today.....my product line has been shut down, replacement parts are no longer available for my model" 'Canary says causing Garnet's eyes to widen momentarily'

Canary: "And the parts I have now would only last me another week"

Garnet: "That is a week of your life you are going to just throw away?!"

'Garnet is cut off by Canary placing her hand in her own, after a moment Canary pulls away leaving Garnet with the Sword  coin in her hand'

Canary: "I am going to self destruct my reactor, taking me and the spire with it" 'Canary says as she begins to walks back to the door'

'Garnet struggles for a moment only managing to start leaving when Canary begins to spark and glow'

"That day was the mark to the beginning of the end for the rebellion, shortly after I left Canary overloaded her reactor, taking herself, the enemy forces. And the spire with it, the spire was our earth based communications array, it was a big toll on everyone" 'Garnet's voice can be heard as the broken remains of the castle begins to fade back to the modern day, Chip can be seen standing beside Garnet while they both face a grave of some sort'

'The grave has Canary's Warhammer propped up with her helmet on the end of it'

'Chip look at the Grave as his eyes begin to lose color, Garnet softly places a hand on Chip's shoulder as she takes off her visor'

'Under her right eye is the small remains of the scar she had received in the battle, Garnet leans down to be eye level with Chip'

Garnet: "The reason we brought came here of all places is because you deserve to know about your people and how much they did for us" 'Garnet says before standing up and walking towards the grave'

'Garnet picks up the helmet and places it on the stone below it before lifting the large dirt covered Warhammer and walking back to Chip'

Garnet: "Canary passed her weapon onto me, I chose to use it as a marker for her grave, but now I pass it onto you" 'Garnet says handing Chip the massive weapon'

'The dull green Warhammer begins to spark and shake as the dirt and rust fall off of it, the green pain on it is replaced with a black color while the white glow turns blue'

Garnet: "And it seems to agree with you" 'Garnet says smiling softly'

'Chip looks at the weapon, his eyes glowing a dull green before wlhe hugs Garnet tightly'

'Garnet softly hug's Chip back before looking at Canary's grave over her shoulder'

Garnet: "I'm sorry the ending was rushed, it was taking a lot of energy out of Sapphire to go back to that day" 'Garnet says as she begins to walk off with Chip beside her'

'Chip walks silently for a moment as he continues to walking holding the massive hammer over his shoulder with some effort'

Chip: "So what does Ruby have the scar but not Sapphire?"

Garnet: "Is that your only question?" 'Garnet asks chuckling'

Chip: "...Yes"

Garnet: "Its because Ruby is a soldier, so the side of me that is more proficient in combat comes from Ruby therefore the scar transfers to her when I unfuse"

*To be continued*

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