(Chapter Three- A Unknown Connection)

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'Almost a week has passed since Bismuth was unbubbled and subsequently put back into a bubble due to her lashing out rather violently'

'In that week Not much had happened, save for Steven finding out he had a uncle, and he flies a plane! However as of late Steven has started having a rather strange dream. He always seemed to wake up crying from it without feeling sad'

'Chip is currently listening to Steven explain said Dream, a curious look on his face'

Steven: "And then I just woke up crying! Like i didnt FEEL sad but I had these giant streams of tears going down from my eyes, y'know?" 'Steven says his voice laced with confusion'

Chip: "....No, No I do not" 'Chip says with his hands clasped together pointing at Steven'

Steven: "It's just so weird...." 'Steven says rubbing his eyes tiredly'

Amethyst: "Whatre you two trouble makers upto?" 'Amethyst asks walking into the Beach house'

Chip: "Steven is trying to explain some sort of dream to me and failing miserably" 'Chip says quietly his eyes slightly diming'

Steven: "Hey! I'm doing my best!" 'Steven says in defense of himself'

Amethyst: "That's what it sounds like!" 'Amethyst says Chuckling'

'As Amethyst and Steven talk Chip visibly tenses up, his eyes going black. The center of his Chest can be seen flashing a dull blue color'

Amethyst: "Yo Metal head you good?" 'Amethyst asks curiously reaching for Chip'

'The moment Amethyst touch's Chip a dark blue bolt of energy knocks her away through the wall leaving a Slightly startled Steven as Chip regains consiousness'

'Chip begins to sputter and cough, his eyes having returned to a dark blue color accompanied by a large stream of dark blue glowing tears leading from each eye'

Chip: "Whyyyy..." 'Chip says coughing as he holds his chest in pain'

Steven: "That! That's what it was like!" 'Steven says standing up, his eyes wide'

Steven: "Just without.....shooting lightning out of me"

Amethyst: "Ow" 'Amethyst can be heard saying as she lands outside'

'Moments later Garnet walks inside the house her hands on her hips, a serious look on the part of her face that isnt covered by her visor'

Garnet: "What happened?"

Steven: "What makes you think somthing happened?"

Garnet: "I was playing Chess with Carbonite while Pearl watered her flowers. Then Amethyst came flying through the wall landing on the sand"

Steven: "Chip had a simmilar thing that has been happening to me happen to him" 'Steven says causing Garnet to look over to Chip who still seems to be crying, however he seems fine mentally'

'Garnet walks over to Chip crouching down infront of him, Garnet gently looks Chip over for any damage before looking back at his face'

Garnet: "Are you okay?"

Chip: "I-I think so? I dont feel any different" 'Chip says in confusion before his chest flickers blue once more causing him to wince in pain'

Chip: "I stand corrected" 'Chip says grabbing his chest in pain'

'Garnet sighs wiping her hand over Chip's eyes clearing the tears away, before gently poking his nose snapping him out of his daze'

Garnet: "What are you feeling? Steven said he was fine"

Steven: "Yeah but I'm not a robot" 'Steven says chuckling slightly'

Chip: "I'm....not sure, when I blacked out I couldn't see anything, but I felt somthing"

Garnet: "Like what?"

Chip: "A presence, it felt...sad....pained. Yet at the same time it felt. Familiar and....warm, like I've felt it before" 'Chip says placing a hand on his head'

'Garnet hums to herself In thought, a feeling of uncertainty and dread slowly creeping up her nonexistent spine'

Garnet: "Well....if anything else happens let me know allright?" 'Garnet asks with a soft smile, Chip nods in response a look of confusion on my face'

'While Earth and the Crystal gems wait peacefully going about their daily routine, a large vessel unlike anything they had seen can be seen approaching the planet in the large shape of an arm made out of a blue metal'

'The one piloting the ship can be seen wearing a large cloak covering their figure, a smaller figure can be seen standing next to them, her skin is a light blue color that matches not only her blue hair covering her eyes but the blue dress like clothing she is wearing'

'A large pearl can be seen in her chest just under the base of her neck where her collar bone would be'

'The larger figure tenses up, a bright blue glow emanating from under her cloak, her voice hitching as if in pain, or at the least sounding uncomfortable'

'The smaller figure rushes to the cloaked one, a look of concern on her face as if this had never happened before'

???: "Are you allright my Diamond?" 'The smaller figure asks placing her hand Gently on the figure, her voice sounding very quiet'

???: "Yes I am allright Pearl. It was just...sudden is all" 'The cloaked figure says, her voice sounding much more commanding than the one before yet still managing to sound soft and kind'

Blue Pearl: "What was wrong if I may ask?"

???: "I am....not too sure, it felt as though my Gem was reacting to somthing. It was surprising" 'The voice says in a dismissive voice'

Blue Pearl: "It seemed as if you were in pain. Forgive me if I assumed wrong" 'The Blue Pearl says bowing slightly'

???: "That is fine, it was quite the jolt of energy I must say."

Blue Pearl: "Shall we return to Homeworld? If you arent feeling well-"

???: "No, I will be fine. This will likley be the last time I get to see this planet before it is torn apart from the inside, I would like to visit her one last time" 'The voice says with a sigh before raising her hand'

'Her skin seems to be a much darker blue than the Pearl beside her, after a moment the ship begins to approach the planet once more'

'A screen pops up infront of the large figure, a yellow flashing Diamond can be seen on the screen before the cloaked figure sighs'

Blue Pearl: "My Diamond, it would seem Yellow Diamond is calling you through your personal communication line"

???: "I will deal with her later. I wish to be in peace" 'The cloaked figure says causing Blue Pearl to nod her head'

'The cloaked figure looks down at her chest, she reaches her hand upwards placing it on the large blue Diamond visible on her chest, every so often the rare gemstone can be seen flickering a bright neon blue before returning to normal'

*To be continued*

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