(Chapter Three- Time Travel Mechanisim Is Broken)

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Chip: "Where the heck am I this time?" 'Chip says with a groan, once he opens his eyes he finds himself in a large empty void, the red glow coming from his chest being the only source of light'

'Chip attempts to stand up only for him to slowly start spinning mid air as if there was no floor'

'After a moment Chip activates his thrusters balancing himself out, he curiously looks around the empty void as if he expected to find somthing'

Chip: "Well this is omino-"

'Chip is swiftly cut off by a stabbing pain in his chest, his body seems to faze out of reality for a moment becoming see through before stabilizing once more'

'Violent bolts of red energy begin to erupt from his chest only seeming to intensify the pain he is experiencing, moments later a blinding flash of light he finds himself laying on the floor of the Beach house laying on the remains of what used to be the coffee table'

Pearl: "Oh my stars!" 'Pearl says loudly as she leans down helping Chip stand to his feet'

'The moment Chip stands up his legs give out while he uses one hand to clutch his chest in pain'

Pearl: "What happened?! Did you get hurt this time?" 'Pearl asks as she helps Chip sit down onto the couch'

Chip: "I-I dont know....I was in some sort of void.." 'Chip says with gritted teeth'

Pearl: "Then why are you hurting?"

Chip: "Dont...know, Chest hurts.....hard to breathe...." 'Chip says as his eyes start to flicker on and off'

Pearl: "I'll go get Garnet, she may know what to do, just try and take some deep Breaths"

'And with that Pearl had run out of the Beach house leaving Chip to himself, through his pained state Chip manages to look through his files activating his holographic screen to do so'

'On the screen shows his endoskeleton along with its other various and important components, in the center of the seagram's Chest is a glowing red mark labeled "Gem-Cache heavily damaged, contents within the cache have suffered from sever internal fractures and cracks, seek the nearest Gem melding station" '

'Chip reads the diagram before opening his chest causing small ammounts of smoke to pour out of it, moments pass untill the smoke fully dissipates the pain going with it'

'Chip closes his chest just in time for Garnet to quite literally kick the door in as she walks into the Beach house'

Garnet: "What happened?" 'Garnet asks in a serious voice as she leans down to Chip checking him over for wounds'

Chip: "I....I think whatever it is that let's me time travel, is damaged or rather whatever is...inside of it. I did a diagnostics check and it said it was a container" 'Chip says sighing to himself'

Garnet: "So it seems you were right about what it was then?"

Chip: "Yeah I think so. I remember Pink telling me how the other Diamonds were having somthing made to hold a gem inside it the last time i had time traveled"

'Garnet sighs to herself before rubbing her eyes lifting up her visor slightly'

Garnet: "Does it hurt still?"

Chip: "A little....but I think I'll be okay" 'Chip says wincing slightly'

'Garnet gently gives Chip a hug to which he hugs her back, once Garnet pulls back she stands up dusting herself off'

Chip: "How long was I gone this time?"

Garnet: "Two weeks" 'Garnet says causing Chip to jump up'

Chip: "Two weeks?! Did anything happen while I was gone?" 'Chip asks in shock'

Garnet: "Weve had a few run in's with Jasper, it seems she hasnt taken your advice" 'Garnet says as she does her best to fix the door that is currently hanging off of one hinge'

Garnet: "Oh Lapis and Peridot have been getting along aswell, seems they've patched things up" 'Garnet remarks with a small smile'

'Chip sighs to himself his eyes turning a dull blue color, Garnet having noticed the frustrated look on Chip's face calmly turns to him placing both hands on his shoulders'

Garnet: "You have such a strong anger towards her, yet you still have hope for her. Why is that?"

Chip: "Because everyone deserves a chance at a better life, you taught me that" 'Chip says in a matter of fact tone, as Garnet hears this a proud smile crosses her face before she stands up fully'

Garnet: "Not all Gems can be saved Chip, but I am very proud of you for knowing how people can change"

Chip: "Well apparently I used to be some genocidal Diamond with my previous memories and personality. Bit here I am now!" 'Chip says smiling brightly'

Garnet: "While there is some truth to your words that is still different, you may have the same body. But your mind is entirely different, on a normal day you're practically harmless" 'Garnet says poking Chip's nose gently'

Chip: "I'm not harmless!"

Garnet: "You wouldn't hurt a fly unless you were forced too, even then you would probably feel bad about it" 'Garnet says teasingly which in turn causes Chip to pout to himself'

'Garent chuckles to herself before turning around noticing the door having fallen back to hanging off the ground by one hinge'

Garnet: "How about you give your mother a hand with fixing the door she broke?" 'Garnet asks chuckling softly'

Chip: "Fiiiine, only because you asked so nicely" 'Chip says transforming his index finger into a screw driver'

*To be continued*

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