(Chapter Four- A New Body Gaurd)

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'A single day has passed since the first batch of Hematite gems had emerged, with their help the Diamond base on Chip's asteroid colony had finished construction far earlier than if they had not helped'

'Chip finds himself sitting in his black and blue Diamond throne within the base overlooking the beginnings of the colony, the Hematite gems have already begun aiding the Peridot's in construction of a few basic buildings along the walls of the Colony'

'The large Door to the base opens catching Chip's attention, Blue and Yellow can be seen walking into the room, a look of surpise on both of their faces'

Chip: "Yellow! Blue!" 'Chip says with a excited smile as he stands up catching both of the Diamond's attention'

Blue: "Chip this is absolutley magnificent!" 'Blue says with a proud smile as she looks around the room'

Yellow: "I must say I'm quite impressed" 'Yellow says looking out the large window'

Chip: "This colony stuff isnt nearly as difficult as you two made it out to be" 'Chip says with a chuckle'

Yellow: "I thought the base wasnt going to be finished for atleast another few star cycles" 'Yellow says in confusion as Chip walks up next to her'

Chip: "I had the Hematite gems aid in the construction efforts, with their inclusion the construction efforts increased by twenty fold" 'Chip says causing Yellow to hum to herself'

Blue: "May we see one of the gems?" 'Blue asks curiously as she walks upto Yellow and Chip'

'Chip hums to himself before pulling up a black and blue Diamond shaped screen, he scrolls through the screen with a look of curiosity'

Chip: "Ah here we go! This is the Hematite that emerged first" 'Chip says pressing onto the screen'

'A few moments later the door opens once more, the Hematite Chip had met earlier walks in performing the Diamond salute'

Hematite: "What do you require My Diamond?" 'She asks with a curious yet professional tone'

Chip: "Come here, Blue and Yellow wish to examine you" 'Chip says with a calm voice'

'The gem walks over lowering her arms before stopping infront of Blue and Yellow, a look of curiosity on both of their faces'

Yellow: "How interesting....you do not look like the typical gem soldier..." 'Yellow says in a judgmental tone'

Chip: "That would be due to the inclusion of my gem energy. My gem is powered by a anti mater reactor of Metamorin model, therefore the gems in my court would look more Metamorin" 'Chip says walking up next to the Hematite gem'

Blue: "What kind of combat do you specialize in?" 'Blue asks curiously'

Hematite: "I specialize in close to midrange combat, my spear is capable of telekinetic retrieval and firing energy projectiles" 'The Hematite says in a calm and collected tone'

Chip: "Not only that but this specific cut of gem has a strength level higher than even Yellow's most elite Citrine gaurds" 'Chip says proudly'

Yellow: "That is rather impressive" 'Yellow says with wide eyes causing a small smile to form on Hematite's face'

Blue: "I must say Chip I am surpised, you have are a natural leader" 'Blue says with a soft voice'

Chip: "Its mostly just mathematical calculations on my part. What would work best and most efficiently are all number based questions" 'Chip says with a shrug of his shoulders'

'While Blue smiles softly picking up Chip Yellow has a slightly uneasy look on her face'

Yellow: "You are a rather strange one arent you?" 'Yellow asks Chip causing Both him and Blue to look over to her'

Chip: "What do you mean?"

Yellow: "You are much more intelligent than you let on, honestly it can be rather frightening" 'Yellow says with a light nervous chuckle'

Chip: "I dont see things like gems or even humans do for that matter, my hud is constantly feeding me information on any and every form of mental, physical, or reactionary stimulus I encounter allowing me to respond appropriately" 'Chip says with a chuckle'

Blue: "Chip, are you feeling well?" 'Blue asks in a soft but worried voice'

Chip: "Yeah, I'm fine why?" 'Chip asks looking back to Blue, a even more worried look crossing Blue's face'

'Chip's diamond shaped eyes are glitching slightly, a dull red color flickering inbetween the blue shades'

Blue: "I think you should rest....you look unwell" 'Blue says managing to shake herself out of her daze'

Chip: "Blue I'm fine" 'Chip says with a soft smile, the glitching in his eyes growing worse for a moment before they return to normal'

'Blue and Yellow share a look of worry almost as if they had seen somthing simmilar to Chip's symptoms'

Yellow: "The would you allow a gem to.....watch over you?" 'Yellow asks with hesitance in her voice'

Chip: "Do...I have a say in this?" 'Chip asks with a sigh'

Blue: "I'm afraid not this time, however you will get to Choose which gem will be part of your gaurd" 'Blue says causing Chip to look up'

'Chip sits in thought for a moment a tired and slightly annoyed look growing on his face'

Hematite: "I would be honored to be the first member of your gaurd if you would allow that" 'Hematite says catching the trio of Diamonds attention'

Chip: "I actually wouldnt mind that, it would be nice to have a friendly face to talk to" 'Chip says turning to her'

Yellow: "Actually that works well with what Blue and I have planned for you" 'Yellow says with a teasing smirk crossing her face'

Chip: "Okay what are you two planning?!" 'Chip asks throwing his arms into the air'

Blue: "I guess you will have to wait and see!" 'Blue says chuckling as Chip growls in annoyance'

*To be continued*

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