(Chapter Four- The Fallen Diamond Reborn)

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'A dark lab in the advancement sector of homeworld, certainly not the kind of place this particular Peridot expected to be standing right now, let alone having a Diamond ask her to save a Metamorin'

'The taller Peridot can be seen standing while working on a few of her screens as some Peridot's wearing limb enhancers work on some sort of console beside her'

???: "Initate the gem repair sequence" 'The taller Peridot says causing the two smaller ones to nod their heads as they simultaneously press a button on each of their consoles'

'The taller Peridot crosses her fingers as the room just through the glass window erupts into a burst of red, Blue and yellow energy'

'As the light dies down the taller Peridot quickly jogs into the side room as a pair of mechanical arms retract into the ceiling, the moment she gets a look at the table she had laid the Metamorin on her eyes sparkle with excitement'

'Moments pass before his eyes begin flashing underneath the tarp like material that had been placed over him'

'For Chip however things arent so exciting, all he knows at the moment is, he is in much more pain than he would prefer and that he shouldnt be alive at the moment'

'He sits up after removing the tarp, one hand placed on his head as he does his best to shake off his pounding headache'

???: "Haha! Yes! I'm not getting shattered today!!" 'He hears a giddy feminine voice exclaim causing his eyes to shoot open as his hud activates'

'When he opens his eyes he is met face to face with the overly excited Peridot that had just saved his life without him knowing it'

'Chip quickly backs up readying his righ5 arm as his palm opens up slightly beginning to glow a dim yellow'

???: "Wait, wait, wait! Calm down!" 'She says grabbing a hold of his arm gently lowering it'

'Chip calms slightly as everything begins to come back to him, he remembers coming to homeworld with Blue then getting shot by Yellow Diamond, suffice to say he is very confused'

Chip: "How am I?"

???: "Alive? That would be thanks to me and my LOVELY assistants over there" 'The Peridot says stretching her left index finger to tap the glass window slightly startling the two Peridot's behind it'

Chip: "That dosent awnser the question, my reactor was...destroyed how am I here?!" 'Chip says as a look of realization comes across the Peridot's face'

???: "Ooooh right, I went rooting around in your files, you have no memory leading to even a full orbital cycle, you were reset....oh this is going to get complicated, alright listen carefully cause I dont know how to explain this properly" 'The Peridot says chuckling nervously as she stands up'

Chip: "A-Allright?"

???: "Your reactor was indeed destroyed by Yellow Diamond, however Blue Diamond sent her Pearl to me carrying you, I was tasked with fixing you which would normally require finding a way to stabalize you.....however" 'She says trailing off slightly as her eyes drift to Chip a look of pure excitement visible in her eyes'

Chip: "However what?"

???: "Hold on a moment, let me just get a reflector screen" 'She says backing up while stretching her fingers to tap on several screens that pop up infront of her'

'After a moment they converge into one large screen infront or Chip as she walks around it helping him up'

???: "Take a look for yourself! Just a warning do not actually....TOUCH the screen it will likley shock you" 'She says as She leads Chip around the screen to the reflective side'

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