(Chapter Two- Sardonyx's and a warp Repair)

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Steven: "Chip wake up!" 'Steven yells loudly causing Chip to fall backwards off of the seat he had fallen asleep on at the counter'

'A loud metal thud rings out from him as he hits the ground hissing in pain while he holds his still damaged left ankle'

Chip: "Whyyyy" 'Chip asks in a whisper as the pain slowly subsides'

Steven: "Sorry! Were going on a mission and Pearl told me to come get you!" 'Steven says excitedly as Chip stands up'

Steven quickly speeds off to the warp pad with Chip following behind with a limp in his step'

'Once at the warp pad Chip stands inbetween Garnet and Amethyst with a still tired expression on his face'

Garnet: "Didnt have a good nap?" 'Garnet asks curiously as Pearl activates the warp pad'

'Chip shakes his head softly as he rubs his eyes, he then looks down before speaking quietly'

Chip: "So what are we doing?"

Pearl: "We are going to the earth based communication hub, Peridot has been transmitting a distress signal from there so it is our job to disable the hub"

Chip: "then why am I here....I mean I cant exactly help...wont I just get in the wa-" 'Chip says softly before the warp suddenly begins to shoot the group back down the stream, the warp ends with the group back inside the beach house'

'Chip falls to the side from putting too much weight on his foot before Garnet manages to stand him back up gently'

Garnet: "You wont get in the way, but it seems we forgot somthing rather important" 'Garnet says before Pearl sighs loudly'

Pearl: "That's right... we cant warp there the pad has been broken"

Amethyst: "I tried to remind you but ya didnt listen"

Garnet: "How else can we get there fast enough?" 'Garnet ponders curiously before Steven runs out of the house'

'Chip tilts his head in confusion before Garnet leads the group outside walking carefully beside Chip to make sure he dosent fall'

'Once down the steps Chip looks up only to be greeted by a lick to the face from lion'

'Chip looks at Lion clearly un amused before Steven hops onto Lions back excitedly'

Garnet: "Allright everyone. Hop on" 'Garnet says while Lion nudges upward Chip with his snout causing Chip to sit on the back of Lion's neck'

'Moments later the group can be seen coming through a pink portal onto of Lion save for Steven who seems to have vanished'

'Once Lion exits the portal he shakes momentarily before collapsing under the weight of everyone'

'Steven suddenly pokes his head out from Lions mane while taking a deep breath'

Steven: "Lion are you okay?" 'Steven asks curiously earning a low grumble from the large pink beast while everyone stands up'

Garnet: "Its as I feared" 'Garnet says as she walks forward looking up the cobbled together remains of the communication hub'

Pearl: "It looks like Peridot some how managed to repair the communication hub! Well....some of it atleast" 'Pearl says loudly while Chip limps his way over to them with Steven and Amethyst'

Steven: "So we just got to wreck it up again right? You guys should form Sugilite!" 'Steven says with his voice changing from confusion to pure excitement'

Amethyst: "Yeah?...well its upto Garnet I guess. Whaddya say? Shall we mash it up?" 'Amethyst asks earning a worried look from Pearl while Garnet remains stoic'

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