(Chapter Six- Scars Of The Past)

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'The beach house as of the last day has been quite the source of activity, Ruby and Sapphire's Wedding now being only a day away, everyone has been rushing to get things done'

'The duo of Peridot's along with Carbonite have been making sure everything is organized, under the watchful eye of Pearl of course'

'Amethyst and Steven had been helping Ruby and Sapphire with the invitations while Chip and Aurora had been cooking different foods for nearly a day straight'

Aurora: "How's the cake coming?" 'Aurora asks Chip as he works, a extra set of four arms can be seen coming out of his back'

Chip: "Seems to be doing well, it hasnt burned yet!" 'Chip says with a light chuckle'

'Chip quickly uses his only free arm to open the oven and pull out a large triple layered cake that had been cooked to a golden brown color'

'Chip carefully balances the cake on the hand of his extra arm before placing it infront of Aurora along with the utensils being carried by the other three'

Aurora: "Are you sure this is the design we should go for?" 'Aurora asks curiously as she examines the photo Chip had sent to her hud'

Chip: "Yep! All simulations I've ran suggest this is the best possible design for the situation" 'Chip says as his spare arms retract into his back, returning to their nanobot form'

'Chip boosts into the air flying over Aurora and landing on the opposite side of the kitchen counter'

Aurora: "I never knew you could cook" 'Aurora says looking at the cake'

Chip: "It really isnt that hard, especially when you can calculate multiple different algorithms at once" 'Chip says with a chuckle'

Aurora: "That is a fair awnser I suppose" 'Aurora says as she begins to put a purple colored icing on the cake'

'Chip beeps in approval before boosting over Aurora once more and opening a cupboard'

Aurora: "You certainly seem to be in a better mood as of late" 'Aurora says with a small smile crossing her face'

Chip: "I'm back home! Why wouldnt I be in a good mood" 'Chip says landing next to Aurora handing her a small plate'

Aurora: "You havent been experiencing anymore of those episodes of yours?"

Chip: "W-Well they arent entirely gone. I still have moments of aggression and such but they seem to have calmed down for the most part" 'Chip says with a smile'

Aurora: "Awww how sweet. Your such a softy" 'Aurora says teasingly'

'Chip looks at Aurora with a raised eyebrow for a moment, Chip quickly boosts up and pokes Aurora's nose sending while sending an electrical shock through his finger'

Aurora: "Ow...." 'Aurora says gently rubbing her nose as Chip floats past her'

Chip: "Maybe next time dont be so cocky" 'Chip says with an innocent smile'

'Chip floats down to the now three Gems sitting at the couch as Steven seemed to have vanished'

Chip: "Where'd Steven go?" 'Chip asks curiously landing infront of the group'

Amethyst: "I dunno man, he just sorta got on the warp pad and left" 'Amethyst says with a sigh before a smirk crosses her face'

Chip: "What are you smirking about?"

Amethyst: "So? When are you gonna tell her man?" 'Amethyst asks earning a sigh from Chip'

Chip: "N-Not right now. I hadnt planned to tell her untill after the wedding. Also Mothers?"

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