(Chapter One-Beach City)

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Pearl: "He's been reading those books almost a day straight" 'Pearl says as she looks across the room at Chip who is reading what seems to be Science related books'

Amethyst: "Wow who would have thought a robot dude would be such a nerd!" 'Amethyst says in a overly exaggerated sarcastic tone'

Pearl: "Oh hush, I just find it astonishing how fast his mind is evolving, I never got to see what it was like when a Metamorin was created" 'Pearl says as Chip places a book on the large stack next to him he then grabs a new book and begins reading it'

Steven: "Maybe he was built for Science stuff! And that's why he can learn it so quickly!" 'Steven suggests excitedly'

Pearl: "That is possible I suppose, it's not like there was a manual or anything for him'

'As the group continue to talk the warp pad acitaves as Garnet warps back to the temple, once Garnet is back into the temple and the warp pad deactivates Steven rushes upto her'

Garnet: "Hello Steven" 'Garnet says calmly as she looks down at the short human/gem hybrid'

Steven: "Can I take Chip around beach city now? he's spent all day reading those science books you gave him!" 'Steven asks clearly excited'

'Garnet looks over at Chip noticing he has read nearly all the books she had given him earlier'

Garnet: "Allright, but you have to be careful and make sure he dosent leave your sight" 'Garnet says causing Steven's eyes to light up into stars'

Steven: "I promise!" 'Steven says loudly as he runs over to Chip and drags him over to the door'

Pearl: "Steven be gentle with him!" 'Pearl calls out sternly causing steven to let go of Chip nervously'

Steven: "C'mon Chip! I'm gonna show you around" 'Steven says causing Chip's iris to turn turquoise'

'Chip follows Steven outside his eye going wide when he looks around noticing all the different colors'

'Steven turns around noticing Chip has stopped walking, a smile spreads across the half game's face as he notices Chip's iris turns a neon green color as he smiles excitedly'

Steven: "C'mon let's go! You'll love this" 'Steven says as he runs up ahead'

'Chip follows closely behind as he Jog's at Steven's pace'

'Steven leads Chip to The Big Donut, the few people walking the boardwalk give Chip a odd look before shrugging it off figuring Steven is just upto one of his schemes again'

'Steven lead Chip into the donut shop as he looks around himself, Steven walks upto the counter where Sadie is standing attentively while Lars lazily sits next to her with his headphones on'

Sadie: "Hey Steven you want the Usual?"'Sadie asks as Chip hides behind the slightly shorter boy shyly with his iris turning a blueish purple color'

Steven: "Yes please but I'll need two this time"

'Sadie takes out two chocolate donuts and puts them in individual bags before she notices Chip a small smile spreading across her face'

Sadie: "So who's this? Another one of your space friends?" 'Sadie asks with a small laugh'

Steven: "Kinda! I mean it's kinda hard to explain, But he is kinda shy. He dosent know much so I'm showing him around" 'Steven says happily as he pays for the donuts and takes the bags'

Sadie: "Well it's nice to meet ya, I'm Sadie and...this is Lars"

Lars: "Yo" 'Lars says without looking away from his phone's screen'

'Chip waves shyly while stepping out from behind Steven with his Iris returning to his Normal bright Blue color causing Sadie's eyes to widen'

Sadie: "Well that's a new" 'Sadie says with a chuckle as Steven looks at Chip slightly surprised'

Steven: "Well we gotta go! Seeya later Sadie" 'Steven says as he drags Chip out of the store by his arm'

'Steven then leads Chip to the Beach where Steven sits down, Steven Pat's the ground next to himself causing Chip to sit cross legged next to him'

'Steven hands Chip a donut who looks at it curiously, Steven takes out his donut and takes a bite out of it'

'Steven looks at Chip who is extreamly confused causing him to chuckle to himself'

Steven: "You're supposed to eat it, its food!" 'Steven says which seems to clear up Chip's confusion'

'Chip tilts his head, he beeps to himself quietly as he opens his mouth,
Due to his long fang like eye teeth he opens his mouth much larger than a normal person, his mouth emits a blue glow as he takes a bite out of his donut and chews it quietly'

'Chip's iris shapes into a glowing green star as he beeps loudly'

Steven: "So does that mean you like it?" 'Steven asks earning a nod from Chip as he smiles happily'

'Steven chuckles to himself as he continue to eat his donut, as the two finish eating they sit in silence for a moment before a weak beeping Breaks the silence'

Steven: "You okay Chip?" 'Steven asks as he looks over at his friend noticing the tired look on his face'

'Steven stands up clearly alarmed as Chip begins to fall backward, before Chip can fall fully Steven helps balance him, he then helps Chip stand up, Chip's iris can be seen weakly flashing red'

Steven: "I dont know what to do!" 'Steven says as he begins to help Chip back to the Temple'

'Once Steven begins to walk up the steps to the temple he looks at Chip nervously who looks like he's about to pass out'

Steven: "You feeling okay buddy?" 'Steven asks with a worried voice'

'Chip responds with a weak and glitched mechanical whine as his iris flickers out for a moment before returning to flashing red and blue'

'Steven eventually makes his way inside the beach house where Garnet and Amethyst are seen playing cards, Amethyst has a defeated look on her face as she looks down at her two remaining cards'

Steven: "Guuuys! There somthing wrong with Chip!" 'Steven says loudly causing Garnet to stand up and walk over to the two of them'

'Garnet crouches down to Steven and Chip's height, Chip smiles weakly with his Iris turning Green in between its red flashes'

'A small smile forms on Garnets face as she picks Chip up by his midsection causing Steven to trip momentarily before regaining his balance'

Garnet: "There's nothing wrong with him Steven, he's just low on battery power, he must have been very low charge when we found him" 'Garnet says with a reassuring tone of voice as she lays Chip down on the couch'

Amethyst: "So how do we fix...that?" 'Amethyst asks as Steven sits down with a sigh of relief'

Garnet: "We let him rest, once he wakes up he will need to fuel his reactor" 'Garnet says calmly as she looks at Steven and Amethyst'

Steven: "Well that shouldnt take long"

Amethyst: "Yeah he's already asleep!" 'Amethyst says loudly'

Garnet: "Then you should speak quietly" 'Garnet says sternly as she places a blanket over Chip as he sleeps'

Amethyst: "What's with the Blanket? He's a robot..." 'Amethyst says clearly confused'

Garnet: "It's so he's comfortable, he may be robotic on the inside but his skin and senses are very human" 'Garnet says calmly as she walks away leaving a bored Steven and very confused Amethyst'

*To be continued*

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