(Chapter Two- An apology.....or Three?)

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' Days had passed, Garnet and Pearl had made up during a mission where things had gotten rather dicey and they had to fuse to escape what would have otherwise been their certain doom'

'Thing are looking up for the Crystal Gems, the hostilities have been put to rest and they had come the closest they ever had to capturing Peridot'

'Garnet was rather pleased with how things turned out, but that didnt stop her from remembering what Ruby and Sapphire had said to Chip, he had been giving the fusion much more space ever since the night at the Motel'

'Garnet it currently sitting outside stargazing attempting to clear her mind when Pearl walks outside noticing the troubled look on her friends face'

Pearl: "Garnet are you allright?" 'Pearl asks with curiosity in her voice as she sits down next to Garnet'

'Garnet sighs for a moment before sitting up properly her hands clasped together'

Garnet: "Pearl, I messed up"

Pearl: "What do you mean?"

Garnet: "When Greg took us on that trip to the Motel in Keystone, as I've told you I Unfused, but what I didnt tell you is what happened with Chip'

Pearl: "What do you mean?" 'Pearl asks curiously'

Garnet: "Both Ruby and Sapphire were...rather hard on him, he was just trying to help makes things better or even just cheer them up but..."

Pearl: "But what?"

Garnet: "But we......I mean......we hurt him..." 'Garnet says as she begins to shake crossing her arms as she has in the past before unfusing'

Pearl: "Garnet take a deep breath! I'm sure things arent as bad as you think they are" 'Pearl says placing her hands on Garnet's shoulders softly'

'Garnet takes a deep breath before her form stabalizes, she places a hand on her forehead while she thinks'

Garnet: "What am I going to do...."

Pearl: "Have you tried talking to him?" 'Pearl asks smugly causing Garnet to freeze for a moment before sighing loudly'

Garnet: "How could I get to him? He has locked himself in his room" 'Garnet says in deep thought'

Pearl: "Well the door has those Lines going from Ruby and Sapphire's gems to his, maybe you can open it yourself?" 'Pearl says in thought causing Garnet to stand up'

'Garnet makes her way to the magical door, once standing infront if it she apprehensively places her hands onto the door concentrating her energy onto it'

'The door shudders for a moment before the lines leading from Ruby and Sapphire' markers on the door to Chip's begins to glow a bright blue'

'The door turns black and opens up into Chips room leaving a rather surprised Garnet to gather herself before stepping inside closing the door behind herself'

Garnet: "Chip? I know your here. We need to talk" 'Garnet calls out as she looks around the empty room'

'Her eyes settle on the bed or not specifically underneath the bed'

'Omce Garnet has made her way towards the bed she lifts up the bed showing a secret room underneath it, Chip is sitting in the smaller room using a screwdriver on his arm to tighten some bolts'

'Chip freezes when he notices Garnet sitting behind him with her legs crossed, he slowly turns himself to her'

Garnet: "Chip....I am so sorry" 'Garnet says softly noticing the grey dots replacing his usual vibrant blue eyes'

'Chip remains silent while looking down, Garnet gently takes his smaller hands into her much larger ones before clasping her hands shut'

Garnet: "When we were at the Motel Ruby and Sapphire were dealing with their inner turmoil, and you were just trying to help. What they had said to you was....wrong and I can confirm they are very sorry for what they had said, especially Ruby" 'Garnet says softly trying her best to explain what had happened'

'A conflicted look covers Chip's face as he looks down, Garnet sighs to herself at her seeming to not make much progress'

Chip: "It hurt when they said those things, I dont know why it did or why it hurt as much as it did. It felt like i had....experienced it before, it was like salting a open wound" 'Chip says in a mix of frustration and confusion causing Garnet to look back to him'

Chip: "I dont know what I am....Or who I used to be....I keep getting all these flashes in my head and hearing all these voices....they sound so familiar and I dont know why!" 'Chip says raising his head showing his eyes glowing a mixture of purple and red, a stream of clear tears flowing from his eyes out of frustration'

Garnet: "What do you mean?" 'Garnet asks softly causing Chips eyes to flicker for a moment'

Chip: "I dont KNOW" 'Chip says with his eyes fully turning a glowing red, the stream of tears have also turned red'

Chip: "I dont know and I'm sick of it! I was first activated only three months ago! I dont know why these things are happening and I dont like it!!" 'Chip says with his voice cracking, red sparks of energy begin flickering around his head '

'Garnet takes off her visor to look at Chip properly, her eyes showing a deep concern for her adoptive son'

'Garnet places one hand on the side of Chip's face making him look up at her a mixture of anger, confusion and fright visible in his eyes'

Garnet: "Listen to me, anything that is starting to come back to you, isnt you. You are not who you were before you lost your memory. You are our adorable little cyborg and that will never change" 'Garnet says as she begins to glow'

'After a moment Garnet Unfuses back into Ruby and Sapphire, Sapphire having her hair parted to show her smiling softly while Ruby has a slightly peeved off look on her face'

Ruby: "You need to get it through your head that there isnt anythin wrong with ya got it?" 'Ruby says sternly as her hair steams causing Chip to nod his head nervously'

Sapphire: "Ruby! Please calm down, but yes I agree" 'Sapphire says with a amused chuckle as she places a hand on Ruby's shoulder'

Sapphire: "You are being hard on yourself for things you cant controll, and I can only assume us being hard on you didnt help" 'Sapphire says softly before she and Ruby hug the taller cyborg tightly'

Ruby: "But we are gonna make it up to ya!" 'Runy proclaims loudly'

Sapphire: "Yes that is right, we have a rather special plan in the works, if it is going to happen with Garnet or with us is still undecided" 'Sapphire says chuckling to herself softly'

Chip: "That sounds nice" 'Chip says with his eyes turning a dull green'

'Ruby and Sapphire refuse back into Garnet who Smiles happily while ruffling Chip's hair'

Garnet: "There's my little wonder of science" 'Garnet says earning a few tired but happy beeps from Chip'

*To be continued*

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