(Chapter Four- The "Hematite" Kindergarten)

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'Chip can be found on his ship he named "The Ecplise" he has been examining it in depth for nearly a day straight'

'Being the science nerd he is he had practically scanned and reverse engineered each component save for the power source itself'

'Chip is standing infront of the behemoth of the reactor, his eyes glowing a turquoise color as he scans it'

B.P: "Preliminary scans suggest a power source similar to the anti-matter reactor used in powering your Chassis. However the power output is much greater and a much higher frequency" 'B.P says to Chip through his hud'

Chip: "Thanks for the help B.P" 'Chip says disconnecting his hud from the communication line'

'Chip walks upto the reactor placing his hand onto it feeling a low hum of energy flowing into his arm'

'A incoming call appears on his hud, Chip continues examining the reactor before letting the call go through'

Chip: "This is Chip how may I help you?" 'Chip says in a curious voice'

Stretch: "Chip!, I have news regarding your first kindergarten" 'Stretch says loudly as multiple separate voices can be heard behind her'

Chip: "What's going on?" 'Chip asks slightly more aware of the situation'

Stretch: "The first batch of Gems are about to emerge, they are supposed to emerge after we get the base built!"

Chip: "When did you use the injectors?"

Stretch: "We tested out twenty of them to check if the new updates you gave them worked, apparently they work faster than expected!"

'Chip sighs gripping the bridge of his nose between his left thumb and index finger'

Chip: "Allright I'll be there momentarily" 'Chip says picking up his walking stick as it was leaning against the wall of his ship'

'Chip raises his walking stick as it glows brightly, he then drags it down forming a portal and walking through it'

'Once through the Portal he can seen Stretch talking to a few of her Peridot assistants while motioning to a screen'

Chip: "So what's the damage?" 'Chip asks standing behind Stretch, the nearby Peridot's performing a rather shaky Diamond salute'

Stretch: "Well due to the fact that the Gems are about to emerge we have no where for them to stay untill the rest emerge aswell" 'Stretch says turning around a look of surpise flashing across her face at noticing Chip's new form'

Chip: "What?" 'Chip asks in slight confusion'

Stretch: "Oh nothing, did you get somthing done with your hair?" 'Stretch asks with a joking tone in her voice'

'A look of realization comes across Chip's face before he rests his hands on his walking stick infront of him'

Chip: "Now as for the problem for where to store these gems, why not introduce them into the work force?" 'Chip asks causing all the Peridot's in the room to stop and turn to him'

Stretch: "Why...would we do that? Arent they soldier gems?"

Chip: "Yes they are, which means they are physically stronger than normal gems, therefore if they were introduced to the work force they could do all the heavy lifting" 'Chip says causing Stretch's eyes to widen slightly'

Stretch: "Allright that actually makes sense...." 'Stretch says chuckling sligtly'

Chip: "Get the injector systems online, all of them" 'Chip says turning to one of the Peridots'

Peridot1: "Yes My Diamond!" 'The Peridot says quickly jogging off the join the rest of the crew'

Chip: "So this kindergarten SHOULD be a Hematite kindergarten correct?" 'Chip asks curiously'

Stretch: "That is correct, however a gem like this has never been produced before, so we dont know what the inclusion of your Diamond energy will cause" 'Stretch says activating her screens'

Chip: "And I'm assuming you collected that energy when you fixed my gem"

Stretch: "That would be correct, there was a quite a bit of it aswell, I assume your gem has been charging from your reactor" 'Stretch says before a bright light from the small dug out area of the kindergarten grabs both of their attention'

Chip: "Allright let's go check this out" 'Chip says walking off with his walking stick in hand, Stretch quickly deactivates her screens and rushes to follow Chip'

Stretch: "I must advise it is discouraged for a Diamond to have direct contact with their gems like this"

Chip: "This is MY kindergarten and these gems are part of MY court I plan on treating them with some form of decency" 'Chip says sternly causing Stretch to smirk to herself'

Stretch: "Well allright then, let's pick up the pace shall we?"

'The two eventually arrive infront of a large glowing peice of rock, the center can be seen as the source of the light'

'After a moment the rock explodes as the gem falls to the ground landing on her knee's'

'From the size of the exit hole the gem is around six feet tall and has a rather slim but still well built build to her'

'She stands up placing a hand on her head slightly disoriented, she has a grayish black skin color, her appearance is a black and blue glowing gem uniform leading to the diamond insignia on her chest'

'Her gem can be seen on her naval dull Blue glowing lines can be seen leading from it'

'She has medium length black hair and glowing blue eyes, her eyes widen noticing Chip she performs the Diamond salute with a more composed manner than the other gems he had met'

Hematite: "It is a pleasure to meet you My Diamond!" 'The gem says calmly, her voice sounding much more human than a normal gems would'

Stretch: "She seems to be in stable condition..." 'Stretch says looking at one of her screens'

'Chip walks over to the Hematite curiously looking her over before he stops infront of her'

Chip: "Would you mind showing me your weapon? You are the first of your kind and I am rather curious" 'Chip asks politely which seems to ease the gem slightly'

Hematite: "Of course My Diamond"

'The Hematite reaches for her gem causing it to glow a dull Blue before she fully pulls out her weapon'

'In her hands is a large Grey spear with a Blue glowing spear head, dull traces of energy can be seen sparking off of it'

Chip: "Now that is interesting" 'Chip says gently tapping the spear head with his left index finger'

Stretch: "Indeed, the energy signature is simmilar to yours but mutated in a sort of way. If I had to guess I would assume it could also fire projectiles" 'Stretch says in a calculating tone'

Chip: "Well then, since you are the first gem to form here, I have a job for you to do!" 'Chip says enthusiastically causing the gem to proudly stand at attention'

*To be continued*

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