(Chapter Five- A Dramatic Enterance)

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'On Earth the Crystal gems are going about their daily routine, mere days have passed since Ruby proposed to Sapphire and she of course accepted the revelation that Rose Quartz took a toll on everybody but the events caused by it seemed to have calmed down'

'While The Crystal gems, Ruby and Sapphire in particular. Were relieved to find out from Steven that Chip is infact fine they were still worried about him'

'Steven had mentioned how Chip seemed a little off when he was talking to him. This worried Ruby and Sapphire in particular due to their vast amount of experience they've both had with Metamorin's'

'Due to this information along with them planning for their wedding they have begun spending extended time unfused. As of the moment however the Crystal gems are taking a few days to relax'

'Amethyst and Steven are doing their best to cheer up Peridot who at the moment, seems rather depressed from Lapis's sudden evacuation from earth after hearing about Steven Fleeing from the Diamonds'

'This of course leaves Pearl, Ruby and Sapphire to themselves, the three of them currently sitting on the edge of the temple cliff having a picnic of sorts while Carbonite is off doing god knows what'

'Ruby and Sapphire can be seen playing a game of Chess, Sapphire of course being a few steps ahead of Ruby, While Pearl sits silently reading a book'

'After a moment of silence Ruby grins and moves a pawn forward only for Sapphire to quickly dispatch the pawn using a rook'

Ruby: ".....You're using future vision arent you?" 'Ruby asks after a moment of silence causing a sly grin to cross Sapphire's face'

Sapphire: "I dont know what your are implying, but I don't think I like it" 'Sapphire says in mock offense causing Ruby to roll her eyes, a small smile on her face'

Pearl: "You two certainly seem to be feeling better" 'Pearl says with a content smile as she places a bookmark in her book'

Sapphire: "Well, it's nice to take some time to relax every now and then" 'Sapphire says to Pearl, her grin still present on her face'

Ruby: "Besides! There's no point to worrying about things we cant controll. So we have a lot to look forward too" 'Ruby says enthusiastically before her voice grows soft, a light blush visible on her face'

Sapphire: "You're adorable" 'Sapphire says placing a small kiss on Ruby's cheek causing smoke to rise off of her feet as she burns the ground'

Pearl: "I guess you do have a lot to look forward too dont you. Steven has been preparing for the wedding like a madman" 'Pearl says with a chuckle, her grin slowly fading'

Pearl: "That does raise the question...." 'Pearl says with a sigh'

Ruby: "What question?" 'Ruby asks as she and Sapphire both look from eachother to Pearl'

Pearl: "Are we setting out a place for Chip..." 'Pearl asks softly, a somber look on her face'

'A moment of silence falls between the three, Ruby and Sapphire both look down Before Ruby stands up'

Ruby: "O-Of course we do! Steven said he'll be back soon right?" 'Ruby says with hope audible in her voice'

Sapphire: "We will set out a seat for him yes....but I cant see a future where he arrives in time. I still cant see any future involving him actually..." 'Sapphire says with a quiet sigh'

'The group falls silent before a sly smirk crosses Pearl's face as she places her book down'

Pearl: "And what about his Metamorin friend?" 'Pearl asks in an amused tone'

'Ruby and Sapphire take a moment before a look of realization crosses their face, followed by look of amusement on both of their faces'

Sapphire: "Oh we'll defiently be setting a spot for her." 'Sapphire says softly chuckling'

Ruby: "he's only been gone for like two months and he's already got a girly friend" 'Ruby says giggling to herself'

Pearl: "Now, Now let's not make any rash assumptions" 'Pearl says stifling a laugh'

Sapphire: "Oh please, you got to see the picture. You saw the Pink glow they both had" 'Sapphire says desmissivley as she waves her hand'

Ruby: "And she's like him! She has a gem too!" 'Ruby says in surpise as she excitedly stands up'

Pearl: "Amethyst is never going to let him hear the end of it" 'Pearl says causing the group of three of them to share a laugh of amusement'

Ruby: "I am not having the talk with him by the way" 'Ruby says turning her head to Sapphire'

Sapphire: "He is a Metamorin, he does not require "The Birds and the Bee's" talk as he has core files regarding that, though we probably should explain what the Pink glow means" 'Sapphire says to the relief of Ruby'

'Pearl chuckles to herself as she watches the antics of the soon to be married couple, Pearl stops and looks around as if hearing somthing causing Ruby and Sapphire to go quiet'

'Ruby and Sapphire both look around in confusion, it us almost as if the world has stood still'

'The wind had stopped blowing the usual gentle breeze that passed through beach city, the nearby birds even stopped the song the group had previously been listening too'

'A feeling of unease had replaced the once peaceful air, and for the life of them the three Gems couldnt figure out why'

Pearl: "What is going o-"

'Pearl is quickly cut off by a low rumble shaking the ground, it did not feel as if the earth was shaking, but the air itself shook'

'A sudden and ground shaking boom erupts through the air accompanied by a violent tremor, a massive shadow casting itself over Beach city following it'

Ruby: "Holy....cow" 'Ruby says with wide eyes as she looks up'

'Sapphire parts her hair trying to get a better loo at the sky, her eyes widening almost as if she didnt believe what she is seeing'

Pearl: "I-It cant be..." 'Pearl says with a hint of fear in her voice'

'In the sky is a massive ship, blocking out the sun as it slowly descends to the ground level'

'The ship must be the size of Beach city itself it is clearly not of Gem design, it is a design Sapphire and Ruby are all too familiar with'

'As the group watch, the ship flies above the ocean infront of beach City eventually landing in it leaving only the top visible with the bridge sticking out of the water'

Sapphire: "That is a Metamorin frigate!" 'Sapphire says before standing up and using her super speed to run down to the beach'

'Sapphire is quickly followed by Pearl and Ruby who stop with their respective weapons ready, unsure of what is to come'

'A large patch of bubbles catches the group's attention, a mere moment later the water explodes outward as a Metamorin Blaster tank stomps onto land, the fresh coat of paint shining in the sunlight'

'The Blaster tank can be seen painted black with neon blue glowing highlights, on the center of the mechanical beast the crystal gem insignia can be seen painted onto it looking as if it had just dried'

*To be continued*

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