(Chapter One-Nightmare)

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'Nearly two days has passed since Lapis Lazuli was freed from the mirror, and in those two days she managed to steal the ocean only to return it after Steven managed to heal her Gem, after her Gem was healed she no longer needed the ocean to return home'

'While the last two days have had Great victories it has also come with it's own trouble, Chip has not been seen for two days since had run off after activating his first weapon system'

'Garnet had been gone for a day straight to look for him only to come up empty handed, ever since she has had a feeling of worry and defeat coming from her'

'Little did the worried fusion know Chip had been staying rather close by, he is currently asleep on top of the nearby hill under a tree, while he sleeps he can be seen tossing and turning frequently'

'From his perspective all he can see is a empty void filled with the sound of screaming and the sound of swords clashing, everything quickly goes Silent before a small voice can be heard speaking'

???: "Sire it appears Yellow Diamond has noticed your absence from Homeworld as she is calling through your emergency line" 'the smaller feminine voice says softly'

'A low Growl is heard as loud and heavy footsteps grow louder'

???: "I dont care what that Yellow Clod has to say right now, I'm not leaving that dung hill of a world untill I have those gems in FRAGMENTS, I swear by the end of this trip I'll have SOMEONES CORPSE TIED TO THE BUMPER OF MY SHIP" 'A loud and commanding voice booms through the darkness causing the empty void to shake violently'

'Chip awakes with a start from his slumber, His eyes glowing a deep purple as he holds his chest, he tries to steady his breathing in a attempt to stop his reactor from pounding inside his chassis'

'Chip looks down next to him where his still scrambled rubik's cube lays on the grass, he picks it up before rubbing his eyes with his left hand'

"Why did that voice sound so...familiar" 'He thinks to himself as he looks at his Rubik's cube, Chip shifts his gaze from the colored cube to the large temple to his left'

'Within said temple Pearl is trying to Comfort Garnet while Amethyst Plays a video game with Steven'

Pearl: "I dont get it, cant you just use your future vision to see where he is?" 'Pearl asks Garnet who is sitting on the couch with her head in her hands'

Garnet: "I've tried, every time I try to look into his future it's just all...fuzzy, oh stars what if he's hurt" 'Garnet says shakily as Pearl sits down next to her'

Pearl: "Garnet you know he can take care of himself, he isnt a normal Metamorin he's somthing completley new, he's....evolving" 'Pearl says placing a hand on her friends shoulder'

Garnet: "That's not why I'm worried! Before Lapis broke free from the mirror he was on the verge of having a panic attack because of him feeling like nothing more than a weapon, and then that idea is practically proven to him" 'Garnet says before taking a shaky breath'

Pearl: "This may sound rude but, why do you care so much about him?" 'Pearl asks causing Garnet to look at her as the air goes still'

Garnet: "I-I didnt expect to grow so attached to him when we first brought him in, when he started to grow somthing just made me want to protect him, almost like a-"

Pearl: "Mothers instinct" 'pearl says finishing Garnets sentence causing the fusion to smile seeming to calm her down slightly'

Pearl: "I understand how you feel, it's how I feel when we bring Steven on missions, or whenever he does somthing that he shouldnt, but I've learned that he needs to have some form of independence, so I trust him and deal with the problems as they come" 'Pearl says calmly as a small smile creeps onto her face'

'The two fall into silence before Garnet suddenly stands up causing Pearl to do the same'

Pearl: "Garnet what's wrong?" 'Pearl asks apprehensively'

Garnet: "He's on his way back..." 'Garnet says with a sigh of relief'

'Pearl laughs to herself quietly finding her friends worry rather heart warming'

'The door to the house silently opens as Chip walks inside with equal stealth, Chip's stealth attempt is quickly thwarted by the door slamming shut causing Garnet and Pearl to look towards it, Pearl's expression softens slightly noticing the scared expression on Chips face'

'Garnet walks forward silently, she stops infront of Chip towering over him, she takes the colored cube in his hand and places it on the counter'

'Chip closes his eyes clearly afraid as he has begun shaking in fear'

'Chips eyes clench closed tighter as Garnet leans down picking him up causing him to tense up'

'Out of the blue Garnet brings Chip into a hug that would probably crush a normal person's bones'

Garnet: "Never EVER run off like that again!" 'Garnet says with a stern yet shaking voice as she tightens the hug'

'Pearl sighs in relief as she slumps against the wall dramatically'

'Garnet places Chip back down as she crouches down to eye level with him, her eyes widen under her visor as she notices the stream of glowing purple tears flowing down from his eyes'

Garnet: "Why are you crying" 'Garnet asks quietly causing Chip to open his eyes showing the burning purple color his eyes have begun glowing'

'Garnet moves her hand to wipe away the tears from Chip's eyes only for him to flinch at her touch'

'Garnet frowns at this as she slowly moves her hand away'

Garnet: "Why are you so scared" 'Garnet asks calmly trying to calm Chip down'

Chip: "I ha...lf expected to get..hurt" 'Chip says his eyes widening in confusion'

Garnet: "What! Why!" 'Garnet asks with a clearly mortified tone of voice'

Chip: "I...dont..know, my head...hu-u-urts" 'Chip says with his quiet voice beginning to glitch'

'A look of realization grows on Garnet's face as she seems to piece the puzzle together'

Garnet: "Chip, no one here will EVER hurt you, I promise I would never let that happen" 'Garnet says softly before once again embracing him to which he weakly returns'

'Chip's eyes flicker for a moment before they go completley black and his eyes close, his breathing steadies as Garnet picks him up'

'Garnet walks over to the couch and lays him down on it placing his head on her lap'

'Pearl walks over clearly confused as to what is going on'

Pearl: "So what's wrong with him? He seemed fine before Lapis happened" 'Pearl says in a whisper'

Garnet: "I'm not quite sure, but I believe him activating his first weapons system triggered somthing within him, its likely his consiousness is feeding him information from before his memory was reset" 'Garnet says as she gently looks down at Chip'

Pearl: "So what do we do about this?"

Garnet: "We wait, but there is somthing I think could help him come to terms with his own weapons"

Pearl: "And what would that be?" 'Pearl asks curiously'

'A sly smile creeps on Garnets face causing a look of confusion to grow on Pearl's face'

*To be continued*

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