(Chapter One- A normal day)

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'Pearl and Steven can be seen walking up the stairs to the beach house carrying two bags each'

Pearl: "Did you HAVE to stop to talk to that human? We wasted so much time!" 'Pearl says impatiently seeming much more excited than normal'

Steven: "Yes I did and her name is Connie you should know that by now!" 'Steven says defensively as the two of them reach the top of the stairs'

Pearl: "I have spoken to her no more than three times now Steven, it takes longer than that to know someone" 'Pearl says as she opens the door revealing the empty main room of the house'

'Pearl and Steven walk inside and place the bags on the counter, Pearl looks around confused with one hand on her hip'

Steven: "Where did everyone go?" 'Steven asks confused as he looks around'

Pearl: "I'm not sure, you'd think they would leave a note" 'Pearl says but Is quickly interrupted by the sound and light of the warp pad activating causing her to turn towards the stairs and walk up them'

'Once the pad finishes warping Garnet can be seen holding chip under her arm carefully as he looks around innocently, Amethyst seems to be very confused as Garnet places Chip Down'

Pearl: "What happened?!" 'Pearl asks clearly alarmed causing Amethyst to laugh loudly'

Amethyst: "We were showing Chip some stuff around the temple and when we got to the warp pad we told him what it did!"

Garnet: "So it turns out he can use gem tech" 'Garnet says with a calm voice as Chip continues to look around with his iris glowing a bright turquoise color'

Pearl: "Well I'm sure he didnt understand what you were saying! He is still learning" 'Pearl says as she walks up to the three'

'Garnet elbows Amethyst who looks at her annoyed for a moment before a look of realization covers her face'

Amethyst: "Hey Chip what do you think of the warp pad? Pretty cool right?" 'Amethyst asks earning a excited string of beeps from him'

'Pearl's eyes have widened in shock as Amethyst struggles to contain her laughter, Garnet has a amused smile on her face while Pearl struggles to form a sentence'

Pearl: "What?! When did this happen?! We were gone for only a hour!" 'Pearl says as she walks down the stairs followed by everyone else, Garnet having to help chip walk down the stairs since he is clearly not used to them'

Amethyst: "It happened about like five minutes after you guys left, he interfaced with my phone and junk, I dunno what that means but Garnet does" 'Amethyst says lazily as she sits down on the couch'

Garnet: "When he interfaced with Amethyst's phone he began viewing multiple pages of data a second I managed to stop it before any serious damage had been done but he seems to have gained a understanding of the english language" 'Garnet informs in a monotone voice as Pearl Watches Chip look around the house carefully pickup objects up to look at them and then placing them down'

Pearl: "He does seem a little more mature now" 'Pearl says still surprised as she watches Chip look out the window'

'Steven runs upto Chip excitedly while carrying one of the bags from when him and Pear went shopping causing him to turn around curiously'

Steven: "Me and pearl went out shopping so we got you some clothes! Pearl picked them out herself!" 'Steven says causing Chip to tilt his head curiously'

Pearl: "Oh that's right, Steven can you show him where the washroom is? I'll Grab the other bag" 'Pearl asks kindly earning a nod of confirmation from Steven as he pulls Chip around the house'

'Once Chip was shown the washroom and given the bags of clothes he went inside to change as Steven closed the door, Pearl is waiting outside with Garnet'

Garnet: "You certainly seem excited Pearl" 'Garnet says with a playful smirk'

Pearl: "I'm just happy to have some sort of closure finally, even if we have to start from scratch with him and teach him about this world, maybe we can figure out what happened to the rest of his kind" 'Pearl says softly earning a nod of agreement from Garnet'

Steven: "So why dosent he know anything? I mean shouldnt he have like been programmed or somthing?"

Garnet: "Yes he should have, but his memory files were empty, so either someone wiped his memory before putting him in stasis or his systems glitched out and crashed during the ship's crash" 'Garnet explains while in thought'

Pearl: "Shouldnt his arm and head have repaired themselves by now aswell?"

Garnet: "He has only been active for at most a day and a half, give it some time"

Steven: "What're we going to do about his eye? Wont it scare people?"

Garnet: "There is nothing we can do about it, his eyes are how he shows emotion right now, depending on the emotion his eyes change color, the longer he is active the more complex the colors and emotions will become" 'Garnet explains earning a sigh from Pearl'

'Moments later the door opens and Steven's eyes light up into stars, Chip can be seen wearing black Jean's with black and blue sneakers, he is wearing a grey shirt aswell as a dark blue zip up hoodie that seems to match his glowing blue iris rather well'

Pearl: "Now if it wasnt for the eye and the spiked Gravity defying hair you'd look completley human" 'Pearl says proudly as she crosses her arms'

Garnet: "The casual style definetly suits him" 'Garnet says calmly as Chip walks out looking at his arm'

Steven: "So does this mean I can take him out and show him beach city now?!" 'Steven asks excitedly earning a chuckle from Pearl'

Garnet: "Not just yet Steven, give him some more time to adapt, then you can show him around" 'Garnet says causing Steven to sigh in defeat'

Steven: "Allright, I'll just go see if Connie wants to hang out', Seeya later Chip!" 'Steven says as he waves goodbye, Chip waves goodbye as he let's out a long beep that seems to mimic the tone Steven had'

'Chip turns to Garnet and Pearl still with a small smile as he puts his hand in one of the pockets on his hoodie, Garnet smiles softly and ruffles his hair'

Garnet: "Your too innocent for this world" 'Garnet says as she walks away, Chip's eye turns turquoise while he has a confused look on his face'

*To be continued*

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