(Chapter Two- A Answer from an unexpected Source Part One)

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'Outside the Beach house Chip is currently testing out his recently discovered ability of flight, he can be seen gently flying around the night sky above the temple unaware of the Chaos a certain green Gem escaping her bubble has caused'

'As Chip continues flying he speeds up for a moment before aiming his legs infront of him causing him to slow down, the moment he stops turns around making his thrusters launch him in the opposite direction creating a small shockwave'

Amethyst: "Yo Chip!" 'Amethyst says jumping up infront of Chip startling the young cyborg enough to cause his thrusters to shut off'

'Chip sails past Amethyst crashing onto the sandy floor below, Amethyst quickly lands back on the ground and proceeds to jog over to Chip who is now holding the side of his head in pain'

Amethyst: "Sorry dude, Pearl told me to come get you, didnt mean to make ya crash like that" 'Amethyst says chuckling as Chip stands up'

Chip: "Did somthing happen or is she just trying to get me to stop flying?" 'Chip asks rolling his left arm in its socket'

Amethyst: "Peridot got out"

'Chip sighs before making his way back to the Beach house a slight limp in his step'

Garnet: "Allright this is going to be annoying" 'Garnet says as she faces the bathroom door a hint of irritation in her voice'

Pearl: "I agree, but if she has information useful to us we have to keep her here untill she talks" 'Pearl says as Amethyst and Chip round the corner'

Amethyst: "Yo, I got the robo dude" 'Amethyst says lazily'

Pearl: "Where have you been? You missed quite the show"

Chip: "Flyin around, trying to get used to my thrusters" 'Chip says letting himself levitate off the ground for a moment before landing softly'

Garnet: "Impressive" 'Garnet says smiling softly before she turns her head back to the bathroom door'

Garnet: "Peridot open the door!"

Peridot: "NEVER!" 'Peridot yells in defiance'

Chip: "Cant we just break in and poof her?" 'Chip asks tiredly'

Pearl: "Sadly no, she knows somthing we do not. involving somthing called the cluster..."

Amethyst: "Yeah I still say it's a giant chunk of Granola"

Amethyst: "Hey where'd Steven go?"

Garnet: "He went back to bed to try and rest up a little before day break"

'Chip nods his head in understanding before Garnet places a hand on his head making him look up at her'

Garnet: "You should do the same, I'm sure flying around all night has drained you" 'Garnet says noticing the weak flicker Chip has in his eyes every so often'

Chip: " I dont have a choice do I?"

Garnet: "Nope, Couch, now" 'Garnet says gently pushing Chip into the living room leaving a snickering Amethyst and a grinning Pearl'

Chip: "Why cant I sleep in my room?" 'Chip asks in confusion as he lays down on the couch, Garnet sitting next to him casually'

Garnet: "Because if you are out here I can keep an eye on both you and Peridot if she tries to escape"

'Chip squints his eyes at Garnet doubtingly causing her to sigh to herself while shaking her head lightly'

Garnet: " I may have been worried about you since your last outburst, it's not like you to get so angry" 'Garnet says softly worry laced in her voice, Garnet gently places her hand on Chip's head'

'Chip thinks to himself remembering how he felt, the feeling of energy coursing through his body, the feeling of his circuits lighting up in such a way'

Chip: "I didnt like it either, it felt like my body was on fire. Like somthing in my chest was ripping itself apart...but it never happened"

Garnet: "I know. Your first experience with anger is always the hardest to understand. Now rest, I will be here when you wake up" 'Garnet says poking Chip's nose causing him to squirm for a moment earning a amused Chuckle from her'

Garnet: "Aww, are you getting too mature for snoot boops?" 'Garnet asks teasingly'

Chip: "No your finger shocked me" 'Chip says shuddering for a moment before closing his eyes'

'Garnet looks up noticing Pearl standing with her hands clasped infront of her chest a bright smile on her face while her eyes form stars'

'Garnet simply waves her hand in a "shoo" motion at Pearl causing her to roll her eyes and walk away'

'What feels like moments pass, a dull voice causes Chip to wake up in a daze, when he opens his eyes and his vision returns the voice goes silent as the two figures stare at eachother'

'Chip sits up suddenly causing him to headbut the person looking at him knocking her backwards'

Chip: "Agh what the heck...." 'Chip says sitting up while a female voice Grunts in pain before he turns his head to look at who he had just unintentionally injured'

'Chip finds himself in a black void with a blue water like floor, he is sitting across from a very disgruntled Jasper who is holding her head in pain, she has chains wrapped around her arms keeping her bound to the ground'

'Chip backs up pointing his arm at Jasper as she looks up at him her eyed wide and just as surprised as him'

Jasper: "Y-You're alive..." 'Jasper says her voice laced with surprise and a hint of relief'

Chip: "Apparently" Chip says softly shaking shaking his head'

Jasper: "When the ship exploded there was nothing left of you, how are you alive?" 'Jasper asks curiously her voice sounding much calmer than her usual hostility'

Chip: "Time....travel?"

Jasper: "That would make sense,if any gem could do that it would be you" 'Jasper says in thought before she stiffens up doing her best to salute as if she was in the presence of a Diamond'

Jasper: "I-I mean its wonderful to see you are well My Diamond!" 'Jasper corrects herself earning a confused look from Chip'

Chip: "I'm.....not a gem'

Jasper: "What....of course you are! You are the fifth Diamond, the Diamond in training. The missing Diamond!" 'Jasper says her voice laced with admiration'

'Chip tilts his head in confusion Causing Jasper to sigh to herself in realization'

Jasper: "That's right.....your memory was reset" 'Jasper says with her voice becoming more hostile'

Chip: "It....was?" ' Chip says his eyes going wide'

Jasper: "This damn planet.....First Pink and then your memory" 'Jasper says her voice being laced with venom'

Chip: "I am.....so confused" 'Chip says shaking lightly causing Jasper to sigh to herself'

*To be continued*

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